ClosureSearchEnergy Member List
This is the complete list of members for
ClosureSearchEnergy, including all inherited members.
analyzeCurrentPosture(Hand *h, Body *o, bool &isLegal, double &stateEnergy, bool noChange=true) | SearchEnergy | [virtual] |
analyzeState(bool &isLegal, double &stateEnergy, const GraspPlanningState *state, bool noChange=true) | ClosureSearchEnergy | [virtual] |
approachAutograspQualityEnergy() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
autograspQualityEnergy() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
ClosureSearchEnergy() | ClosureSearchEnergy | [inline] |
compliantEnergy() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
contactEnergy() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
contactSlip() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
createQualityMeasures() | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
disableRendering(bool dr) | SearchEnergy | [inline] |
distanceFunction(double d) const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
dynamicAutograspComplete() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
dynamicAutograspEnergy() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
energy() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
getContactType() const | SearchEnergy | [inline] |
getEpsQual() | SearchEnergy | |
getVolQual() | SearchEnergy | |
guidedAutograspEnergy() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
guidedPotentialQualityEnergy() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
legal() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
mAvoidList | ClosureSearchEnergy | [protected] |
mCompUnbalanced | SearchEnergy | [mutable, protected] |
mContactType | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
mDisableRendering | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
mDynamicsError | SearchEnergy | [mutable, protected] |
mEpsQual | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
mHand | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
mMaxUnbalancedForce | SearchEnergy | [mutable, protected] |
mObject | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
mOut | SearchEnergy | [mutable, protected] |
mThreshold | ClosureSearchEnergy | [protected] |
mType | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
mVolQual | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
potentialQualityEnergy(bool verbose=false) const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
potentialQualityScalingFunction(double dist, double cosTheta) const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
SearchEnergy() | SearchEnergy | |
setAvoidList(const std::list< GraspPlanningState * > *l) | ClosureSearchEnergy | [inline] |
setContactType(SearchContactType t) | SearchEnergy | [inline] |
setHandAndObject(Hand *h, Body *o) | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
setStatStream(std::ostream *out) const | SearchEnergy | [inline] |
setThreshold(double t) | ClosureSearchEnergy | [inline] |
setType(SearchEnergyType t) | SearchEnergy | [inline] |
strictAutograspEnergy() const | SearchEnergy | [protected] |
~SearchEnergy() | SearchEnergy | |