
ipa_PeopleDetector::CobFaceDetectionNodelet Class Reference

#include <face_detection.h>

Inheritance diagram for ipa_PeopleDetector::CobFaceDetectionNodelet:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

unsigned long addFace (cv::Mat &image, std::string id)
 CobFaceDetectionNodelet ()
unsigned long convertColorImageMessageToMat (const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &color_image_msg, cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr &color_image_ptr, cv::Mat &color_image)
unsigned long convertPclMessageToMat (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &shared_image_msg, cv::Mat &depth_image)
unsigned long detectFaces (cv::Mat &xyz_image, cv::Mat &color_image)
unsigned long getEigenface (cv::Mat &eigenface, int index)
std::string getLabel (int index)
 returns the ID string corresponding to index index
unsigned long getMeasurement (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &shared_image_msg, const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &color_image_msg)
unsigned long init ()
unsigned long loadAllData ()
unsigned long loadParameters (const char *iniFileName)
unsigned long loadRecognizerData ()
void loadServerCallback (const cob_people_detection::LoadGoalConstPtr &goal)
unsigned long loadTrainingData (bool runPCA)
void onInit ()
 Nodelet init function.
unsigned long PCA ()
void recognizeCallback (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &shared_image_msg, const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &color_image_msg)
 Topic callback managing the treatment of incoming data.
unsigned long recognizeFace (cv::Mat &color_image, std::vector< int > &index)
void recognizeServerCallback (const cob_people_detection::RecognizeGoalConstPtr &goal)
 Action server callback which manages the execution of the recognition functionality.
bool recognizeServiceServerCallback (cob_people_detection::Recognition::Request &req, cob_people_detection::Recognition::Response &res)
unsigned long saveAllData ()
unsigned long saveRangeTrainImages (cv::Mat &xyz_image)
unsigned long saveRecognizerData ()
void saveServerCallback (const cob_people_detection::SaveGoalConstPtr &goal)
unsigned long saveTrainingData ()
unsigned long showAVGImage (cv::Mat &avgImage)
void showServerCallback (const cob_people_detection::ShowGoalConstPtr &goal)
void trainCaptureSampleServerCallback (const cob_people_detection::TrainCaptureSampleGoalConstPtr &goal)
void trainContinuousCallback (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &shared_image_msg, const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &color_image_msg)
void trainContinuousServerCallback (const cob_people_detection::TrainContinuousGoalConstPtr &goal)
 ~CobFaceDetectionNodelet ()

