Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
sick::datastructure::ConfigData Class Reference

Config data for current and persistent sensor config. More...

#include <ConfigData.h>

Public Member Functions

 ConfigData ()
 The constructor of the config data. More...
uint8_t getChannel () const
 Gets the channel of the data. More...
float getDerivedAngularBeamResolution () const
 Returns the angular resolution between the beams. More...
uint32_t getDerivedInterbeamPeriod () const
 Return the time between consecutive beams. More...
uint16_t getDerivedMultiplicationFactor () const
 Return the multiplication factor. Multiplication factor to be applied to the beam distance values to get the distance in millimeter. More...
uint16_t getDerivedNumberOfBeams () const
 Returns the number of beams of the current scan. More...
uint16_t getDerivedScanTime () const
 Return the time of the scan. More...
float getDerivedStartAngle () const
 Get the start angle of the scan. More...
uint8_t getEInterfaceType () const
 Gets the eInterface type. More...
bool getEnabled () const
 Gets if the channel is enabled. More...
float getEndAngle () const
 Gets the end angle of the scan. More...
uint16_t getFeatures () const
 Gets the enabled features. More...
boost::asio::ip::address_v4 getHostIp () const
 Gets the IP-address of the host. More...
uint16_t getHostUdpPort () const
 Gets the host udp port. More...
uint16_t getPublishingFrequency () const
 Gets the publishing frequency. More...
float getStartAngle () const
 Gets the start angle of the scan. More...
std::string getVersionCVersion () const
 Gets the version indicator for the scanner. More...
uint8_t getVersionMajorVersionNumber () const
 Gets the major version number for the scanner. More...
uint8_t getVersionMinorVersionNumber () const
 Gets the minor version number for the scanner. More...
uint8_t getVersionReleaseNumber () const
 Gets the version release number for the scanner. More...
void setChannel (const uint8_t &channel)
 Sets the channel of the data. More...
void setDerivedAngularBeamResolution (const int32_t &angular_beam_resolution)
 Set the angular resolution between beams. More...
void setDerivedAngularBeamResolutionDegrees (const float &angular_beam_resolution)
 Set the angular resolution between beams from degrees. More...
void setDerivedInterbeamPeriod (const uint32_t &interbeam_period)
 Set the time between two consecutive beams. More...
void setDerivedMultiplicationFactor (const uint16_t &multiplication_factor)
 Sets the multiplication factor. More...
void setDerivedNumberOfBeams (const uint16_t &number_of_beams)
 Sets the number of beams for the current scan. More...
void setDerivedScanTime (const uint16_t &scan_time)
 Sets the time of the scan. More...
void setDerivedStartAngle (const int32_t &start_angle)
 Set the start angle of the scan. More...
void setEInterfaceType (const uint8_t &e_interface_type)
 Sets the eInterface type. More...
void setEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets if the channel is enabled. More...
void setEndAngle (const int32_t &end_angle)
 Sets the end angle of the scan. More...
void setEndAngleDegrees (const float &end_angle)
 Set the end angle of the configuration from degrees. More...
void setFeatures (bool general_system_state, bool derived_settings, bool measurement_data, bool intrusion_data, bool application_data)
 Sets the enabled features. More...
void setFeatures (const uint16_t &features)
 Set the enabled features. More...
void setHostIp (const boost::asio::ip::address_v4 &host_ip)
 Sets the IP-address of the host from an IP-address. More...
void setHostIp (const std::string &host_ip)
 Sets the IP-address of the host from a string. More...
void setHostUdpPort (const uint16_t &host_udp_port)
 Sets the host udp port. More...
void setPublishingFrequency (const uint16_t &publishing_frequency)
 Sets the publishing frequency. More...
void setStartAngle (const int32_t &start_angle)
 Sets the start angle of the scan. More...
void setStartAngleDegrees (const float &start_angle)
 Set the start angle of the configuration from degrees. More...
void setVersionCVersion (const std::string &version_c_version)
 Sets the version indicator for the scanner. More...
void setVersionMajorVersionNumber (const uint8_t &version_major_version_number)
 Sets the major version number for the scanner. More...
void setVersionMinorVersionNumber (const uint8_t &version_minor_version_number)
 Sets the minor version number for the scanner. More...
void setVersionReleaseNumber (const uint8_t &version_release_number)
 Sets the version release number for the scanner. More...

Private Attributes

const double m_ANGLE_RESOLUTION = 4194304.0
 Defined angle resolution to convert sensor input to the right frame. More...
uint8_t m_channel
float m_derived_angular_beam_resolution
uint16_t m_derived_interbeam_period
uint16_t m_derived_multiplication_factor
uint16_t m_derived_number_of_beams
uint16_t m_derived_scan_time
float m_derived_start_angle
uint8_t m_e_interface_type
bool m_enabled
float m_end_angle
uint16_t m_features
boost::asio::ip::address_v4 m_host_ip
uint16_t m_host_udp_port
uint16_t m_publishing_frequency
float m_start_angle
std::string m_version_c_version
uint8_t m_version_major_version_number
uint8_t m_version_minor_version_number
uint8_t m_version_release_number

Detailed Description

Config data for current and persistent sensor config.

