examples Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for examples:


file  ConcurrentCalibration.cpp [code]
 First step towards estimating monocular calibration in concurrent filter/smoother framework. To start with, just batch LM.
file  ConcurrentFilteringAndSmoothingExample.cpp [code]
 Demonstration of the concurrent filtering and smoothing architecture using a planar robot example and multiple odometry-like sensors.
file  FixedLagSmootherExample.cpp [code]
 Demonstration of the fixed-lag smoothers using a planar robot example and multiple odometry-like sensors.
file  GncPoseAveragingExample.cpp [code]
 example of GNC estimating a single pose from pose priors possibly corrupted with outliers You can run this example using: ./GncPoseAveragingExample nrInliers nrOutliers e.g.,: ./GncPoseAveragingExample 10 5 (if the numbers are not specified, default values nrInliers = 10 and nrOutliers = 10 are used)
file  IncrementalFixedLagSmootherExample.cpp [code]
file  ISAM2_SmartFactorStereo_IMU.cpp [code]
 test of iSAM2 with smart stereo factors and IMU preintegration, originally used to debug valgrind invalid reads with Eigen
file  SmartProjectionFactorExample.cpp [code]
 A stereo visual odometry example.
file  SmartRangeExample_plaza1.cpp [code]
 A 2D Range SLAM example.
file  SmartRangeExample_plaza2.cpp [code]
 A 2D Range SLAM example.
file  SmartStereoProjectionFactorExample.cpp [code]
file  TimeOfArrivalExample.cpp [code]
 Track a moving object "Time of Arrival" measurements at 4 microphones.

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:16:06