
debug.h File Reference

#include "stdio.h"
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#define DEBUG1(...)
#define DEBUG2(...)
#define DEBUG3(...)
#define DEBUG4(...)
#define DEBUG_PRINTF(...)
#define DEBUG_PRINTLINE(pre,...)
#define PRINTF(...)
#define TBD(...)   DEBUG_PRINTLINE("TBD: ",__VA_ARGS__);

Define Documentation

#define DEBUG1 ( ...   ) 

Definition at line 134 of file debug.h.

#define DEBUG2 ( ...   ) 

Definition at line 133 of file debug.h.

#define DEBUG3 ( ...   ) 

Definition at line 132 of file debug.h.

#define DEBUG4 ( ...   ) 

Definition at line 131 of file debug.h.

#define DEBUG_PRINTF ( ...   ) 

The default debug level (if not specified in the file itself) Where debug printfs should go to

Definition at line 40 of file debug.h.

#define DEBUG_PRINTLINE ( pre,
...   ) 
{                                                    \
    DEBUG_PRINTF(pre );                                \
    DEBUG_PRINTF("%s:%d %s() ",                        \
                 __FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);      \
    DEBUG_PRINTF( __VA_ARGS__ );                       \

If the debug output should be pretty (a little nicer to read?), but this requires the allocation of some memory and the use of snprintf Prints file and line info.

Definition at line 52 of file debug.h.

#define PRINTF ( ...   ) 

Info printing

Definition at line 75 of file debug.h.

#define TBD ( ...   )     DEBUG_PRINTLINE("TBD: ",__VA_ARGS__);

Just a macro to indicate that something still needs to be done

Definition at line 82 of file debug.h.

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Author(s): Ivan Dryanovski, Roberto G. Valenti
autogenerated on Tue Mar 5 11:34:08 2013