
swi.h File Reference

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unsigned long FiqDisable (void)
unsigned long FiqEnable (void)
void FiqRestore (unsigned long oldstate)
unsigned long IntDisable (void)
unsigned long IntEnable (void)
unsigned long IntGetCPSR (void)
void IntRestore (unsigned long oldstate)

Function Documentation

unsigned long FiqDisable ( void   ) 
unsigned long FiqEnable ( void   ) 
void FiqRestore ( unsigned long  oldstate  ) 
unsigned long IntDisable ( void   ) 
unsigned long IntEnable ( void   ) 
unsigned long IntGetCPSR ( void   ) 
void IntRestore ( unsigned long  oldstate  ) 
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Author(s): Ivan Dryanovski, Roberto G. Valenti
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 11:34:11 2013