Protected Attributes

boost::timed_mutex action_mutex_
 secures write and read operations to varibales occupied_by_action_, etc.
cv::Mat avg_image_
 Trained average Image.
bool capture_training_face_
 can be set true by an action while in training mode. then an image is captured.
image_transport::SubscriberFilter color_camera_image_sub_
 Color camera image topic.
std::vector< cv::Rect > color_faces_
 Vector with detected faces.
ipa_SensorFusion::ColoredPointCloudPtr colored_pc_
 Storage for acquired colored point cloud.
std::string current_training_id_
 the ID of the current person who is trained
std::string directory_
 directory for the data files
bool display_
 enables debug output
bool do_recognition_
 does people identification if true, else it's just people detection
cv::Mat eigen_val_mat_
std::vector< cv::Mat > eigen_vectors_
 Eigenvectors (spanning the face space).
cv::Mat face_class_avg_projections_
 The average factors of the eigenvector decomposition from each face class.
image_transport::Publisher face_detection_image_pub_
 topic for publishing the image containing the faces
std::vector< cv::Mat > face_images_
 Trained face images.
ros::Publisher face_position_publisher_
 publisher for the positions of the detected faces
double face_size_max_m_
 in meters
double face_size_min_m_
 in meters
int filename_
 increasing number for files to save
bool fill_unassigned_depth_values_
 fills the unassigned depth values in the depth image, must be true for a kinect sensor
std::vector< std::string > id_
 Id of learned faces.
std::vector< std::string > id_unique_
 A vector containing all different Ids from the training session exactly once (id_unique_[i] stores the corresponding id to the average face coordinates in the face subspace in face_class_avg_projections_.row(i)).
double max_face_z_m_
 in meters
int n_eigens_
 Number of eigenvalues.
ros::NodeHandle node_handle_
 ROS node handle.
int number_training_images_captured_
 if the training is in continuous mode, this variable counts how many training images already have been collected for the current training job
bool occupied_by_action_
 must be set true as long as an action callback is running or while the continuous recognition or training mode is running
 People detector core code.
cv::SVM person_classifier_
 classifier for the identity of a person
cv::Mat projected_train_face_mat_
 Projected training faces (coefficients for the eigenvectors of the face subspace).
std::set< size_t > range_face_indices_with_color_face_detection_
 this set stores which range faces also had a face detection in the color image
std::vector< cv::Rect > range_faces_
 Vector with detected rangeFaces.
bool reason_about_3dface_size_
 if true, the 3d face size is determined and only faces with reasonable size are accepted
bool recognize_server_running_
 is true while the recognition module is running
ros::ServiceServer recognize_service_server_
 Service server to switch recognition on or off.
bool run_pca_
 has to run a PCA when the data was modified
< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2
 Shared xyz image and color image topic.
< message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime
< sensor_msgs::PointCloud2,
sensor_msgs::Image > > * 
message_filters::Connection sync_pointcloud_callback_connection_
int threshold_
 Threshold to detect unknown faces.
int threshold_fs_
 Threshold to facespace.
bool train_continuous_server_running_
 is true while the continuous training display is running

Static Protected Attributes

static const double FACE_SIZE_MAX_M = 0.35
static const double FACE_SIZE_MIN_M = 0.12
static const double MAX_FACE_Z_M = 8.0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 144 of file face_detection.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CobFaceDetectionNodelet::CobFaceDetectionNodelet (  ) 

Definition at line 79 of file face_detection.cpp.

CobFaceDetectionNodelet::~CobFaceDetectionNodelet (  ) 

Definition at line 99 of file face_detection.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::addFace ( cv::Mat &  image,
std::string  id 

Function to add a new face

image Color image
id Id of the new face
Return code

Definition at line 657 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::convertColorImageMessageToMat ( const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr color_image_msg,
cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr color_image_ptr,
cv::Mat &  color_image 

Definition at line 1104 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::convertPclMessageToMat ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr shared_image_msg,
cv::Mat &  depth_image 

Definition at line 1120 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::detectFaces ( cv::Mat &  xyz_image,
cv::Mat &  color_image 

Function to detect and verify faces

xyz_image Coordinate image with x,y,z coordinates in meters
color_image Color image
Return code

Definition at line 529 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::getEigenface ( cv::Mat &  eigenface,
int  index 

Function to show the eigenfaces. Only for debugging and development

eigenface Eigenface
index Index of the eigenface
Return code.

Definition at line 1000 of file face_detection.cpp.

std::string CobFaceDetectionNodelet::getLabel ( int  index  )  [inline]

returns the ID string corresponding to index index

Definition at line 1143 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::getMeasurement ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr shared_image_msg,
const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr color_image_msg 

Definition at line 1053 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::init (  ) 

Initialization function

Return code

Definition at line 161 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::loadAllData (  ) 

Loads the training data as well as the recognizer data.

Return code.

Definition at line 851 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::loadParameters ( const char *  iniFileName  ) 

Load parameters from file

Definition at line 1484 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::loadRecognizerData (  ) 

Function to load the recognizer data (eigenvectors, -values, average image, etc.)

Return code.

