
Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ecl::ArgVirtual parent for all the different argument classes
ecl::ArgExceptionDefines the exception that is thrown whenever a command line is created and parsed
ecl::ArgParseExceptionDefines the exception that is thrown when an argument is improperly parsed
ecl::CmdLineManages the command line parsing object
ecl::CmdLineInterfaceManaging interface for The base class that manages the command line definition and passes along the parsing to the appropriate Arg classes
ecl::CmdLineOutputTclap class indirectly used by children for standardising outputs
ecl::CmdLineParseExceptionDefines the exception when an argument is improperly specified
ecl::Constraint< T >Defines the interaction between an argument and a constraint
ecl::DocBookOutputTClap class used for generating docbook output
ecl::HelpVisitorTClap class indirectly used to define the interface for visitors
ecl::IgnoreRestVisitorTClap class indirectly used to define the interface for visitors
ecl::MultiArg< T >
ecl::SpecificationExceptionDefines the exception that is thrown whenever a conflict in arguments occurs
ecl::StdOutputTClap class indirectly used to handle CmdLine arguments
ecl::UnlabeledMultiArg< T >
ecl::UnlabeledValueArg< T >
ecl::ValueArg< T >
ecl::ValueArgHelper::ValueExtractor< T >TClap class internally used for extracting value args
ecl::MultiArgHelper::ValueExtractor< T >TClap class internally used for extracting value args
ecl::MultiArgHelper::ValueExtractor< std::string >TClap class internally used for string handling
ecl::ValueArgHelper::ValueExtractor< std::string >TClap class internally used for string handling
ecl::ValuesConstraint< T >
ecl::VersionVisitorTClap class indirectly used to define the interface for visitors
ecl::VisitorTClap class indirectly used to define the interface for visitors
ecl::XorHandlerTClap class indirectly used by CmdLine for handling xor'd arguments
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Author(s): Daniel Stonier (d.stonier@gmail.com)
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 15:21:12 2013