
viewmesh.cc File Reference

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <IL/il.h>
#include <IL/ilu.h>
#include <IL/ilut.h>
#include "bmtk/mesh.hh"
#include "bmtk/viewmesh.hh"
#include "bmtk/timer.hh"
Include dependency graph for viewmesh.cc:

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namespace  procmesh


#define D2R   0.017453293
#define R2D   57.29578


void controlCB (int control)
void drawMesh (void)
void loadOptions ()
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
void myGlutDisplay (void)
void myGlutIdle (void)
void myGlutKeyboard (unsigned char Key, int x, int y)
void myGlutMenu (int value)
void myGlutMotion (int x, int y)
void myGlutMouse (int button, int button_state, int x, int y)
void myGlutReshape (int x, int y)
float neg (float arg)
void saveOptions ()
int startGUI (Mesh *m_)
void takeScreenShot ()
void update (void)


int procmesh::ambientIntensity = 50
GLUI_Spinner * procmesh::ambientSpinner
int procmesh::bdx
int procmesh::bdy
int procmesh::blackWhite = 0
Vec3d procmesh::center
int procmesh::centerSphere = 1
Vec3d procmesh::centerStore
int procmesh::counter = 0
int procmesh::cx0 = 0
int procmesh::cy0 = 0
int procmesh::dataSet = 0
GLUI_Spinner * procmesh::dataSetSpinner
int procmesh::deciMesh = 0
int procmesh::deciWire = 0
float procmesh::delta = 1.0
GLUI_Spinner * procmesh::deltaSpinner
float procmesh::deltaStore
int procmesh::diffuseIntensity = 100
int procmesh::edge2face = 0
int procmesh::edgeAngles = 0
int procmesh::face2edge = 0
int procmesh::face2face = 0
int procmesh::face2vert = 0
int procmesh::faceColors = 1
GLUI * procmesh::glui
float procmesh::gs2 = 1.0
GLUI_Spinner * procmesh::gs2Spinner
float procmesh::gsn2 = 1.0
GLUI_Spinner * procmesh::gsn2Spinner
ILuint procmesh::ImgId
int procmesh::keypoints = 0
int procmesh::lastX
int procmesh::lastY
GLfloat procmesh::light_ambient [4]
GLfloat procmesh::light_diffuse [4]
GLfloat procmesh::light_one [] = {1, 1, 1, 0}
GLfloat procmesh::light_position [] = {-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}
GLfloat procmesh::light_zero [] = {0, 0, 0, 0}
float procmesh::lightRotX = 0.0
float procmesh::lightRotY = 0.0
int procmesh::lines = 1
int procmesh::main_window
int procmesh::meshBoundary = 0
int procmesh::motionMode
GLUI_Spinner * procmesh::objectBSpinner
int procmesh::objectColor [3] = {100,100,100}
GLUI_Spinner * procmesh::objectGSpinner
GLUI_Spinner * procmesh::objectRSpinner
int procmesh::offset = 0
float procmesh::offsetX
int procmesh::points = 0
int procmesh::points0 = 0
int procmesh::polyMesh = 0
int procmesh::polyWire = 0
char procmesh::potentialInfo [sizeof(GLUI_String)] = {""}
float procmesh::rotationX = 0.0
float procmesh::rotationXStore = 0.0
float procmesh::rotationY = 0.0
float procmesh::rotationYStore = 0.0
float procmesh::scale = 1.0
float procmesh::scaleStore = 1.0
char procmesh::screenShotName [100]
int procmesh::screenShotNumber = 0
int procmesh::screenShots = 0
int procmesh::segment = 0
GLUI_Spinner * procmesh::segThreshSpinner
char procmesh::sizeInfo [sizeof(GLUI_String)] = {""}
int procmesh::text = 0
int procmesh::textMode = 0
int procmesh::triMesh = 0
int procmesh::triMesh0 = 0
int procmesh::vertGradients = 0
int procmesh::vertGradVecs = 0
int procmesh::vertNorm = 0
int procmesh::vertNormals = 0
int procmesh::vertPotentials = 0
GLUI_Rollout * procmesh::visualsRollout
int procmesh::wdx = 1000
int procmesh::wdy = 800
int procmesh::wireframe = 0
int procmesh::wireframe0 = 0
int procmesh::wx0 = 200
int procmesh::wy0 = 0
float procmesh::xyAspect

Define Documentation

#define D2R   0.017453293

Definition at line 34 of file viewmesh.cc.

#define R2D   57.29578

Definition at line 35 of file viewmesh.cc.

Function Documentation

void controlCB ( int  control  ) 

Definition at line 185 of file viewmesh.cc.

void drawMesh ( void   ) 

Definition at line 466 of file viewmesh.cc.

void loadOptions (  ) 

Definition at line 1035 of file viewmesh.cc.

int main ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 140 of file viewmesh.cc.

void myGlutDisplay ( void   ) 

Definition at line 879 of file viewmesh.cc.

void myGlutIdle ( void   ) 

Definition at line 362 of file viewmesh.cc.

void myGlutKeyboard ( unsigned char  Key,
int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 286 of file viewmesh.cc.

void myGlutMenu ( int  value  ) 

Definition at line 357 of file viewmesh.cc.

void myGlutMotion ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 408 of file viewmesh.cc.

void myGlutMouse ( int  button,
int  button_state,
int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 383 of file viewmesh.cc.

void myGlutReshape ( int  x,
int  y 

Definition at line 452 of file viewmesh.cc.

float neg ( float  arg  ) 

Definition at line 461 of file viewmesh.cc.

void saveOptions (  ) 

Definition at line 980 of file viewmesh.cc.

int startGUI ( Mesh m_  ) 

Definition at line 1133 of file viewmesh.cc.

void takeScreenShot (  ) 

Definition at line 1106 of file viewmesh.cc.

void update ( void   ) 

Definition at line 1100 of file viewmesh.cc.

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Author(s): Benjamin Pitzer
autogenerated on Mon Mar 4 11:05:58 2013