
EECartImpedExecuter Class Reference

Action class for the EECartImped controller. More...

#include <ee_cart_imped_action.hh>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EECartImpedExecuter (ros::NodeHandle &n)
 Constructs the executer.
 ~EECartImpedExecuter ()
 Deconstructs the executor. Shuts down the controller and stops EECartImpedExecuter::watchdog_timer_.

Private Types

< ee_cart_imped_msgs::EECartImpedAction
 The action server type.
typedef EECIAS::GoalHandle GoalHandle
 The goal handle type.

Private Member Functions

void cancelCB (GoalHandle gh)
 Callback function when a goal is cancelled.
bool checkConstraints (const ee_cart_imped_msgs::EECartImpedFeedbackConstPtr &msg, geometry_msgs::Pose pose_constraints, double effort_constraint)
 Helper function to check if the actual point is within the constraints of the desired point.
void controllerStateCB (const ee_cart_imped_msgs::EECartImpedFeedbackConstPtr &msg)
 Callback function when a message is received from the controller via EECartImpedExecuter::sub_controller_state_.
void goalCB (GoalHandle gh)
 Callback function when a new goal is received from EECartImpedExecuter::action_server_.
void watchdog (const ros::TimerEvent &e)
 Triggered every second by EECartImpedExecuter::watchdog_timer_ to make sure the controller is still alive.

Private Attributes

EECIAS action_server_
 The action server.
GoalHandle active_goal_
 The handle to the current active goal.
bool check_header_
 True if the header should be checked when receiving a new goal.
std::string controller_frame_id_
 The frame in which the controller expects the trajectory.
ee_cart_imped_msgs::EECartImpedGoal current_traj_
 The current trajectory the robot is following.
geometry_msgs::Pose goal_constraints_
 Constraints on the goal position.
double goal_effort_constraint_
 Goal constraint on the squared error of the difference between the requested joint torques and the actual ones.
double goal_time_constraint_
 If the goal takes more goal_time_constraint_ over the time it was supposed to end, it is aborted.
bool has_active_goal_
 True if the controller is actively pursuing a goal.
ee_cart_imped_msgs::EECartImpedFeedbackConstPtr last_controller_state_
 The state of the controller at the last message received via EECartImpedExecuter::sub_controller_state_.
ros::NodeHandle node_
 ROS node containing namespace information, etc.
ros::Publisher pub_controller_command_
 Publishes commands to the controller.
ee_cart_imped_msgs::EECartImpedResult result_
 The result of the last goal.
ros::Subscriber sub_controller_state_
 Subscribes to the controller state.
tf::TransformListener tf_listener
 Transformer for transforming goals into the correct frame ids.
geometry_msgs::Pose trajectory_constraints_
 Constraints on the trajectory position.
double trajectory_effort_constraint_
 Trajectory constraint on the squared error of the difference between the requested joint torques and the actual ones.
ros::Timer watchdog_timer_
 Each second this timer triggers and calls EECartImpedExecuter::watchdog().

Detailed Description

Action class for the EECartImped controller.

Implements the action interface to the controller. Accepts goals, monitors the trajectory to make sure it's inside constraints, publishes feedback, and reports when goals have been reached.

Definition at line 21 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Member Typedef Documentation

The action server type.

See the actionlib documentation for more details.

Definition at line 31 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

The goal handle type.

See the actionlib documentation for more details.

Definition at line 40 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EECartImpedExecuter::EECartImpedExecuter ( ros::NodeHandle n  ) 

Constructs the executer.

Constructs the "ee_cart_imped_action" action server and binds EECartImpedExecuter::goalCB() and EECartImpedExecuter::cancelCB to it. It then waits for the controller to come online and, once it has, starts the action server. It also advertises "command", subscribes to "state" (within the namespace of the passed in NodeHandle), reads the constraints off the parameter server, and initializes EECartImpedExecuter::watchdog_timer_ to trigger each second.

n The NodeHandle for constructing this instance of the executer.

Definition at line 6 of file ee_cart_imped_action.cpp.

EECartImpedExecuter::~EECartImpedExecuter (  ) 

Deconstructs the executor. Shuts down the controller and stops EECartImpedExecuter::watchdog_timer_.

Definition at line 76 of file ee_cart_imped_action.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void EECartImpedExecuter::cancelCB ( GoalHandle  gh  )  [private]

Callback function when a goal is cancelled.

gh The goal to cancel.

