00001 #include "EdgeDetection/MicroEdgeCorrectionTable.h" 00002 00003 #include "EdgeDetection/Interpolation.h" 00004 00005 #include <cmath> 00006 00007 namespace EdgeDetection 00008 { 00009 Edge MicroEdgeCorrectionTable::Correct(Edge measuredEdge) 00010 { 00011 double offsetIndex = Interpolation::InterpolateReverse(area.GetLeft(), area.GetRight(), measuredEdge.GetOffset()) * (offsetCount - 1); 00012 int offsetIndexLow = floor(offsetIndex); 00013 int offsetIndexHigh = ceil(offsetIndex); 00014 double offsetFraction = offsetIndex - offsetIndexLow; 00015 00016 double angleIndex = Interpolation::InterpolateReverse(area.GetTop(), area.GetBottom(), measuredEdge.GetAngle()) * (angleCount - 1); 00017 int angleIndexLow = floor(angleIndex); 00018 int angleIndexHigh = ceil(angleIndex); 00019 double angleFraction = angleIndex - angleIndexLow; 00020 00021 Edge leftTop = entries[offsetIndexLow * angleCount + angleIndexLow]; 00022 Edge rightTop = entries[offsetIndexHigh * angleCount + angleIndexLow]; 00023 Edge leftBottom = entries[offsetIndexLow * angleCount + angleIndexHigh]; 00024 Edge rightBottom = entries[offsetIndexHigh * angleCount + angleIndexHigh]; 00025 00026 Edge offsetTop = Edge::Interpolate(leftTop, rightTop, offsetFraction); 00027 Edge offsetBottom = Edge::Interpolate(leftBottom, rightBottom, offsetFraction); 00028 Edge offsetAngle = Edge::Interpolate(offsetTop, offsetBottom, angleFraction); 00029 00030 // Debug outputs 00031 /* 00032 cout << "OffsetFraction: " << offsetFraction << ", AngleFraction: " << angleFraction << endl; 00033 cout << "Indices: [" << offsetIndexLow << ", " << offsetIndexHigh << "], [" << angleIndexLow << ", " << angleIndexHigh << "]" << endl; 00034 cout << "LeftTop: [" << leftTop.GetOffset() << ", " << leftTop.GetAngle() << "], RightTop: [" << rightTop.GetOffset() << ", " << rightTop.GetAngle() << "], LeftBottom: [" << leftBottom.GetOffset() << ", " << leftBottom.GetAngle() << "], RightBottom: [" << rightBottom.GetOffset() << ", " << rightBottom.GetAngle() << "]" << endl; 00035 cout << "OffsetTop: [" << offsetTop.GetOffset() << ", " << offsetTop.GetAngle() << "], OffsetBottom: [" << offsetBottom.GetOffset() << ", " << offsetBottom.GetAngle() << "], OffsetAngle: [" << offsetAngle.GetOffset() << ", " << offsetAngle.GetAngle() << "]" << endl; 00036 */ 00037 00038 return offsetAngle; 00039 } 00040 00041 void MicroEdgeCorrectionTable::Initialize(Rectangle area, int offsetCount, int angleCount) 00042 { 00043 if (area.GetLeft() < -1 || area.GetRight() > +1 || area.GetTop() < -M_PI || area.GetBottom() > +M_PI) throw "The parameter 'area' was out of range."; 00044 if (offsetCount <= 0) throw "The parameter 'offsetCount' was out of range."; 00045 if (angleCount <= 0) throw "The parameter 'angleCount' was out of range."; 00046 00047 this->area = area; 00048 this->offsetCount = offsetCount; 00049 this->angleCount = angleCount; 00050 this->entries = vector<Edge>(); 00051 } 00052 void MicroEdgeCorrectionTable::PopulateTable(MicroEdgeMap* microEdgeMap) 00053 { 00054 for (int offsetIndex = 0; offsetIndex < offsetCount; offsetIndex++) 00055 for (double angleIndex = 0; angleIndex < angleCount; angleIndex++) 00056 { 00057 double offset = GetOffsetOffset() + offsetIndex * GetOffsetStep(); 00058 double angle = GetAngleOffset() + angleIndex * GetAngleStep(); 00059 00060 Edge measuredEdge = Edge(offset, angle); 00061 Edge realEdge = microEdgeMap->FindRealEdge(measuredEdge); 00062 00063 entries.push_back(realEdge); 00064 } 00065 } 00066 00067 istream* MicroEdgeCorrectionTable::Serialize(MicroEdgeCorrectionTable* microEdgeCorrectionTable) 00068 { 00069 stringstream* data = new stringstream(stringstream::in | stringstream::out | stringstream::binary); 00070 00071 double areaLeft = microEdgeCorrectionTable->area.GetLeft(); 00072 double areaRight = microEdgeCorrectionTable->area.GetRight(); 00073 double areaTop = microEdgeCorrectionTable->area.GetTop(); 00074 double areaBottom = microEdgeCorrectionTable->area.GetBottom(); 00075 int offsetCount = microEdgeCorrectionTable->offsetCount; 00076 int angleCount = microEdgeCorrectionTable->angleCount; 00077 00078 data->write((const char*)&areaLeft, sizeof(double)); 00079 data->write((const char*)&areaRight, sizeof(double)); 00080 data->write((const char*)&areaTop, sizeof(double)); 00081 data->write((const char*)&areaBottom, sizeof(double)); 00082 data->write((const char*)&offsetCount, sizeof(int)); 00083 data->write((const char*)&angleCount, sizeof(int)); 00084 00085 for (vector<Edge>::iterator edge = microEdgeCorrectionTable->entries.begin(); edge < microEdgeCorrectionTable->entries.end(); edge++) 00086 { 00087 double offset = edge->GetOffset(); 00088 double angle = edge->GetAngle(); 00089 00090 data->write((const char*)&offset, sizeof(double)); 00091 data->write((const char*)&angle, sizeof(double)); 00092 } 00093 00094 return data; 00095 } 00096 MicroEdgeCorrectionTable* MicroEdgeCorrectionTable::Deserialize(istream* data) 00097 { 00098 double areaLeft; 00099 double areaRight; 00100 double areaTop; 00101 double areaBottom; 00102 int offsetCount; 00103 int angleCount; 00104 00105 data->read((char*)&areaLeft, sizeof(double)); 00106 data->read((char*)&areaRight, sizeof(double)); 00107 data->read((char*)&areaTop, sizeof(double)); 00108 data->read((char*)&areaBottom, sizeof(double)); 00109 data->read((char*)&offsetCount, sizeof(int)); 00110 data->read((char*)&angleCount, sizeof(int)); 00111 00112 MicroEdgeCorrectionTable* microEdgeCorrectionTable = new MicroEdgeCorrectionTable(Rectangle(areaLeft, areaRight, areaTop, areaBottom), offsetCount, angleCount); 00113 00114 while (!data->eof()) 00115 { 00116 double offset; 00117 double angle; 00118 00119 data->read((char*)&offset, sizeof(double)); 00120 data->read((char*)&angle, sizeof(double)); 00121 00122 microEdgeCorrectionTable->entries.push_back(Edge(offset, angle)); 00123 } 00124 00125 return microEdgeCorrectionTable; 00126 } 00127 };