Package smach :: Module state :: Class State

Class State

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Base class for SMACH states.

A SMACH state interacts with SMACH containers in two ways. The first is its outcome identifier, and the second is the set of userdata variables which it reads from and writes to at runtime. Both of these interactions are declared before the state goes active (when its execute() method is called) and are checked during construction.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, outcomes=[], input_keys=[], output_keys=[], io_keys=[])
State constructor
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execute(self, ud)
Called when executing a state.
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register_outcomes(self, new_outcomes)
Add outcomes to the outcome set.
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tuple of string
Get a list of registered outcomes.
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register_io_keys(self, keys)
Add keys to the set of keys from which this state may read and write.
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register_input_keys(self, keys)
Add keys to the set of keys from which this state may read.
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Get a tuple of registered input keys.
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register_output_keys(self, keys)
Add keys to the set of keys to which this state may write.
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Get a tuple of registered output keys.
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Sets preempt_requested to True
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Sets preempt_requested to False
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Sets preempt_requested to False
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True if a preempt has been requested.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, outcomes=[], input_keys=[], output_keys=[], io_keys=[])

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State constructor

  • outcomes (array of strings) - Custom outcomes for this state.
  • input_keys (array of strings) - The userdata keys from which this state might read at runtime.
  • output_keys (array of strings) - The userdata keys to which this state might write at runtime.
  • io_keys (array of strings) - The userdata keys to which this state might write or from which it might read at runtime.
Overrides: object.__init__

execute(self, ud)

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Called when executing a state. In the base class this raises a NotImplementedError.

  • ud (UserData structure) - Userdata for the scope in which this state is executing


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Get a list of registered outcomes.

Returns: tuple of string
Tuple of registered outcome strings.

register_io_keys(self, keys)

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Add keys to the set of keys from which this state may read and write.

  • keys (list of strings) - List of keys which may be read from and written to when this state is active.

register_input_keys(self, keys)

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Add keys to the set of keys from which this state may read.

  • keys (list of strings) - List of keys which may be read from when this state is active.

register_output_keys(self, keys)

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Add keys to the set of keys to which this state may write.

  • keys (list of strings) - List of keys which may be written to when this state is active.