ElmoRecorder Class Reference

#include <ElmoRecorder.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

int configureElmoRecorder (int iRecordingGap, int driveID, int startImmediately=1)
 ElmoRecorder (CanDriveHarmonica *pParentHarmonicaDrive)
bool isInitialized (bool initNow)
int processData (segData &SDOData)
int readoutRecorderTry (int iObjSubIndex)
int readoutRecorderTryStatus (int iStatusReg, segData &SDOData)
int setLogFilename (std::string sLogFileprefix)
 ~ElmoRecorder ()

Private Member Functions

float convertBinaryToFloat (unsigned int binaryRepresentation)
float convertBinaryToHalfFloat (unsigned int iBinaryRepresentation)
int logToFile (std::string filename, std::vector< float > vtValues[])
int readoutRecorder (int iObjSubIndex)

Private Attributes

bool m_bIsInitialized
float m_fRecordingStepSec
int m_iCurrentObject
int m_iDriveID
int m_iReadoutRecorderTry
std::string m_sLogFilename

Detailed Description

The in Elmo drives integrated Recorder allows the user to record drive information at a high frequency.

The Recorder firstly has to be configured properly. It can be started immidiately after configuring or later, triggered by a signal (e.g. a begin-motion-command). When the recording is finished, you can read out the data via CANopen using a segmented SDO transfer. Appropriate functions for this CANopen specific process are provided by the CanDriveHarmonica class. This class brings all the functions to use the Elmo Recorder in a comfortable way.

Definition at line 72 of file ElmoRecorder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ElmoRecorder::ElmoRecorder ( CanDriveHarmonica pParentHarmonicaDrive  ) 
pParentHarmonicaDrive This pointer is used to give ElmoRecorder the ability to take use of CANopen functions of CanDriveHarmonica

Definition at line 61 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

ElmoRecorder::~ElmoRecorder (  ) 

Definition at line 68 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int ElmoRecorder::configureElmoRecorder ( int  iRecordingGap,
int  driveID,
int  startImmediately = 1 

Configures the Elmo Recorder to log internal data at a high frequency (This can be used for identification of the drive chain) You can read the data out after recording process has finished, using readoutRecorderTry().

iRecordingGap iRecordingGap = N indicates that a new sample should be taken once per N time quanta (= 4 * 90 usec)
driveID Enter the drive ID of the current motor, to later identify the logfiles
startImmediately 1: start the recording process immediately, 0: start recording at next BG (begin motion) command
See also:

Definition at line 76 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

float ElmoRecorder::convertBinaryToFloat ( unsigned int  binaryRepresentation  )  [private]

Convert the 32bit binary representation of a float to an actual 32bit float value

Definition at line 253 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

float ElmoRecorder::convertBinaryToHalfFloat ( unsigned int  iBinaryRepresentation  )  [private]

Convert the 16bit binary representation of a float to an actual 16bit (half)float value

Definition at line 280 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

bool ElmoRecorder::isInitialized ( bool  initNow  ) 
initNow Enter true to set the initialization state to true, enter false to only request the state.
Return the initialization state of the recorder.

Definition at line 71 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

int ElmoRecorder::logToFile ( std::string  filename,
std::vector< float >  vtValues[] 
) [private]

After processing the collected Recorder data log it to a file.

vtValues[] A 2 x N vector with a time stamp in the first column and the according data point value in teh second
filename Path and file-prefix to an existing directory! It is extended with _MotorNumber_RecordedSource.log

Definition at line 308 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

int ElmoRecorder::processData ( segData SDOData  ) 

Processes the collected Elmo Recorder data and saves them into a logfile.

Definition at line 155 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

int ElmoRecorder::readoutRecorder ( int  iObjSubIndex  )  [private]
iObjSubIndex Requests the SDO Upload of the recorder object 0x2030 of the selected iObjSubIndex-source

Definition at line 145 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

int ElmoRecorder::readoutRecorderTry ( int  iObjSubIndex  ) 

Start point of the actual read-out process. The following flow looks as follows: Request SR -> readoutRecorderTryStatus() If recorder ready -> readoutRecorder() start SDO read-out -> when finished -> processData() process data -> logToFile() save to file. This function takes use of the SR (status register) that tells the recorder state. In this function, the SR is requested.

Definition at line 107 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

int ElmoRecorder::readoutRecorderTryStatus ( int  iStatusReg,
segData SDOData 

This function is called, when a new SR message is received. If the Recorder is finished and ready to upload data, readoutRecorder() is called to actually start the read-out process.

iStatusReg Status register received from the binary interpreter response.

Definition at line 119 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

int ElmoRecorder::setLogFilename ( std::string  sLogFileprefix  ) 
sLogFileprefix Path (to an existing directory!) and file-prefix for the created logfile. It is extended with _MotorNumber_RecordedSource.log

Definition at line 246 of file ElmoRecorder.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

Elmo Recorder is intialized from the time of the first configuration on.

Definition at line 145 of file ElmoRecorder.h.

Definition at line 126 of file ElmoRecorder.h.

Stores the targeted object from the time of requesting the read-out to the actual begin after "Recorder has finished" confirmation by SR

Definition at line 124 of file ElmoRecorder.h.

int ElmoRecorder::m_iDriveID [private]

Hold the drive ID to later identify the logfiles (in the same directory)

Definition at line 140 of file ElmoRecorder.h.

A flag that tells, whether we are waiting for read-out until the confirmation by SR, that the recorder is ready for read-out

Definition at line 133 of file ElmoRecorder.h.

Definition at line 135 of file ElmoRecorder.h.

std::string ElmoRecorder::m_sLogFilename [private]

Definition at line 128 of file ElmoRecorder.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Enumerations Enumerator

Author(s): Christian Connette
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 10:02:53 2013