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fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs > Class Template Reference

Approximate time policy. More...

#include <approximate_time.h>

Inheritance diagram for fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

 ApproximateTime ()
 Constructor. More...
ApproximateTimeset_max_age (const ros::Duration &max_age) noexcept
 Set maximum age of any data in the queue. More...
ApproximateTimeset_max_queue_size (std::size_t queue_size, const boost::optional< ros::Duration > &max_age=boost::none) noexcept
 Set maximum queue size. More...
ApproximateTimeset_max_timespan (const ros::Duration &max_delta) noexcept
 Set maximum permissible timestamp difference of matched messages. More...
ApproximateTimeset_min_distance (std::size_t i, const ros::Duration &min_dist) noexcept
 Set the minimum distance between consecutive messages on a source. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::PolicyBase< IOs... >
virtual ~PolicyBase ()

Protected Member Functions

template<std::size_t N>
void add (std::unique_lock< std::mutex > &, const std::tuple_element_t< N, IncomingTuples > &)
 Input function. More...
void reset () noexcept override
 Reset internal state. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::PolicyBase< IOs... >
void emit (const OutgoingTuple &out)
 Emit data. More...
void set_emitter_callback (const EmitterCB &) noexcept
 Set output function. More...

Private Types

using IncomingQueues = std::tuple< std::deque< helpers::io_tuple_t< IOs > >... >

Private Member Functions

bool can_still_improve () noexcept
template<std::size_t N>
bool can_still_improve_at () noexcept
bool determine_pivot () noexcept
void discard_expired (const ros::Time &cutoff) noexcept
template<std::size_t N>
void discard_expired_at (const ros::Time &cutoff) noexcept
void drop_pivot () noexcept
void emit_heads (std::unique_lock< std::mutex > &)
ros::Duration heads_timespan () noexcept
ros::Duration pivot_timedelta (const ros::Time &ts) noexcept
template<std::size_t N>
void prune_queue_at (std::size_t queue_size) noexcept

Private Attributes

MaybeOutgoingTuples heads_
boost::optional< ros::Durationmax_age_
boost::optional< ros::Durationmax_delta_
std::size_t max_queue_size_
std::array< ros::Duration, NUM_SLOTSmin_dist_
std::size_t pivot_
ros::Time pivot_ts_
IncomingQueues queues_

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr std::size_t NUM_SLOTS = sizeof...(IOs)
static constexpr std::size_t UNSET = NUM_SLOTS


template<template< typename... > class, class... >
class fkie_message_filters::Combiner

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::PolicyBase< IOs... >
using EmitterCB = std::function< void(const OutgoingTuple &)>
 Callback for assembled outputs. More...
using IncomingTuples = std::tuple< helpers::io_tuple_t< IOs >... >
 Tuple type of incoming data tuples. More...
using OutgoingTuple = helpers::io_tuple_t< helpers::io_concat_t< IOs... > >
 Combined tuple type for data output. More...
- Protected Types inherited from fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::PolicyBase< IOs... >
using MaybeOutgoingTuples = std::tuple< boost::optional< helpers::io_tuple_t< IOs > >... >
 Tuple of outgoing tuple candidates. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename... IOs>
class fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >

Approximate time policy.

This is a policy for the Combiner class. It will associate data from the connected sources, but unlike ExactTime, it can match messages even when their ROS header timestamps do not match perfectly. If an input source is not unary, only the first argument will be examined to determine the timestamp. It must have an accessible ROS header, which is determined using the ros::message_traits template.

The policy employs a modified version of the ROS ApproximateTime algorithm. Like its predecessor, the algorithm is not merely applying an epsilon to account for time differences, but tries to find the best possible match. Each set of grouped messages which are output by the policy, satisfies the following criteria:

Optional parameters:

The algorithm works as follows:

Definition at line 118 of file approximate_time.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ IncomingQueues

template<typename... IOs>
using fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::IncomingQueues = std::tuple<std::deque<helpers::io_tuple_t<IOs> >...>

Definition at line 200 of file approximate_time.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ApproximateTime()



Definition at line 72 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

template<typename... IOs>
template<std::size_t N>
void fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::add ( std::unique_lock< std::mutex > &  lock,
const std::tuple_element_t< N, IncomingTuples > &  in 

Input function.

This function will be called by the Combiner class for incoming data.