Definition at line 921 of file face_detection.cpp.

void CobFaceDetectionNodelet::loadServerCallback ( const cob_people_detection::LoadGoalConstPtr &  goal  ) 

Definition at line 429 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::loadTrainingData ( bool  runPCA  ) 

Function to load the training data (images, ids)

runPCA Do a PCA after loading the files. Necessary if the eigenvector matrices etc. are not loaded as well.
Return code.

Definition at line 859 of file face_detection.cpp.

void CobFaceDetectionNodelet::onInit (  )  [virtual]

Nodelet init function.

Implements nodelet::Nodelet.

Definition at line 112 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::PCA (  ) 

Function to Run the PCA algorithm and project the training images to the PCA subspace

Return code

Definition at line 671 of file face_detection.cpp.

void CobFaceDetectionNodelet::recognizeCallback ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr shared_image_msg,
const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr color_image_msg 

Topic callback managing the treatment of incoming data.

Definition at line 1163 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::recognizeFace ( cv::Mat &  color_image,
std::vector< int > &  index 

Function to Recognize faces The function recognize the faces

color_image Color image
index Index of classified facespace in vector
Return code

Definition at line 645 of file face_detection.cpp.

void CobFaceDetectionNodelet::recognizeServerCallback ( const cob_people_detection::RecognizeGoalConstPtr &  goal  ) 

Action server callback which manages the execution of the recognition functionality.

Definition at line 261 of file face_detection.cpp.

bool CobFaceDetectionNodelet::recognizeServiceServerCallback ( cob_people_detection::Recognition::Request &  req,
cob_people_detection::Recognition::Response &  res 

Definition at line 222 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::saveAllData (  ) 

Definition at line 727 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::saveRangeTrainImages ( cv::Mat &  xyz_image  ) 

Function to extract images for training range classifier

pc ColoredPointCloud with images
Return code.

Definition at line 1021 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::saveRecognizerData (  ) 

Definition at line 792 of file face_detection.cpp.

void CobFaceDetectionNodelet::saveServerCallback ( const cob_people_detection::SaveGoalConstPtr &  goal  ) 

Definition at line 454 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::saveTrainingData (  ) 

Function to save the training data

Return code.

Definition at line 746 of file face_detection.cpp.

unsigned long CobFaceDetectionNodelet::showAVGImage ( cv::Mat &  avgImage  ) 

Function to show the average image of all trained images

avgImage The average image
Return code.

Definition at line 1007 of file face_detection.cpp.

void CobFaceDetectionNodelet::showServerCallback ( const cob_people_detection::ShowGoalConstPtr &  goal  ) 

Definition at line 479 of file face_detection.cpp.

void CobFaceDetectionNodelet::trainCaptureSampleServerCallback ( const cob_people_detection::TrainCaptureSampleGoalConstPtr &  goal  ) 

Definition at line 408 of file face_detection.cpp.

void CobFaceDetectionNodelet::trainContinuousCallback ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr shared_image_msg,
const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr color_image_msg 

Definition at line 1402 of file face_detection.cpp.

void CobFaceDetectionNodelet::trainContinuousServerCallback ( const cob_people_detection::TrainContinuousGoalConstPtr &  goal  ) 

Definition at line 302 of file face_detection.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

secures write and read operations to varibales occupied_by_action_, etc.

Definition at line 207 of file face_detection.h.

Trained average Image.

Definition at line 175 of file face_detection.h.

can be set true by an action while in training mode. then an image is captured.

Definition at line 200 of file face_detection.h.

Color camera image topic.

Definition at line 149 of file face_detection.h.

Vector with detected faces.

Definition at line 183 of file face_detection.h.

ipa_SensorFusion::ColoredPointCloudPtr ipa_PeopleDetector::CobFaceDetectionNodelet::colored_pc_ [protected]

Storage for acquired colored point cloud.

Definition at line 161 of file face_detection.h.

the ID of the current person who is trained

Definition at line 206 of file face_detection.h.

directory for the data files

Definition at line 164 of file face_detection.h.

enables debug output

Definition at line 204 of file face_detection.h.

does people identification if true, else it's just people detection

Definition at line 203 of file face_detection.h.