Definition at line 190 of file ee_cart_imped_action.cpp.

bool EECartImpedExecuter::checkConstraints ( const ee_cart_imped_msgs::EECartImpedFeedbackConstPtr msg,
geometry_msgs::Pose  pose_constraints,
double  effort_constraint 
) [private]

Helper function to check if the actual point is within the constraints of the desired point.

msg A pointer to a EECartImpedFeedback message that is the current state of the controller, including actual position and desired position and current effort error
pose_constraints The position constraints that must be respected
effort_constraint The maximum allowable error in the squared difference between the desired effort and the actual effort
False if msg->actual_pose is not within constraints of msg->desired.pose in any Cartesian direction or, msg->desired.isForce/Torque is True in some Cartesian direction and msg->effort_sq_error > effort_constraint. True otherwise.

Definition at line 263 of file ee_cart_imped_action.cpp.

void EECartImpedExecuter::controllerStateCB ( const ee_cart_imped_msgs::EECartImpedFeedbackConstPtr msg  )  [private]

Callback function when a message is received from the controller via EECartImpedExecuter::sub_controller_state_.

This function is responsible for making sure the trajectory stays within EECartImpedExecuter::trajectory_constraints_ and EECartImpedExecuter::trajecotry_effort_constraint_. If the current point is not within the trajectory constraints, the goal is cancelled and the trajectory is stopped.

This function is also responsible for checking if the goal has been reached. Once the current time is greater than the time it should have taken to accomplish the whole trajectory, it checks whether the current point is within EECartImpedExecuter::goal_constraints_ and EECartImpedExecuter::goal_effort_constraint_ of the goal point. If so, it marks the goal as succeeded. Otherwise, it checks whether the current time is greater than the time the trajectory should have been finished plus EECartImpedExecuter::goal_time_constraint_. If it is and the current point is not within the goal constraints, it aborts the goal.

msg A pointer to a EECartImpedFeedback message that is the current controller state as published on state.

Definition at line 209 of file ee_cart_imped_action.cpp.

void EECartImpedExecuter::goalCB ( GoalHandle  gh  )  [private]

Callback function when a new goal is received from EECartImpedExecuter::action_server_.

Cancels the currently active goal if there is one and sends the new goal to the controller via EECartImpedExecuter::pub_controller_command_. Transforms each goal point to be in the frame of the root link for the controller.

gh A handle to the new goal

Definition at line 117 of file ee_cart_imped_action.cpp.

void EECartImpedExecuter::watchdog ( const ros::TimerEvent e  )  [private]

Triggered every second by EECartImpedExecuter::watchdog_timer_ to make sure the controller is still alive.

Checks when the last time we heard from the controller was. If it was more than 5 seconds ago or we have never heard from it, the current goal is aborted.

This function does not check the trajectory and goal constraints; those are managed in EECartImpedExecuter::controllerStateCB().

e The timer event that triggered this callback. Not used in the function since the timer just triggers every second.

Definition at line 82 of file ee_cart_imped_action.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

The action server.

Receives goals and cancel signals and passes them to EECartImpedExecuter::goalCB() and EECartImpedExecuter::cancelCB() respectively. For more information see the actionlib documentation.

Definition at line 53 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

The handle to the current active goal.

Definition at line 69 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

True if the header should be checked when receiving a new goal.

When originally released, the header in the goal was ignored. For continuity, we have introduced this as a parameter with the default false.

Definition at line 129 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

The frame in which the controller expects the trajectory.

Definition at line 135 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

The current trajectory the robot is following.

Definition at line 71 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Constraints on the goal position.

See EECartImpedExecuter::controllerStateCB for details.

Definition at line 85 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Goal constraint on the squared error of the difference between the requested joint torques and the actual ones.

See EECartImpedExecuter::controllerStateCB for details.

Definition at line 94 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

If the goal takes more goal_time_constraint_ over the time it was supposed to end, it is aborted.

See EECartImpedExecuter::controllerStateCB for details.

Definition at line 103 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

True if the controller is actively pursuing a goal.

Definition at line 67 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

The state of the controller at the last message received via EECartImpedExecuter::sub_controller_state_.

Definition at line 77 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

ROS node containing namespace information, etc.

Definition at line 43 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Publishes commands to the controller.

Definition at line 58 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

The result of the last goal.

Definition at line 56 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Subscribes to the controller state.

Definition at line 60 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Transformer for transforming goals into the correct frame ids.

Definition at line 64 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Constraints on the trajectory position.

See EECartImpedExecuter::controllerStateCB for details.

Definition at line 112 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Trajectory constraint on the squared error of the difference between the requested joint torques and the actual ones.

See EECartImpedExecuter::controllerStateCB for details.

Definition at line 121 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

Each second this timer triggers and calls EECartImpedExecuter::watchdog().

Definition at line 62 of file ee_cart_imped_action.hh.

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Author(s): Jenny Barry, Mario Bollini, and Huan Liu
autogenerated on Sun Mar 3 11:46:34 2013