img Namespace Reference

the img module namespace More...


class  Image
 the generic image class More...
class  ImageException
 the basic exception class More...
class  ImgAttributes




template<typename ScalarType >
void _gaussian (const int &radius, const ScalarType &sigma, ScalarType *&matrix, int &matrix_side)
template<typename ScalarType >
void _laplacian_of_gaussian (const int &radius, const ScalarType &sigma, ScalarType *&matrix, int &matrix_side)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool adjust_range_and_save_PGM (const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &range_0_1_image, const QString filename)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool adjust_range_and_save_RGB (const Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &range_0_1_image, const QString filename)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool adjust_range_and_save_Y (const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &range_0_1_image, const QString filename)
template<typename ScalarType >
bool almostEqual (ScalarType a, ScalarType b, ScalarType EPSILON=ScalarType(10e-5))
 compares two scalar values for (near) equality
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void boxFilter (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination, int radius)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void channels_mean (const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &channels_image, img::Image< 1, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &mean_image)
template<typename ScalarType >
ScalarType clampValue (ScalarType value, ScalarType minval=ScalarType(0.0), ScalarType maxval=ScalarType(255.0))
 clamp a scalar value
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void convert_gamma_precompensated_rgb_to_linear_rgb (const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &gamma_precompensated_rgb_image, img::Image< Channels, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &linear_rgb_image)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void convert_gamma_precompensated_srgb_to_linear_srgb (const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &gamma_precompensated_srgb_image, img::Image< Channels, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &linear_srgb_image)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void convert_linear_rgb_to_gamma_precompensated_rgb (const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &linear_rgb_image, img::Image< Channels, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &gamma_precompensated_rgb_image, ScalarType2 gamma=ScalarType2(1.0/2.2))
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void convert_linear_srgb_to_gamma_precompensated_srgb (const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &linear_srgb_image, img::Image< Channels, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &gamma_precompensated_srgb_image)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void convert_QImage_to_RGB (const QImage &source, Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &destination)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void convert_QImage_to_RGBA (const QImage &source, Image< 4, ScalarType, Safe > &destination)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void convert_QImage_to_Y (const QImage &source, Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &destination)
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void convert_range_0_1_to_0_255 (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination)
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void convert_range_0_255_to_0_1 (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void convert_RGB_to_QImage (const Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &source, QImage &destination)
template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void convert_RGB_to_RGBA (const Image< 3, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< 4, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination, DestScalarType alpha_value=255.0f)
template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void convert_RGB_to_Y (const Image< 3, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< 1, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void convert_RGBA_to_QImage (const Image< 4, ScalarType, Safe > &source, QImage &destination)
template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void convert_RGBA_to_RGB (const Image< 4, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< 3, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination)
template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void convert_RGBA_to_Y (const Image< 4, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< 1, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination)
template<typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void convert_srgb_to_xyz (const img::Image< 3, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &rgb_image, img::Image< 3, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &xyz_image)
template<typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void convert_xyz_to_rgb (const img::Image< 3, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &xyz_image, img::Image< 3, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &rgb_image)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void convert_Y_to_QImage (const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &source, QImage &destination)
template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void convert_Y_to_RGB (const Image< 1, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< 3, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination)
template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void convert_Y_to_RGBA (const Image< 1, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< 4, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination, DestScalarType alpha_value=255.0f)
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void convolution (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination, const DestScalarType *matrix, int matrix_width, int matrix_height)
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void DoGFilter (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination, int radius1, int radius2)
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void GaussianSmooth (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination, const int radius)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > getBoxFiltered (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image, int radius)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > getConvolved (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image, const ScalarType *matrix, int matrix_width, int matrix_height)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > getDoGFiltered (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image, int radius1, int radius2)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > getGaussianSmoothed (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image, const int radius)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > getLaplacianFiltered (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > getLoGFiltered (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image, int radius)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > getMedianFiltered (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image, int radius)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > getNormalized (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > getUnsharpMasked (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image, int radius, float factor)
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void LaplacianFilter (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination)
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void LoGFilter (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination, int radius)
template<typename ScalarType >
ScalarType max3 (ScalarType a, ScalarType b, ScalarType c)
 take the maximum between three scalar values
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
ScalarType maxValue (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image)
template<typename ScalarType >
ScalarType median3 (ScalarType a, ScalarType b, ScalarType c)
 take the median between three scalar values
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void medianFilter (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination, int radius)
template<typename ScalarType >
ScalarType min3 (ScalarType a, ScalarType b, ScalarType c)
 take the minimum between three scalar values
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
ScalarType minValue (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void normalize (Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void open_and_normalize_range_RGB (const QString filename, Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &range_0_1_image)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void open_and_normalize_range_Y (const QString filename, Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &range_0_1_image)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void open_normalize_range_and_SRGB_linearize_RGB (const QString filename, Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &linear_image)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool openNativeFormat (const char *filename, Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void openQtRGB (const QString filename, Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &image)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void openQtY (const QString filename, Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &image)
template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool saveNativeFormat (const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &image, const char *filename)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool savePGM (const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &image, const QString filename)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool saveQtRGB (const Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &image, const QString filename)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool saveQtY (const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &image, const QString filename)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool SRGB_compress_adjust_range_and_save_PGM (const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &linear_image, const QString filename)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool SRGB_compress_adjust_range_and_save_RGB (const Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &linear_image, const QString filename)
template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool SRGB_compress_adjust_range_and_save_Y (const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &linear_image, const QString filename)
template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void UnsharpMask (const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &source, Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &destination, int radius, float factor)
template<typename ScalarType >
int valueAsInt (ScalarType value)
 convert a scalar value to the nearest integer

Detailed Description

the img module namespace

this is the main image module namespace.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 8 of file img_attributes.h.