Definition at line 50 of file ConfigData.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ConfigData()

sick::datastructure::ConfigData::ConfigData ( )

The constructor of the config data.

Definition at line 40 of file ConfigData.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getChannel()

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getChannel ( ) const

Gets the channel of the data.

The channel of the data.

Definition at line 107 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getDerivedAngularBeamResolution()

float sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getDerivedAngularBeamResolution ( ) const

Returns the angular resolution between the beams.

Angular resolution between beams.

Definition at line 258 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getDerivedInterbeamPeriod()

uint32_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getDerivedInterbeamPeriod ( ) const

Return the time between consecutive beams.

Time between consecutive beams.

Definition at line 273 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getDerivedMultiplicationFactor()

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getDerivedMultiplicationFactor ( ) const

Return the multiplication factor. Multiplication factor to be applied to the beam distance values to get the distance in millimeter.

The multiplication factor.

Definition at line 217 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getDerivedNumberOfBeams()

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getDerivedNumberOfBeams ( ) const

Returns the number of beams of the current scan.

Number of beams.

Definition at line 227 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getDerivedScanTime()

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getDerivedScanTime ( ) const

Return the time of the scan.

Time of the scan.

Definition at line 237 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getDerivedStartAngle()

float sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getDerivedStartAngle ( ) const

Get the start angle of the scan.

Start angle of the scan.

Definition at line 248 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getEInterfaceType()

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getEInterfaceType ( ) const

Gets the eInterface type.

The eInterface type.

Definition at line 127 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getEnabled()

bool sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getEnabled ( ) const

Gets if the channel is enabled.

If the channel is enabled.

Definition at line 117 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getEndAngle()

float sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getEndAngle ( ) const

Gets the end angle of the scan.

The end angle of the scan.

Definition at line 186 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getFeatures()

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getFeatures ( ) const

Gets the enabled features.

The enabled features.

Definition at line 147 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getHostIp()

boost::asio::ip::address_v4 sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getHostIp ( ) const

Gets the IP-address of the host.

The IP-address of the host.

Definition at line 82 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getHostUdpPort()

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getHostUdpPort ( ) const

Gets the host udp port.

The host udp port.

Definition at line 97 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getPublishingFrequency()

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getPublishingFrequency ( ) const

Gets the publishing frequency.

The publishing frequency.

Definition at line 137 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getStartAngle()

float sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getStartAngle ( ) const

Gets the start angle of the scan.

The start angle of the scan.

Definition at line 171 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getVersionCVersion()

std::string sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getVersionCVersion ( ) const

Gets the version indicator for the scanner.

The version indicator for the scanner.

Definition at line 42 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getVersionMajorVersionNumber()

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getVersionMajorVersionNumber ( ) const

Gets the major version number for the scanner.

The version indicator for the scanner.

Definition at line 52 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getVersionMinorVersionNumber()

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getVersionMinorVersionNumber ( ) const

Gets the minor version number for the scanner.

The minor version number for the scanner.

Definition at line 62 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ getVersionReleaseNumber()

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::getVersionReleaseNumber ( ) const

Gets the version release number for the scanner.

The version release number for the scanner.

Definition at line 72 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setChannel()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setChannel ( const uint8_t &  channel)

Sets the channel of the data.

channelThe new channel.

Definition at line 112 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setDerivedAngularBeamResolution()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setDerivedAngularBeamResolution ( const int32_t &  angular_beam_resolution)

Set the angular resolution between beams.

angular_beam_resolutionThe angular resolution between two beams.

Definition at line 263 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setDerivedAngularBeamResolutionDegrees()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setDerivedAngularBeamResolutionDegrees ( const float &  angular_beam_resolution)

Set the angular resolution between beams from degrees.

angular_beam_resolutionThe angular resolution between two beams in degrees.

Definition at line 268 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setDerivedInterbeamPeriod()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setDerivedInterbeamPeriod ( const uint32_t &  interbeam_period)

Set the time between two consecutive beams.

interbeam_periodTime between two consecutive beams.

Definition at line 278 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setDerivedMultiplicationFactor()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setDerivedMultiplicationFactor ( const uint16_t &  multiplication_factor)

Sets the multiplication factor.

multiplication_factorThe new multiplication factor.

Definition at line 222 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setDerivedNumberOfBeams()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setDerivedNumberOfBeams ( const uint16_t &  number_of_beams)

Sets the number of beams for the current scan.

number_of_beamsNumber of beams for the scan.

Definition at line 232 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setDerivedScanTime()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setDerivedScanTime ( const uint16_t &  scan_time)

Sets the time of the scan.

scan_timeTime of the scan.

Definition at line 242 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setDerivedStartAngle()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setDerivedStartAngle ( const int32_t &  start_angle)

Set the start angle of the scan.

start_angleStart angle of the scan.