Definition at line 109 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ can_still_improve()

template<typename... IOs>
bool fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::can_still_improve

Definition at line 233 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ can_still_improve_at()

template<typename... IOs>
template<std::size_t N>
bool fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::can_still_improve_at

Definition at line 205 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ determine_pivot()

template<typename... IOs>
bool fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::determine_pivot

Definition at line 360 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ discard_expired()

template<typename... IOs>
void fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::discard_expired ( const ros::Time cutoff)

Definition at line 276 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ discard_expired_at()

template<typename... IOs>
template<std::size_t N>
void fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::discard_expired_at ( const ros::Time cutoff)

Definition at line 250 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ drop_pivot()

template<typename... IOs>
void fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::drop_pivot

Definition at line 340 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ emit_heads()

template<typename... IOs>
void fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::emit_heads ( std::unique_lock< std::mutex > &  lock)

Definition at line 174 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ heads_timespan()

template<typename... IOs>
ros::Duration fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::heads_timespan

Definition at line 308 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ pivot_timedelta()

template<typename... IOs>
ros::Duration fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::pivot_timedelta ( const ros::Time ts)

Definition at line 333 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ prune_queue_at()

template<typename... IOs>
template<std::size_t N>
void fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::prune_queue_at ( std::size_t  queue_size)

Definition at line 283 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ reset()

template<typename... IOs>
void fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::reset

Reset internal state.

This function is called by the Combiner if the filter is reset.

Implements fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::PolicyBase< IOs... >.

Definition at line 295 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ set_max_age()

template<typename... IOs>
ApproximateTime< IOs... > & fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::set_max_age ( const ros::Duration max_age)

Set maximum age of any data in the queue.

This is equivalent to

set_max_queue_size(0, max_age);
  • max_age maximum age


Definition at line 78 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ set_max_queue_size()

template<typename... IOs>
ApproximateTime< IOs... > & fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::set_max_queue_size ( std::size_t  queue_size,
const boost::optional< ros::Duration > &  max_age = boost::none 

Set maximum queue size.

  • queue_size maximum queue size per slot (zero means unlimited)
  • max_age the maximum age of any data in the queue (none means unlimited)


Definition at line 86 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ set_max_timespan()

template<typename... IOs>
ApproximateTime< IOs... > & fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::set_max_timespan ( const ros::Duration max_delta)

Set maximum permissible timestamp difference of matched messages.

  • max_delta the maximum permissible timestamp difference of matched messages


Definition at line 94 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

◆ set_min_distance()

template<typename... IOs>
ApproximateTime< IOs... > & fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::set_min_distance ( std::size_t  i,
const ros::Duration min_dist 

Set the minimum distance between consecutive messages on a source.

If it is known in advance that messages from a certain source cannot arrive closer together than min_dist, the policy can conclude earlier that a set of matched messages is optimal, thereby reducing the introduced lag. A typical example would be a camera with fixed frame rate F, where the minimum distance between consecutive messages can be assumed to be at least 0.5/F.

  • i the input source slot
  • min_dist the minimum temporal distance between consecutive messages


Definition at line 101 of file approximate_time_impl.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ fkie_message_filters::Combiner

template<typename... IOs>
template<template< typename... > class, class... >
friend class fkie_message_filters::Combiner

Definition at line 139 of file approximate_time.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ heads_

template<typename... IOs>
MaybeOutgoingTuples fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::heads_

Definition at line 221 of file approximate_time.h.

◆ max_age_

template<typename... IOs>
boost::optional<ros::Duration> fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::max_age_

Definition at line 214 of file approximate_time.h.

◆ max_delta_

template<typename... IOs>
boost::optional<ros::Duration> fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::max_delta_

Definition at line 216 of file approximate_time.h.

◆ max_queue_size_

template<typename... IOs>
std::size_t fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::max_queue_size_

Definition at line 215 of file approximate_time.h.

◆ min_dist_

template<typename... IOs>
std::array<ros::Duration, NUM_SLOTS> fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::min_dist_

Definition at line 219 of file approximate_time.h.


template<typename... IOs>
constexpr std::size_t fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::NUM_SLOTS = sizeof...(IOs)

Definition at line 197 of file approximate_time.h.

◆ pivot_

template<typename... IOs>
std::size_t fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::pivot_

Definition at line 217 of file approximate_time.h.

◆ pivot_ts_

template<typename... IOs>
ros::Time fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::pivot_ts_

Definition at line 218 of file approximate_time.h.

◆ queues_

template<typename... IOs>
IncomingQueues fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::queues_

Definition at line 220 of file approximate_time.h.


template<typename... IOs>
constexpr std::size_t fkie_message_filters::combiner_policies::ApproximateTime< IOs >::UNSET = NUM_SLOTS

Definition at line 198 of file approximate_time.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
ApproximateTime & set_max_queue_size(std::size_t queue_size, const boost::optional< ros::Duration > &max_age=boost::none) noexcept
Set maximum queue size.
Definition: approximate_time_impl.h:86

Author(s): Timo Röhling
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 00:18:57