Function Documentation

template<typename ScalarType >
void img::_gaussian ( const int &  radius,
const ScalarType sigma,
ScalarType *&  matrix,
int &  matrix_side 
) [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file img_filter.h.

template<typename ScalarType >
void img::_laplacian_of_gaussian ( const int &  radius,
const ScalarType sigma,
ScalarType *&  matrix,
int &  matrix_side 
) [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file img_filter.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::adjust_range_and_save_PGM ( const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  range_0_1_image,
const QString  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 168 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::adjust_range_and_save_RGB ( const Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &  range_0_1_image,
const QString  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 184 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::adjust_range_and_save_Y ( const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  range_0_1_image,
const QString  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 200 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType >
bool img::almostEqual ( ScalarType  a,
ScalarType  b,
ScalarType  EPSILON = ScalarType(10e-5) 
) [inline]

compares two scalar values for (near) equality

a one of the two values
b one of the two values
EPSILON the tolerance for considering a and b equal
true if a differs from b for less than EPSILON, false otherwhise

Definition at line 97 of file img_scalar.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::boxFilter ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination,
int  radius 
) [inline]

Definition at line 92 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void img::channels_mean ( const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &  channels_image,
img::Image< 1, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &  mean_image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 368 of file img_filter.h.

template<typename ScalarType >
ScalarType img::clampValue ( ScalarType  value,
ScalarType  minval = ScalarType(0.0),
ScalarType  maxval = ScalarType(255.0) 
) [inline]

clamp a scalar value

value the value that is to be clamped
minval the minimum possible value after clamping
maxval the the maximum possible value after clamping
the clamped value

Definition at line 21 of file img_scalar.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void img::convert_gamma_precompensated_rgb_to_linear_rgb ( const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &  gamma_precompensated_rgb_image,
img::Image< Channels, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &  linear_rgb_image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 12 of file img_cs_base.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void img::convert_gamma_precompensated_srgb_to_linear_srgb ( const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &  gamma_precompensated_srgb_image,
img::Image< Channels, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &  linear_srgb_image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 67 of file img_cs_base.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void img::convert_linear_rgb_to_gamma_precompensated_rgb ( const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &  linear_rgb_image,
img::Image< Channels, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &  gamma_precompensated_rgb_image,
ScalarType2  gamma = ScalarType2(1.0/2.2) 
) [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file img_cs_base.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void img::convert_linear_srgb_to_gamma_precompensated_srgb ( const img::Image< Channels, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &  linear_srgb_image,
img::Image< Channels, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &  gamma_precompensated_srgb_image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file img_cs_base.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::convert_QImage_to_RGB ( const QImage &  source,
Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 26 of file img_qt_convert.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::convert_QImage_to_RGBA ( const QImage &  source,
Image< 4, ScalarType, Safe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 44 of file img_qt_convert.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::convert_QImage_to_Y ( const QImage &  source,
Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 11 of file img_qt_convert.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::convert_range_0_1_to_0_255 ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 152 of file img_convert.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::convert_range_0_255_to_0_1 ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 136 of file img_convert.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::convert_RGB_to_QImage ( const Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &  source,
QImage &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file img_qt_convert.h.

template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::convert_RGB_to_RGBA ( const Image< 3, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< 4, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination,
DestScalarType  alpha_value = 255.0f 
) [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file img_convert.h.

template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::convert_RGB_to_Y ( const Image< 3, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< 1, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 57 of file img_convert.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::convert_RGBA_to_QImage ( const Image< 4, ScalarType, Safe > &  source,
QImage &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 98 of file img_qt_convert.h.

template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::convert_RGBA_to_RGB ( const Image< 4, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< 3, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file img_convert.h.

template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::convert_RGBA_to_Y ( const Image< 4, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< 1, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file img_convert.h.

template<typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void img::convert_srgb_to_xyz ( const img::Image< 3, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &  rgb_image,
img::Image< 3, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &  xyz_image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 127 of file img_cs_base.h.

template<typename ScalarType1 , bool Safe1, typename ScalarType2 , bool Safe2>
void img::convert_xyz_to_rgb ( const img::Image< 3, ScalarType1, Safe1 > &  xyz_image,
img::Image< 3, ScalarType2, Safe2 > &  rgb_image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 157 of file img_cs_base.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::convert_Y_to_QImage ( const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  source,
QImage &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 63 of file img_qt_convert.h.

template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::convert_Y_to_RGB ( const Image< 1, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< 3, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 16 of file img_convert.h.

