00001 // SVN $HeadURL: http://alufr-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/humanoid_stacks/humanoid_navigation/footstep_planner/include/footstep_planner/FootstepNavigation.h $ 00002 // SVN $Id: FootstepNavigation.h 3963 2013-02-19 12:09:44Z garimort@informatik.uni-freiburg.de $ 00003 00004 /* 00005 * A footstep planner for humanoid robots 00006 * 00007 * Copyright 2010-2011 Johannes Garimort, Armin Hornung, University of Freiburg 00008 * http://www.ros.org/wiki/footstep_planner 00009 * 00010 * 00011 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 00012 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 00013 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. 00014 * 00015 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 00016 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 00017 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 00018 * GNU General Public License for more details. 00019 * 00020 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 00021 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 00022 */ 00023 00024 #ifndef FOOTSTEP_PLANNER_FOOTSTEPNAVIGATION_H_ 00025 #define FOOTSTEP_PLANNER_FOOTSTEPNAVIGATION_H_ 00026 00027 #include <actionlib/client/simple_action_client.h> 00028 #include <footstep_planner/FootstepPlanner.h> 00029 #include <footstep_planner/State.h> 00030 #include <geometry_msgs/Pose.h> 00031 #include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h> 00032 #include <geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped.h> 00033 #include <humanoid_nav_msgs/ClipFootstep.h> 00034 #include <humanoid_nav_msgs/ExecFootstepsAction.h> 00035 #include <humanoid_nav_msgs/ExecFootstepsFeedback.h> 00036 #include <humanoid_nav_msgs/PlanFootsteps.h> 00037 #include <humanoid_nav_msgs/StepTargetService.h> 00038 #include <nav_msgs/Path.h> 00039 #include <nav_msgs/OccupancyGrid.h> 00040 #include <ros/ros.h> 00041 #include <tf/tf.h> 00042 #include <tf/transform_listener.h> 00043 00044 #include <assert.h> 00045 00046 00047 namespace footstep_planner 00048 { 00053 class FootstepNavigation 00054 { 00055 public: 00056 FootstepNavigation(); 00057 virtual ~FootstepNavigation(); 00058 00060 bool setGoal(const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr& goal_pose); 00061 00063 bool setGoal(float x, float y, float theta); 00064 00070 void goalPoseCallback( 00071 const geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr& goal_pose); 00072 00078 void mapCallback(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr& occupancy_map); 00079 00080 protected: 00087 bool plan(); 00088 00097 bool replan(); 00098 00100 void startExecution(); 00101 00107 bool getFootTransform(const std::string& foot_id, 00108 const std::string& world_frame_id, 00109 const ros::Time& time, 00110 const ros::Duration& waiting_time, 00111 tf::Transform& foot); 00112 00119 bool getFootstep(const tf::Pose& from, const State& from_planned, 00120 const State& to, humanoid_nav_msgs::StepTarget& footstep); 00121 00135 bool getFootstepsFromPath( 00136 const State& current_support_leg, int starting_step_num, 00137 std::vector<humanoid_nav_msgs::StepTarget>& footsteps); 00138 00140 bool updateStart(); 00141 00143 void executeFootsteps(); 00144 00149 void executeFootstepsFast(); 00150 00155 void activeCallback(); 00156 00161 void doneCallback( 00162 const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState& state, 00163 const humanoid_nav_msgs::ExecFootstepsResultConstPtr& result); 00164 00169 void feedbackCallback( 00170 const humanoid_nav_msgs::ExecFootstepsFeedbackConstPtr& fb); 00171 00172 bool performable(const humanoid_nav_msgs::StepTarget& footstep); 00173 bool performable(float step_x, float step_y); 00174 00183 bool performanceValid(const humanoid_nav_msgs::ClipFootstep& footstep); 00184 00186 bool performanceValid(const State& planned, const State& executed); 00187 00189 bool performanceValid(float a_x, float a_y, float a_theta, 00190 float b_x, float b_y, float b_theta); 00191 00192 FootstepPlanner ivPlanner; 00193 00194 ros::Subscriber ivGridMapSub; 00195 ros::Subscriber ivRobotPoseSub; 00196 ros::Subscriber ivGoalPoseSub; 00197 00198 ros::ServiceClient ivFootstepSrv; 00199 ros::ServiceClient ivClipFootstepSrv; 00200 00201 tf::TransformListener ivTransformListener; 00202 00203 boost::mutex ivExecutionLock; 00204 00205 boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> ivFootstepExecutionPtr; 00206 00207 std::string ivIdFootRight; 00208 std::string ivIdFootLeft; 00209 std::string ivIdMapFrame; 00210 00211 double ivAccuracyX; 00212 double ivAccuracyY; 00213 double ivAccuracyTheta; 00214 double ivCellSize; 00215 int ivNumAngleBins; 00216 00218 bool ivForwardSearch; 00219 00221 bool ivExecutingFootsteps; 00222 bool ivBla; 00223 00225 double ivFeedbackFrequency; 00226 00228 actionlib::SimpleActionClient< 00229 humanoid_nav_msgs::ExecFootstepsAction> ivFootstepsExecution; 00230 00232 const int ivExecutionShift; 00233 00238 int ivControlStepIdx; 00239 00244 int ivResetStepIdx; 00245 00247 bool ivSafeExecution; 00248 00249 std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > ivStepRange; 00250 }; 00251 } 00252 #endif // FOOTSTEP_PLANNER_FOOTSTEPNAVIGATION_H_