Go to the documentation of this file.
62 virtual void update(
bool updateRealDist=
128 #include "dynamicEDTOctomap.hxx"
float getDistance(const octomap::point3d &p) const
retrieves distance at point. Returns DynamicEDTOctomapBase::distanceValue_Error if point is outside t...
static int distanceInCellsValue_Error
distance value returned when requesting distance in cell units for a cell outside the map
virtual ~DynamicEDTOctomapBase()
DynamicEDTOctomapBase< octomap::OcTreeStamped > DynamicEDTOctomapStamped
int getSquaredMaxDistCells() const
retrieve squared maximum distance value in grid cells
float getMaxDist() const
retrieve maximum distance value
void updateMaxDepthLeaf(octomap::OcTreeKey &key, bool occupied)
int getSquaredDistanceInCells(const octomap::point3d &p) const
retrieves squared distance in cells at point. Returns DynamicEDTOctomapBase::distanceInCellsValue_Err...
DynamicEDTOctomapBase< octomap::OcTree > DynamicEDTOctomap
static float distanceValue_Error
distance value returned when requesting distance for a cell outside the map
int getSquaredDistanceInCells_unsafe(const octomap::point3d &p) const
float getDistance_unsafe(const octomap::point3d &p) const
void mapToWorld(int x, int y, int z, octomap::point3d &p) const
octomap::OcTreeKey boundingBoxMinKey
void insertMaxDepthLeafAtInitialize(octomap::OcTreeKey key)
A DynamicEDTOctomapBase object connects a DynamicEDT3D object to an octomap.
void getDistanceAndClosestObstacle(const octomap::point3d &p, float &distance, octomap::point3d &closestObstacle) const
DynamicEDTOctomapBase(float maxdist, TREE *_octree, octomap::point3d bbxMin, octomap::point3d bbxMax, bool treatUnknownAsOccupied)
void initializeOcTree(octomap::point3d bbxMin, octomap::point3d bbxMax)
A DynamicEDT3D object computes and updates a 3D distance map.
virtual void update(bool updateRealDist=true)
void worldToMap(const octomap::point3d &p, int &x, int &y, int &z) const
void getDistanceAndClosestObstacle_unsafe(const octomap::point3d &p, float &distance, octomap::point3d &closestObstacle) const
octomap::OcTreeKey boundingBoxMaxKey
bool checkConsistency() const
Brute force method used for debug purposes. Checks occupancy state consistency between octomap and in...
Author(s): Christoph Sprunk
autogenerated on Tue Dec 12 2023 03:39:46