template<typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::convert_Y_to_RGBA ( const Image< 1, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< 4, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination,
DestScalarType  alpha_value = 255.0f 
) [inline]

Definition at line 36 of file img_convert.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::convolution ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination,
const DestScalarType *  matrix,
int  matrix_width,
int  matrix_height 
) [inline]

Definition at line 43 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::DoGFilter ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination,
int  radius1,
int  radius2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 235 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::GaussianSmooth ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination,
const int  radius 
) [inline]

Definition at line 140 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image<Channels,ScalarType,Safe> img::getBoxFiltered ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
int  radius 
) [inline]

Definition at line 109 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image<Channels,ScalarType,Safe> img::getConvolved ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
const ScalarType matrix,
int  matrix_width,
int  matrix_height 
) [inline]

Definition at line 84 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image<Channels,ScalarType,Safe> img::getDoGFiltered ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
int  radius1,
int  radius2 
) [inline]

Definition at line 277 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image<Channels,ScalarType,Safe> img::getGaussianSmoothed ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
const int  radius 
) [inline]

Definition at line 156 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image<Channels,ScalarType,Safe> img::getLaplacianFiltered ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image  )  [inline]

Definition at line 176 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image<Channels,ScalarType,Safe> img::getLoGFiltered ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
int  radius 
) [inline]

Definition at line 227 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image<Channels,ScalarType,Safe> img::getMedianFiltered ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
int  radius 
) [inline]

Definition at line 360 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image<Channels,ScalarType,Safe> img::getNormalized ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image  )  [inline]

Definition at line 35 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
Image<Channels,ScalarType,Safe> img::getUnsharpMasked ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
int  radius,
float  factor 
) [inline]

Definition at line 307 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::LaplacianFilter ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination 
) [inline]

Definition at line 164 of file img_filter.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::LoGFilter ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination,
int  radius 
) [inline]

Definition at line 211 of file img_filter.h.

template<typename ScalarType >
ScalarType img::max3 ( ScalarType  a,
ScalarType  b,
ScalarType  c 
) [inline]

take the maximum between three scalar values

a one of the three values
b one of the three values
c one of the three values
the maximum value between a, b and c

Definition at line 49 of file img_scalar.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
ScalarType img::maxValue ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image  )  [inline]

Definition at line 26 of file img_info.h.

template<typename ScalarType >
ScalarType img::median3 ( ScalarType  a,
ScalarType  b,
ScalarType  c 
) [inline]

take the median between three scalar values

a one of the three values
b one of the three values
c one of the three values
the median value between a, b and c

Definition at line 81 of file img_scalar.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::medianFilter ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination,
int  radius 
) [inline]

Definition at line 315 of file img_filter.h.

template<typename ScalarType >
ScalarType img::min3 ( ScalarType  a,
ScalarType  b,
ScalarType  c 
) [inline]

take the minimum between three scalar values

a one of the three values
b one of the three values
c one of the three values
the minimum value between a, b and c

Definition at line 65 of file img_scalar.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
ScalarType img::minValue ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image  )  [inline]

Definition at line 9 of file img_info.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::normalize ( Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image  )  [inline]

Definition at line 14 of file img_filter.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::open_and_normalize_range_RGB ( const QString  filename,
Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &  range_0_1_image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::open_and_normalize_range_Y ( const QString  filename,
Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  range_0_1_image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 143 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::open_normalize_range_and_SRGB_linearize_RGB ( const QString  filename,
Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &  linear_image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 159 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::openNativeFormat ( const char *  filename,
Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file img_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::openQtRGB ( const QString  filename,
Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &  image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 21 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
void img::openQtY ( const QString  filename,
Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  image 
) [inline]

Definition at line 15 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<int Channels, typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::saveNativeFormat ( const Image< Channels, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
const char *  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 12 of file img_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::savePGM ( const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
const QString  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 110 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::saveQtRGB ( const Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
const QString  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 65 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::saveQtY ( const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  image,
const QString  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 52 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::SRGB_compress_adjust_range_and_save_PGM ( const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  linear_image,
const QString  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 176 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::SRGB_compress_adjust_range_and_save_RGB ( const Image< 3, ScalarType, Safe > &  linear_image,
const QString  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 192 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<typename ScalarType , bool Safe>
bool img::SRGB_compress_adjust_range_and_save_Y ( const Image< 1, ScalarType, Safe > &  linear_image,
const QString  filename 
) [inline]

Definition at line 208 of file img_qt_io.h.

template<int Channels, typename SrcScalarType , bool SrcSafe, typename DestScalarType , bool DestSafe>
void img::UnsharpMask ( const Image< Channels, SrcScalarType, SrcSafe > &  source,
Image< Channels, DestScalarType, DestSafe > &  destination,
int  radius,
float  factor 
) [inline]

Definition at line 285 of file img_filter.h.

template<typename ScalarType >
int img::valueAsInt ( ScalarType  value  )  [inline]

convert a scalar value to the nearest integer

value the value that is to be rounded
the rounded value

Definition at line 35 of file img_scalar.h.

All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Author(s): Christian Bersch
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:22:44 2013