00001 // Includes 00002 #include <algorithm> 00003 #include <iostream> 00004 #include <ros/ros.h> 00005 #include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h> 00006 #include <pcl/point_types.h> 00007 #include "pcl/io/pcd_io.h" 00008 #include "ClearpathDemoTools.h" 00009 #include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h" 00010 00011 // Slowest permissible is 10Hz 00012 #define MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS 0.1f 00013 00014 // Typedef PCL Types 00015 typedef pcl::PointXYZRGB PointType; 00016 typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointType> PCLPointCloud; 00017 00018 // Publishers 00019 ros::Publisher pub; 00020 ros::Publisher pubvel; 00021 00022 // Variables to get from ROS Param 00023 double lin_speed; 00024 double ang_speed; 00025 double cam_height; 00026 double cam_z_trans; 00027 double wall_buffer; 00028 double angular_vel_correction; 00029 int publish_visualization = 1; 00030 int random_walk = 0; 00031 00032 // ROS-Independant Demo Tool 00033 ClearpathDemoTools demo; 00034 00035 // PointCloud for drawing 00036 PCLPointCloud::Ptr final(new PCLPointCloud); 00037 00038 // Callback from Kinect 00039 void callback(const PCLPointCloud::ConstPtr& cloud) 00040 { 00041 // Clear Result 00042 final->points.clear(); 00043 00044 // Start Timer 00045 ros::Time begin = ros::Time::now(); 00046 00047 // Convert PCL Point Cloud to our basic version 00048 // TODO This should be able to be done by a resize + memcpy 00049 PointCloud c, f; 00050 for (int i = 0; i < cloud->points.size(); i++) 00051 { 00052 Point p; p.x = cloud->points[i].x; p.y = cloud->points[i].y; p.z = cloud->points[i].z; p.rgb = cloud->points[i].rgb; 00053 c.points.push_back(p); 00054 } 00055 00056 // Call Demo Update and get Twist 00057 Twist tw2 = demo.Update(&c, &f); 00058 00059 // Convert Twist to ROS-Twist msg 00060 geometry_msgs::Twist tw; 00061 tw.linear.x = tw2.linear; 00062 tw.angular.z = angular_vel_correction*tw2.angular; 00063 pubvel.publish(tw); 00064 00065 if (publish_visualization == 1) 00066 { 00067 // Convert our basic PointCloud to PCL Type 00068 // TODO This should be able to be done by a resize + memcpy 00069 for (int i = 0; i < f.points.size(); i++) 00070 { 00071 PointType p; p.x = f.points[i].x; p.y = f.points[i].y; p.z = f.points[i].z; p.rgb = f.points[i].rgb; 00072 final->points.push_back(p); 00073 } 00074 00075 // Publish Visualization Cloud 00076 pub.publish(*final); 00077 } 00078 00079 ros::Duration duration = ros::Time::now() - begin; 00080 if (duration.toSec() > MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS) { 00081 ROS_WARN("Iteration of vision loop took %f seconds (max is %f)", duration.toSec(), MAX_RUNTIME_SECONDS); 00082 } 00083 } 00084 00085 // Main 00086 int main(int argc, char** argv) 00087 { 00088 ros::init (argc, argv, "idfloor_default"); 00089 00090 // Get ROS Params 00091 ros::NodeHandle nh = ros::NodeHandle(ros::this_node::getName()); 00092 std::string in, out, out_vel; 00093 nh.param<std::string>("in", in, "idfloor_in"); 00094 nh.param<std::string>("out", out, "idfloor_out"); 00095 nh.param<std::string>("out_vel", out_vel, "idfloor_out_vel"); 00096 00097 nh.param<double>("angular_vel_correction", angular_vel_correction, 1.0); 00098 nh.param<double>("lin_speed", lin_speed, 0.3); 00099 nh.param<double>("ang_speed", ang_speed, 0.3); 00100 nh.param<double>("cam_height", cam_height, 0.55); 00101 nh.param<double>("cam_z_trans", cam_z_trans, 0.0); 00102 nh.param<double>("wall_buffer", wall_buffer, 0.6); 00103 00104 nh.param<int>("publish_visualization", publish_visualization, 1); 00105 nh.param<int>("random_walk", random_walk, 0); 00106 00107 // Init Demo Tool 00108 demo.InitExplore(lin_speed, 00109 ang_speed, 00110 cam_height, 00111 cam_z_trans, 00112 wall_buffer, 00113 random_walk); 00114 00115 // Init Subscribers 00116 ros::NodeHandle nx; 00117 ros::Subscriber sub = nx.subscribe<PCLPointCloud>(in, 1, callback); 00118 00119 // Init Publishers 00120 pub = nx.advertise<PCLPointCloud> (out, 1); 00121 pubvel = nx.advertise<geometry_msgs::Twist> (out_vel, 1); 00122 00123 // Set to Spin 00124 ros::spin(); 00125 00126 return (0); 00127 } 00128 00129 00130