Definition at line 174 of file face_detection.h.

Eigenvectors (spanning the face space).

Definition at line 173 of file face_detection.h.

The average factors of the eigenvector decomposition from each face class.

Definition at line 177 of file face_detection.h.

topic for publishing the image containing the faces

Definition at line 150 of file face_detection.h.

Trained face images.

Definition at line 168 of file face_detection.h.

publisher for the positions of the detected faces

Definition at line 153 of file face_detection.h.

const double ipa_PeopleDetector::CobFaceDetectionNodelet::FACE_SIZE_MAX_M = 0.35 [static, protected]

Definition at line 211 of file face_detection.h.

in meters

Definition at line 216 of file face_detection.h.

const double ipa_PeopleDetector::CobFaceDetectionNodelet::FACE_SIZE_MIN_M = 0.12 [static, protected]

Definition at line 210 of file face_detection.h.

in meters

Definition at line 215 of file face_detection.h.

increasing number for files to save

Definition at line 166 of file face_detection.h.

fills the unassigned depth values in the depth image, must be true for a kinect sensor

Definition at line 218 of file face_detection.h.

std::vector<std::string> ipa_PeopleDetector::CobFaceDetectionNodelet::id_ [protected]

Id of learned faces.

Definition at line 169 of file face_detection.h.

std::vector<std::string> ipa_PeopleDetector::CobFaceDetectionNodelet::id_unique_ [protected]

A vector containing all different Ids from the training session exactly once (id_unique_[i] stores the corresponding id to the average face coordinates in the face subspace in face_class_avg_projections_.row(i)).

Definition at line 170 of file face_detection.h.

Definition at line 148 of file face_detection.h.

Definition at line 194 of file face_detection.h.

const double ipa_PeopleDetector::CobFaceDetectionNodelet::MAX_FACE_Z_M = 8.0 [static, protected]

Definition at line 212 of file face_detection.h.

in meters

Definition at line 217 of file face_detection.h.

Number of eigenvalues.

Definition at line 172 of file face_detection.h.

ROS node handle.

Definition at line 155 of file face_detection.h.

if the training is in continuous mode, this variable counts how many training images already have been collected for the current training job

Definition at line 201 of file face_detection.h.

must be set true as long as an action callback is running or while the continuous recognition or training mode is running

Definition at line 197 of file face_detection.h.

People detector core code.

Definition at line 180 of file face_detection.h.

classifier for the identity of a person

Definition at line 178 of file face_detection.h.

Projected training faces (coefficients for the eigenvectors of the face subspace).

Definition at line 176 of file face_detection.h.

this set stores which range faces also had a face detection in the color image

Definition at line 185 of file face_detection.h.

Vector with detected rangeFaces.

Definition at line 184 of file face_detection.h.

if true, the 3d face size is determined and only faces with reasonable size are accepted

Definition at line 219 of file face_detection.h.

Definition at line 193 of file face_detection.h.

is true while the recognition module is running

Definition at line 198 of file face_detection.h.

Service server to switch recognition on or off.

Definition at line 188 of file face_detection.h.

has to run a PCA when the data was modified

Definition at line 165 of file face_detection.h.

Definition at line 195 of file face_detection.h.

Shared xyz image and color image topic.

Definition at line 147 of file face_detection.h.

Definition at line 196 of file face_detection.h.

Definition at line 151 of file face_detection.h.

Definition at line 152 of file face_detection.h.

Threshold to detect unknown faces.

Definition at line 181 of file face_detection.h.

Threshold to facespace.

Definition at line 182 of file face_detection.h.

Definition at line 192 of file face_detection.h.

Definition at line 191 of file face_detection.h.

is true while the continuous training display is running

Definition at line 199 of file face_detection.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Richard Bormann
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 11:50:14 2013