geometry Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for geometry:


directory  tests


file  BearingS2.cpp [code]
file  BearingS2.h [code]
 Manifold measurement between two points on a unit sphere.
file  Event.cpp [code]
 Space-time event.
file  Event.h [code]
 Space-time event.
file  InvDepthCamera3.h [code]
 Inverse Depth Camera based on Civera09tro, Montiel06rss. Landmarks are initialized from the first camera observation with (x,y,z,theta,phi,inv_depth), where x,y,z are the coordinates of the camera.
file  Pose3Upright.cpp [code]
file  Pose3Upright.h [code]
 Variation of a Pose3 in which the rotation is constained to purely yaw This state is essentially a Pose2 with a z component, with conversions to higher and lower dimensional states.
file  SimPolygon2D.cpp [code]
file  SimPolygon2D.h [code]
 Polygons for simulation use.
file  SimWall2D.cpp [code]
file  SimWall2D.h [code]
 Implementation of walls for use with simulators.

autogenerated on Wed Mar 19 2025 03:16:06