Definition at line 253 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setEInterfaceType()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setEInterfaceType ( const uint8_t &  e_interface_type)

Sets the eInterface type.

e_interface_typeThe new eInterface type.

Definition at line 132 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setEnabled()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets if the channel is enabled.

enabledIf the channel is enabled.

Definition at line 122 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setEndAngle()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setEndAngle ( const int32_t &  end_angle)

Sets the end angle of the scan.

end_angleThe end angle of the scan.

Definition at line 191 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setEndAngleDegrees()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setEndAngleDegrees ( const float &  end_angle)

Set the end angle of the configuration from degrees.

end_angleEnd angle of the configuration in degrees.

Definition at line 196 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setFeatures() [1/2]

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setFeatures ( bool  general_system_state,
bool  derived_settings,
bool  measurement_data,
bool  intrusion_data,
bool  application_data 

Sets the enabled features.

general_system_stateIf general system state is enabled.
derived_settingsIf derived settings are enabled.
measurement_dataIf the measurement data is enabled.
intrusion_dataIf intrusion data is enabled.
application_dataIf application data is enabled.

Definition at line 157 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setFeatures() [2/2]

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setFeatures ( const uint16_t &  features)

Set the enabled features.

featuresThe new enabled features.

Definition at line 152 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setHostIp() [1/2]

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setHostIp ( const boost::asio::ip::address_v4 &  host_ip)

Sets the IP-address of the host from an IP-address.

host_ipThe new host IP-address.

Definition at line 87 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setHostIp() [2/2]

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setHostIp ( const std::string &  host_ip)

Sets the IP-address of the host from a string.

host_ipThe new host IP-address.

Definition at line 92 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setHostUdpPort()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setHostUdpPort ( const uint16_t &  host_udp_port)

Sets the host udp port.

host_udp_portThe new host udp port.

Definition at line 102 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setPublishingFrequency()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setPublishingFrequency ( const uint16_t &  publishing_frequency)

Sets the publishing frequency.

publishing_frequencyThe publishing frequency.

Definition at line 142 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setStartAngle()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setStartAngle ( const int32_t &  start_angle)

Sets the start angle of the scan.

start_angleThe start angle of the scan.

Definition at line 176 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setStartAngleDegrees()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setStartAngleDegrees ( const float &  start_angle)

Set the start angle of the configuration from degrees.

start_angleStart angle of the configuration in degrees.

Definition at line 181 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setVersionCVersion()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setVersionCVersion ( const std::string &  version_c_version)

Sets the version indicator for the scanner.

version_c_versionThe version indicator for the scanner.

Definition at line 47 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setVersionMajorVersionNumber()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setVersionMajorVersionNumber ( const uint8_t &  version_major_version_number)

Sets the major version number for the scanner.

version_major_version_numberThe major version number for the scanner.

Definition at line 57 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setVersionMinorVersionNumber()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setVersionMinorVersionNumber ( const uint8_t &  version_minor_version_number)

Sets the minor version number for the scanner.

version_minor_version_numberThe minor version number for the scanner.

Definition at line 67 of file ConfigData.cpp.

◆ setVersionReleaseNumber()

void sick::datastructure::ConfigData::setVersionReleaseNumber ( const uint8_t &  version_release_number)

Sets the version release number for the scanner.

version_release_numberThe version release number for the scanner.

Definition at line 77 of file ConfigData.cpp.

Member Data Documentation


const double sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_ANGLE_RESOLUTION = 4194304.0

Defined angle resolution to convert sensor input to the right frame.

Definition at line 341 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_channel

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_channel

Definition at line 351 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_derived_angular_beam_resolution

float sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_derived_angular_beam_resolution

Definition at line 362 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_derived_interbeam_period

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_derived_interbeam_period

Definition at line 363 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_derived_multiplication_factor

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_derived_multiplication_factor

Definition at line 358 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_derived_number_of_beams

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_derived_number_of_beams

Definition at line 359 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_derived_scan_time

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_derived_scan_time

Definition at line 360 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_derived_start_angle

float sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_derived_start_angle

Definition at line 361 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_e_interface_type

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_e_interface_type

Definition at line 353 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_enabled

bool sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_enabled

Definition at line 352 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_end_angle

float sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_end_angle

Definition at line 356 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_features

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_features

Definition at line 357 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_host_ip

boost::asio::ip::address_v4 sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_host_ip

Definition at line 349 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_host_udp_port

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_host_udp_port

Definition at line 350 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_publishing_frequency

uint16_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_publishing_frequency

Definition at line 354 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_start_angle

float sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_start_angle

Definition at line 355 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_version_c_version

std::string sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_version_c_version

Definition at line 345 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_version_major_version_number

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_version_major_version_number

Definition at line 346 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_version_minor_version_number

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_version_minor_version_number

Definition at line 347 of file ConfigData.h.

◆ m_version_release_number

uint8_t sick::datastructure::ConfigData::m_version_release_number

Definition at line 348 of file ConfigData.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Lennart Puck
autogenerated on Fri Jun 21 2024 02:40:52