pe::HowardStereoMatcher Member List
This is the complete list of members for
pe::HowardStereoMatcher, including all inherited members.
calculateConsistMatrix(const vector< cv::DMatch > &matches, const frame_common::Frame &prevFrame, const frame_common::Frame &frame, cv::Mat &consistMatrix) | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [inline, private] |
calculateCrossCheckMatches(const cv::Mat &scoreMatrix, vector< cv::DMatch > &matches) | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [inline, private] |
calculateScoreMatrix(cv::Mat &scoreMatrix) | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [inline, private] |
descriptorSize | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [private] |
extractor | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [private] |
filterKpts(const cv::Mat &img, const vector< cv::KeyPoint > &kpts, bool orientation) | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [inline, private] |
filterMatches(const cv::Mat &consistMatrix, vector< int > &filteredIndices) | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [inline, private] |
frameDtors | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [private] |
HowardStereoMatcher(float thresh, int descriptorSize) | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [inline] |
match(const frame_common::Frame &prevFrame, const frame_common::Frame &frame, vector< cv::DMatch > &matches, vector< int > &filteredIndices, const cv::Mat &mask) | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [inline] |
prevFrameDtors | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [private] |
threshold | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [private] |
windowedMask | pe::HowardStereoMatcher | [private] |