mcan1.h File Reference
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#define REG_MCAN1_BTP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003401CU)
 (MCAN1) Bit Timing and Prescaler Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_CCCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034018U)
 (MCAN1) CC Control Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_CREL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034000U)
 (MCAN1) Core Release Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_CUST   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034008U)
 (MCAN1) Customer Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_DBTP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003400CU)
 (MCAN1) Data Bit Timing and Prescaler Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_ECR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034040U)
 (MCAN1) Error Counter Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_ENDN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034004U)
 (MCAN1) Endian Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_FBTP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003400CU)
 (MCAN1) Fast Bit Timing and Prescaler Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_GFC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034080U)
 (MCAN1) Global Filter Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_HPMS   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034094U)
 (MCAN1) High Priority Message Status Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_IE   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034054U)
 (MCAN1) Interrupt Enable Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_ILE   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003405CU)
 (MCAN1) Interrupt Line Enable Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_ILS   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034058U)
 (MCAN1) Interrupt Line Select Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_IR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034050U)
 (MCAN1) Interrupt Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_NBTP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003401CU)
 (MCAN1) Nominal Bit Timing and Prescaler Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_NDAT1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034098U)
 (MCAN1) New Data 1 Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_NDAT2   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003409CU)
 (MCAN1) New Data 2 Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_PSR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034044U)
 (MCAN1) Protocol Status Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_RWD   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034014U)
 (MCAN1) RAM Watchdog Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_RXBC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340ACU)
 (MCAN1) Receive Rx Buffer Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_RXESC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340BCU)
 (MCAN1) Receive Buffer / FIFO Element Size Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_RXF0A   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340A8U)
 (MCAN1) Receive FIFO 0 Acknowledge Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_RXF0C   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340A0U)
 (MCAN1) Receive FIFO 0 Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_RXF0S   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340A4U)
 (MCAN1) Receive FIFO 0 Status Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_RXF1A   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340B8U)
 (MCAN1) Receive FIFO 1 Acknowledge Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_RXF1C   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340B0U)
 (MCAN1) Receive FIFO 1 Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_RXF1S   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340B4U)
 (MCAN1) Receive FIFO 1 Status Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_SIDFC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034084U)
 (MCAN1) Standard ID Filter Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TDCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034048U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Delay Compensation Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TEST   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034010U)
 (MCAN1) Test Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TOCC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034028U)
 (MCAN1) Timeout Counter Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TOCV   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003402CU)
 (MCAN1) Timeout Counter Value Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TSCC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034020U)
 (MCAN1) Timestamp Counter Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TSCV   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034024U)
 (MCAN1) Timestamp Counter Value Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXBAR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340D0U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Add Request Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXBC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340C0U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXBCF   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340DCU)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Cancellation Finished Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXBCIE   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340E4U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXBCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340D4U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Cancellation Request Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXBRP   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340CCU)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Request Pending Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXBTIE   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340E0U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXBTO   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340D8U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Transmission Occurred Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXEFA   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340F8U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Event FIFO Acknowledge Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXEFC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340F0U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Event FIFO Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXEFS   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340F4U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Event FIFO Status Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXESC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340C8U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Element Size Configuration Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_TXFQS   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340C4U)
 (MCAN1) Transmit FIFO/Queue Status Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_XIDAM   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034090U)
 (MCAN1) Extended ID AND Mask Register More...
#define REG_MCAN1_XIDFC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034088U)
 (MCAN1) Extended ID Filter Configuration Register More...

Detailed Description

Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

Definition in file mcan1.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define REG_MCAN1_BTP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003401CU)

(MCAN1) Bit Timing and Prescaler Register

Definition at line 98 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_CCCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034018U)

(MCAN1) CC Control Register

Definition at line 97 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_CREL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034000U)

(MCAN1) Core Release Register

Definition at line 90 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_CUST   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034008U)

(MCAN1) Customer Register

Definition at line 92 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_DBTP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003400CU)

(MCAN1) Data Bit Timing and Prescaler Register

Definition at line 94 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_ECR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034040U)

(MCAN1) Error Counter Register

Definition at line 104 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_ENDN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034004U)

(MCAN1) Endian Register

Definition at line 91 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_FBTP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003400CU)

