00001 import roslib 00002 roslib.load_manifest('karto_scan_matcher') 00003 00004 import geometry_msgs.msg as gm 00005 import sensor_msgs.msg as sm 00006 00007 from karto_scan_matching import * 00008 00009 ############################################################ 00010 # Public interface 00011 ############################################################ 00012 00013 def make_matcher(init_scan, laser_pose, search_size, search_resolution): 00014 """ 00015 @param init_scan: Initial scan used only to read parameters of laser scanner 00016 @type init_scan: sensor_msgs.msg.LaserScan 00017 @param laser_pose: Pose of laser wrt base frame 00018 @type laser_pose: Tuple of form (x, y, theta) 00019 @param search_size: Radius of square to do matching in (meters) 00020 @param search_resolution: Resolution of grid search (meters) 00021 @return Opaque object of type KartoScanMatcher, which can be used as an argument to repeated calls to match_scans. 00022 """ 00023 scan = scan_from_ros(init_scan) 00024 pose = pose_from_tuple(p) 00025 return KartoScanMatcherCpp(scan, pose, search_size, search_resolution) 00026 00027 00028 def match_scans(matcher, scan, init_pose, ref_scans): 00029 """ 00030 @param matcher: Object returned by make_matcher 00031 @param scan: Scan to match 00032 @type scan: sensor_msgs.msg.LaserScan 00033 @param init_pose: Initial pose estimate 00034 @type init_pose: Tuple of form (x, y, theta) 00035 @param ref_scans: Reference scans 00036 @type ref_scans: Vector of tuples ((x, y, theta), sensor_msgs.msg.LaserScan) 00037 @return Tuple (opt_pose, response) 00038 """ 00039 res = matcher.scanMatch(scan_from_ros(scan), pose_from_tuple(init_pose), 00040 convert_ref_scans(ref_scans)) 00041 return ((res.pose.x, res.pose.y, res.pose.theta), res.response) 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 ############################################################ 00047 # Internal 00048 ############################################################ 00049 00050 def scan_from_ros(s): 00051 scan = LaserScan() 00052 scan.header.frame_id = s.header.stamp.frame_id 00053 scan.range_min = s.range_min 00054 scan.range_max = s.range_max 00055 scan.angle_min = s.angle_min 00056 scan.angle_max = s.angle_max 00057 scan.angle_increment = s.angle_increment 00058 scan.ranges = s.ranges 00059 return scan 00060 00061 def pose_from_tuple(p): 00062 pose = Pose2D() 00063 pose.x = p[0] 00064 pose.y = p[1] 00065 pose.z = p[2] 00066 return pose 00067 00068 def convert_ref_scan(ref_scan): 00069 return ScanWithPose(ref_scan[1], pose_from_tuple(ref_scan[0])) 00070 00071 def convert_ref_scans(scans): 00072 return map(convert_ref_scan, scans)