file | auxapi.c [code] |
| This file contains various helper API routines for using METIS.
file | balance.c [code] |
| Functions for the edge-based balancing.
file | bucketsort.c [code] |
file | checkgraph.c [code] |
file | coarsen.c [code] |
| Functions for computing matchings during graph coarsening.
file | compress.c [code] |
file | contig.c [code] |
| Functions that deal with eliminating disconnected partitions.
file | debug.c [code] |
file | libmetis/defs.h [code] |
file | fm.c [code] |
| Functions for the edge-based FM refinement.
file | fortran.c [code] |
file | frename.c [code] |
file | gklib.c [code] |
| Various helper routines generated using GKlib's templates.
file | gklib_defs.h [code] |
| Data structures and prototypes for GKlib integration.
file | gklib_rename.h [code] |
file | libmetis/graph.c [code] |
| Functions that deal with setting up the graphs for METIS.
file | initpart.c [code] |
file | kmetis.c [code] |
| The top-level routines for multilevel k-way partitioning that minimizes the edge cut.
file | kwayfm.c [code] |
| Routines for k-way refinement.
file | kwayrefine.c [code] |
| Driving routines for multilevel k-way refinement.
file | metis/libmetis/macros.h [code] |
file | mcutil.c [code] |
file | mesh.c [code] |
file | meshpart.c [code] |
file | metislib.h [code] |
file | minconn.c [code] |
| Functions that deal with prunning the number of adjacent subdomains in kmetis.
file | mincover.c [code] |
file | mmd.c [code] |
file | ometis.c [code] |
file | options.c [code] |
| This file contains various routines for dealing with options and ctrl_t.
file | parmetis.c [code] |
file | pmetis.c [code] |
| This file contains the top level routines for the multilevel recursive bisection algorithm PMETIS.
file | libmetis/proto.h [code] |
file | refine.c [code] |
file | rename.h [code] |
file | separator.c [code] |
file | sfm.c [code] |
file | srefine.c [code] |
file | libmetis/stat.c [code] |
file | libmetis/struct.h [code] |
file | timing.c [code] |
file | libmetis/util.c [code] |
file | wspace.c [code] |
| Functions dealing with memory allocation and workspace management.