(MCAN1) Fast Bit Timing and Prescaler Register

Definition at line 93 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_GFC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034080U)

(MCAN1) Global Filter Configuration Register

Definition at line 111 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_HPMS   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034094U)

(MCAN1) High Priority Message Status Register

Definition at line 115 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_IE   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034054U)

(MCAN1) Interrupt Enable Register

Definition at line 108 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_ILE   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003405CU)

(MCAN1) Interrupt Line Enable Register

Definition at line 110 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_ILS   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034058U)

(MCAN1) Interrupt Line Select Register

Definition at line 109 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_IR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034050U)

(MCAN1) Interrupt Register

Definition at line 107 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_NBTP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003401CU)

(MCAN1) Nominal Bit Timing and Prescaler Register

Definition at line 99 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_NDAT1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034098U)

(MCAN1) New Data 1 Register

Definition at line 116 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_NDAT2   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003409CU)

(MCAN1) New Data 2 Register

Definition at line 117 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_PSR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40034044U)

(MCAN1) Protocol Status Register

Definition at line 105 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_RWD   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034014U)

(MCAN1) RAM Watchdog Register

Definition at line 96 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_RXBC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340ACU)

(MCAN1) Receive Rx Buffer Configuration Register

Definition at line 121 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_RXESC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340BCU)

(MCAN1) Receive Buffer / FIFO Element Size Configuration Register

Definition at line 125 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_RXF0A   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340A8U)

(MCAN1) Receive FIFO 0 Acknowledge Register

Definition at line 120 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_RXF0C   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340A0U)

(MCAN1) Receive FIFO 0 Configuration Register

Definition at line 118 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_RXF0S   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340A4U)

(MCAN1) Receive FIFO 0 Status Register

Definition at line 119 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_RXF1A   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340B8U)

(MCAN1) Receive FIFO 1 Acknowledge Register

Definition at line 124 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_RXF1C   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340B0U)

(MCAN1) Receive FIFO 1 Configuration Register

Definition at line 122 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_RXF1S   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340B4U)

(MCAN1) Receive FIFO 1 Status Register

Definition at line 123 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_SIDFC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034084U)

(MCAN1) Standard ID Filter Configuration Register

Definition at line 112 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TDCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034048U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Delay Compensation Register

Definition at line 106 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TEST   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034010U)

(MCAN1) Test Register

Definition at line 95 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TOCC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034028U)

(MCAN1) Timeout Counter Configuration Register

Definition at line 102 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TOCV   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4003402CU)

(MCAN1) Timeout Counter Value Register

Definition at line 103 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TSCC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034020U)

(MCAN1) Timestamp Counter Configuration Register

Definition at line 100 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TSCV   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034024U)

(MCAN1) Timestamp Counter Value Register

Definition at line 101 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXBAR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340D0U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Add Request Register

Definition at line 130 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXBC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340C0U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Configuration Register

Definition at line 126 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXBCF   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340DCU)

(MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Cancellation Finished Register

Definition at line 133 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXBCIE   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340E4U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable Register

Definition at line 135 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXBCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340D4U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Cancellation Request Register

Definition at line 131 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXBRP   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340CCU)

(MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Request Pending Register

Definition at line 129 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXBTIE   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340E0U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable Register

Definition at line 134 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXBTO   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340D8U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Transmission Occurred Register

Definition at line 132 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXEFA   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340F8U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Event FIFO Acknowledge Register

Definition at line 138 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXEFC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340F0U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Event FIFO Configuration Register

Definition at line 136 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXEFS   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340F4U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Event FIFO Status Register

Definition at line 137 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXESC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400340C8U)

(MCAN1) Transmit Buffer Element Size Configuration Register

Definition at line 128 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_TXFQS   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400340C4U)

(MCAN1) Transmit FIFO/Queue Status Register

Definition at line 127 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_XIDAM   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034090U)

(MCAN1) Extended ID AND Mask Register

Definition at line 114 of file mcan1.h.


#define REG_MCAN1_XIDFC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40034088U)

(MCAN1) Extended ID Filter Configuration Register

Definition at line 113 of file mcan1.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:06