bool | equals (const CrazyDecisionTree &other, double tol=1e-9) const |
| Equality method customized to Crazy node type. More...
void | print (const std::string &s="") const |
| print to stdout More...
| DecisionTree () |
| DecisionTree (const Crazy &y) |
| DecisionTree (const string &label, const Crazy &y1, const Crazy &y2) |
| Create tree with 2 assignments y1 , y2 , splitting on variable label More...
| DecisionTree (const LabelC &label, const Crazy &y1, const Crazy &y2) |
| DecisionTree (const std::vector< LabelC > &labelCs, const std::vector< Crazy > &ys) |
| DecisionTree (const std::vector< LabelC > &labelCs, const std::string &table) |
| DecisionTree (Iterator begin, Iterator end, const string &label) |
| DecisionTree (const string &label, const DecisionTree &f0, const DecisionTree &f1) |
| DecisionTree (const Unary &op, DecisionTree &&other) noexcept |
| Move constructor for DecisionTree. Very efficient as does not allocate anything, just changes in-place. But other is consumed. More...
| DecisionTree (const DecisionTree< string, X > &other, Func Y_of_X) |
| Convert from a different value type. More...
| DecisionTree (const DecisionTree< M, X > &other, const std::map< M, string > &map, Func Y_of_X) |
| Convert from a different value type X to value type Y, also translate labels via map from type M to L. More...
void | print (const std::string &s, const LabelFormatter &labelFormatter, const ValueFormatter &valueFormatter) const |
| GTSAM-style print. More...
bool | equals (const DecisionTree &other, const CompareFunc &compare=&DefaultCompare) const |
virtual | ~DecisionTree ()=default |
| Make virtual. More...
bool | empty () const |
| Check if tree is empty. More...
bool | operator== (const DecisionTree &q) const |
const Crazy & | operator() (const Assignment< string > &x) const |
void | visit (Func f) const |
| Visit all leaves in depth-first fashion. More...
void | visitLeaf (Func f) const |
| Visit all leaves in depth-first fashion. More...
void | visitWith (Func f) const |
| Visit all leaves in depth-first fashion. More...
size_t | nrLeaves () const |
| Return the number of leaves in the tree. More...
X | fold (Func f, X x0) const |
| Fold a binary function over the tree, returning accumulator. More...
std::set< string > | labels () const |
DecisionTree | apply (const Unary &op) const |
DecisionTree | apply (const UnaryAssignment &op) const |
| Apply Unary operation "op" to f while also providing the corresponding assignment. More...
DecisionTree | apply (const DecisionTree &g, const Binary &op) const |
DecisionTree | choose (const string &label, size_t index) const |
DecisionTree | combine (const string &label, size_t cardinality, const Binary &op) const |
DecisionTree | combine (const LabelC &labelC, const Binary &op) const |
void | dot (std::ostream &os, const LabelFormatter &labelFormatter, const ValueFormatter &valueFormatter, bool showZero=true) const |
void | dot (const std::string &name, const LabelFormatter &labelFormatter, const ValueFormatter &valueFormatter, bool showZero=true) const |
std::string | dot (const LabelFormatter &labelFormatter, const ValueFormatter &valueFormatter, bool showZero=true) const |
std::pair< DecisionTree< string, A >, DecisionTree< string, B > > | split (std::function< std::pair< A, B >(const Crazy &)> AB_of_Y) const |
| Convert into two trees with value types A and B. More...
| DecisionTree (const NodePtr &root) |
using | Binary = std::function< Crazy(const Crazy &, const Crazy &)> |
using | CompareFunc = std::function< bool(const Crazy &, const Crazy &)> |
using | LabelC = std::pair< string, size_t > |
using | LabelFormatter = std::function< std::string(string)> |
using | NodePtr = typename Node::Ptr |
using | Unary = std::function< Crazy(const Crazy &)> |
using | UnaryAssignment = std::function< Crazy(const Assignment< string > &, const Crazy &)> |
using | ValueFormatter = std::function< std::string(Crazy)> |
static NodePtr | compose (Iterator begin, Iterator end, const string &label) |
NodePtr | root_ |
| A DecisionTree just contains the root. TODO(dellaert): make protected. More...
static NodePtr | build (It begin, It end, ValueIt beginY, ValueIt endY) |
static NodePtr | convertFrom (const typename DecisionTree< M, X >::NodePtr &f, std::function< string(const M &)> L_of_M, std::function< Crazy(const X &)> Y_of_X) |
| Convert from a DecisionTree<M, X> to DecisionTree<L, Y>. More...
static NodePtr | convertFrom (const typename DecisionTree< string, X >::NodePtr &f, std::function< Crazy(const X &)> Y_of_X) |
| Convert from a DecisionTree<L, X> to DecisionTree<L, Y>. More...
static NodePtr | create (It begin, It end, ValueIt beginY, ValueIt endY) |
static bool | DefaultCompare (const Crazy &a, const Crazy &b) |
| Default method for comparison of two objects of type Y. More...
Definition at line 51 of file testDecisionTree.cpp.