ipa_Utils Namespace Reference


enum  { RET_OK = 0x00000001UL, RET_FAILED = 0x00000002UL, RET_WARNING = 0x00000004UL }


unsigned long ConvertToShowImage (const cv::Mat &source, cv::Mat &dest, int channel=1, double min=-1, double max=-1)
unsigned long EvaluatePolynomial (double x, int degree, double *coefficients, double *y)
unsigned long FilterByAmplitude (cv::Mat &xyzImage, const cv::Mat &greyImage, cv::Mat *mask, cv::Mat *maskColor, float minMaskThresh, float maxMaskThresh)
unsigned long FilterSpeckles (cv::Mat &img, int maxSpeckleSize, double _maxDiff, cv::Mat &_buf)
unsigned long FilterTearOffEdges (cv::Mat &xyzImage, cv::Mat *mask, float piHalfFraction=6)
cv::Mat GetColorcoded (const cv::Mat &img_32F, double min, double max)
cv::Mat GetColorcoded (const cv::Mat &img_32F)
cv::Vec3f GrayColorMap (double value, double min, double max)
void InitUndistortMap (const cv::Mat &A, const cv::Mat &dist_coeffs, cv::Mat &mapxarr, cv::Mat &mapyarr)
 Function to replace the buggy OpenCV 1.1 function.
unsigned long LoadMat (cv::Mat &mat, std::string filename)
unsigned long MaskImage (const cv::Mat &source, cv::Mat &dest, const cv::Mat &mask, cv::Mat &destMask, float minMaskThresh=0, float maxMaskTresh=20000, int sourceChannel=1, double sourceMin=-1, double sourceMax=-1)
unsigned long SaveMat (cv::Mat &mat, std::string filename)
cv::Mat vstack (const std::vector< cv::Mat > &mats)

Enumeration Type Documentation

anonymous enum

An enum for the return values. This enum describes possible return values that are used to return failure or success.


Everythings OK.


Something went dramatically wrong.


Something went wrong.

Definition at line 70 of file GlobalDefines.h.

Function Documentation

unsigned long ipa_Utils::ConvertToShowImage ( const cv::Mat &  source,
cv::Mat &  dest,
int  channel = 1,
double  min = -1,
double  max = -1 

Function to convert a 32 bit, n channel image into a eight bit, 1 channel image.

source The 32 bit, n channel source image
dest The resulting 8 bit, 1 channel image
channel The channel of the source image to process
min Minimal value that is converted, smaller values are clipped to min
max Maximal value that is converted, bigger values are clipped to max
Return code

Calculate minmal and maximal value within the specified image channel

Definition at line 371 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

unsigned long ipa_Utils::EvaluatePolynomial ( double  x,
int  degree,
double *  coefficients,
double *  y 

Evaluates a polynomial, calculated with FitPolynomial

x The function value
degree The degree of the polynomial
coefficients Pointer to an array of the degree+1 coefficients fo the polynomial
y The resulting function value
Return code

Definition at line 101 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

unsigned long ipa_Utils::FilterByAmplitude ( cv::Mat &  xyzImage,
const cv::Mat &  greyImage,
cv::Mat *  mask,
cv::Mat *  maskColor,
float  minMaskThresh,
float  maxMaskThresh 

Filters a 3D range image with help of the amplitude image

xyzImage A 3 channel, 32bit image, containing the xyz-data, filtered values are set to 0.
greyImage A 3 channel, 32bit image, containing the amplitude data
mask The resulting mask image (32F1).
maskColor The resulting color mask. Pixels are set to different colors if they are filtered or not.
minMaskThresh Lower border for filtering.
maxMaskThresh Upper border for filtering.

build color mask from amplitude values

Definition at line 478 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

unsigned long ipa_Utils::FilterSpeckles ( cv::Mat &  img,
int  maxSpeckleSize,
double  _maxDiff,
cv::Mat &  _buf 


Definition at line 786 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

unsigned long ipa_Utils::FilterTearOffEdges ( cv::Mat &  xyzImage,
cv::Mat *  mask,
float  piHalfFraction = 6 

Filters tear-off edges from a 3D range image. All tear off edges are masked with a value of 255 in mask image. All other points are 0.

xyzImage A 3 channel, 32bit image, containing the xyz-data, filtered values are set to 0.
mask The resulting image mask
piHalfFraction Angles between (PI/2)/'piHalfFraction' and (2*PI)-(PI/2)/'piHalfFraction' are not discarded
Return code

Check if destination image has been initialized correctly

Extract four surrounding neighbor vectors that have a non zero mask value

x x o x x

Counte the amount of times, we satisfy the thresholds

Vector Middle (must exist)

Vector Left

Vector Right

Vector Up

Vector Down

Mask value if angle exceeded threshold too often

Definition at line 565 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

cv::Mat ipa_Utils::GetColorcoded ( const cv::Mat &  img_32F,
double  min,
double  max 

Returns mat as HSV or gray image

img_32F Float matrix
min Minimum for scaling
max Maximum for scaling
Colorcoded image

Definition at line 910 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

cv::Mat ipa_Utils::GetColorcoded ( const cv::Mat &  img_32F  ) 

Returns mat as HSV or gray image

img_32F Float matrix
Colorcoded image

Definition at line 900 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

cv::Vec3f ipa_Utils::GrayColorMap ( double  value,
double  min,
double  max 

Returns mat as HSV or gray image

value Value to convert
min Minimum for scaling
max Maximum for scaling
Vector containing RGB values

Definition at line 891 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

void ipa_Utils::InitUndistortMap ( const cv::Mat &  A,
const cv::Mat &  dist_coeffs,
cv::Mat &  mapxarr,
cv::Mat &  mapyarr 

Function to replace the buggy OpenCV 1.1 function.

Definition at line 113 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

unsigned long ipa_Utils::LoadMat ( cv::Mat &  mat,
std::string  filename 

Load OpenCV matrix in binary format.

mat The OpenCV mat data structure
filename The filename
Return code

Definition at line 1004 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

unsigned long ipa_Utils::MaskImage ( const cv::Mat &  source,
cv::Mat &  dest,
const cv::Mat &  mask,
cv::Mat &  destMask,
float  minMaskThresh = 0,
float  maxMaskTresh = 20000,
int  sourceChannel = 1,
double  sourceMin = -1,
double  sourceMax = -1 

Function to mask image source with image mask. All Pixels in source will be set to 0 if the corresponding pixel in mask is outside the interval [minMaskThresh, maxMaskTresh]. Additionally the source image values can be bounded to [sourceMin, sourceMax].

source The source image.
dest The destination image.
mask The image used as mask for the source image.
destMask The resulting destination mask image (32F1).
minMaskThresh Lower border for masking.
maxMaskThresh Upper border for masking.
sourceChannel Channel to be bounded in source image.
sourceMin Lower border for bounding source image.
sourceMax Upper border for bounding source image.

Check if destination image has been initialized correctly

Check if mask image has been initialized correctly

Calculate minmal and maximal value within the specified image sourceChannel Channel must be within [1, source->nChannels]

Definition at line 182 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

unsigned long ipa_Utils::SaveMat ( cv::Mat &  mat,
std::string  filename 

Save OpenCV matrix in binary format.

mat The OpenCV mat data structure
filename The filename
Return code

Definition at line 969 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

cv::Mat ipa_Utils::vstack ( const std::vector< cv::Mat > &  mats  ) 

Combines different matrices row wise, so that the number of columns remains the same and the number of rows increases.

The stacked matrix

Definition at line 64 of file VisionUtils.cpp.

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Author(s): Jan Fischer
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:40:37 2013