plystuff.h File Reference

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <vcg/space/box3.h>
#include <wrap/ply/plylib.h>
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struct  vcg::ply::PlyPoint3d


namespace  vcg


namespace  vcg::ply


#define _O_BINARY   0
#define _O_RDONLY   O_RDONLY
#define DIR_SEP   "/"
#define pb_access   access
#define pb_close   close
#define pb_fstat   fstat
#define pb_mkdir(n)   mkdir(n,0755)
#define pb_open   open
#define pb_stat   stat


template<class ScalarType >
static bool vcg::ply::CheckBBoxCache (const char *fname, Box3< ScalarType > &box, const char *fname2=0)
static bool vcg::ply::CheckCacheDirectory (const char *dir)
bool vcg::ply::CheckCacheTime (const char *fname, const char *cname)
bool vcg::ply::GetCacheName (const char *fname, const char *ext_name, char *cname)
bool vcg::ply::GetDirFromPath (const char *path, char *dir, char *name)
template<class ScalarType >
static bool vcg::ply::SaveBBoxCache (const char *fname, const Box3< ScalarType > &boxOut)
template<class ScalarType >
bool vcg::ply::ScanBBox (const char *fname, Box3< ScalarType > &box, const Matrix44< ScalarType > &m, bool use_cache, const char *matrixfname)
template<class ScalarType >
bool vcg::ply::ScanBBox (const char *fname, Box3< ScalarType > &box, bool use_cache=true)


const char * vcg::ply::bboxcacheext = ".bbox_cache"
const char * vcg::ply::bboxheader = "BBOXCACH"
const char * vcg::ply::cachedir = "vcg_cache"
const int vcg::ply::MAXBPATH = 256

Define Documentation

#define _O_BINARY   0

Definition at line 84 of file plystuff.h.

#define _O_RDONLY   O_RDONLY

Definition at line 85 of file plystuff.h.

#define DIR_SEP   "/"

Definition at line 86 of file plystuff.h.

#define pb_access   access

Definition at line 79 of file plystuff.h.

#define pb_close   close

Definition at line 83 of file plystuff.h.

#define pb_fstat   fstat

Definition at line 81 of file plystuff.h.

#define pb_mkdir (  )     mkdir(n,0755)

Definition at line 78 of file plystuff.h.

#define pb_open   open

Definition at line 82 of file plystuff.h.

#define pb_stat   stat

Definition at line 80 of file plystuff.h.

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Author(s): Christian Bersch
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:20:18 2013