instance/gmac.h File Reference
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#define REG_GMAC_AE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005019CU)
 (GMAC) Alignment Errors Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_BCFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005015CU)
 (GMAC) Broadcast Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_BCFT   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005010CU)
 (GMAC) Broadcast Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_BFR64   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050168U)
 (GMAC) 64 Byte Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_BFT64   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050118U)
 (GMAC) 64 Byte Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_CBSCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400504BCU)
 (GMAC) Credit-Based Shaping Control Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_CBSISQA   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400504C0U)
 (GMAC) Credit-Based Shaping IdleSlope Register for Queue A More...
#define REG_GMAC_CBSISQB   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400504C4U)
 (GMAC) Credit-Based Shaping IdleSlope Register for Queue B More...
#define REG_GMAC_CSE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005014CU)
 (GMAC) Carrier Sense Errors Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_DCFGR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050010U)
 (GMAC) DMA Configuration Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_DTF   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050148U)
 (GMAC) Deferred Transmission Frames Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_EC   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050140U)
 (GMAC) Excessive Collisions Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_EFRN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501ECU)
 (GMAC) PTP Event Frame Received Nanoseconds Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_EFRSH   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500ECU)
 (GMAC) PTP Event Frame Received Seconds High Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_EFRSL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501E8U)
 (GMAC) PTP Event Frame Received Seconds Low Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_EFTN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501E4U)
 (GMAC) PTP Event Frame Transmitted Nanoseconds Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_EFTSH   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500E8U)
 (GMAC) PTP Event Frame Transmitted Seconds High Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_EFTSL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501E0U)
 (GMAC) PTP Event Frame Transmitted Seconds Low Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_FCSE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050190U)
 (GMAC) Frame Check Sequence Errors Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_FR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050158U)
 (GMAC) Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_FT   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050108U)
 (GMAC) Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_GTBFT1518   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050130U)
 (GMAC) Greater Than 1518 Byte Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_HRB   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050080U)
 (GMAC) Hash Register Bottom More...
#define REG_GMAC_HRT   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050084U)
 (GMAC) Hash Register Top More...
#define REG_GMAC_IDR   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x4005002CU)
 (GMAC) Interrupt Disable Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_IDRPQ   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x4005061CU)
 (GMAC) Interrupt Disable Register Priority Queue (index = 1) More...
#define REG_GMAC_IER   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x40050028U)
 (GMAC) Interrupt Enable Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_IERPQ   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x400505FCU)
 (GMAC) Interrupt Enable Register Priority Queue (index = 1) More...
#define REG_GMAC_IHCE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501A8U)
 (GMAC) IP Header Checksum Errors Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_IMR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050030U)
 (GMAC) Interrupt Mask Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_IMRPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005063CU)
 (GMAC) Interrupt Mask Register Priority Queue (index = 1) More...
#define REG_GMAC_IPGS   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500BCU)
 (GMAC) IPG Stretch Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_ISR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050024U)
 (GMAC) Interrupt Status Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_ISRPQ   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400503FCU)
 (GMAC) Interrupt Status Register Priority Queue (index = 1) 0 More...
#define REG_GMAC_JR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005018CU)
 (GMAC) Jabbers Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_LC   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050144U)
 (GMAC) Late Collisions Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_LFFE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050194U)
 (GMAC) Length Field Frame Errors Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_MAN   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050034U)
 (GMAC) PHY Maintenance Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_MCF   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005013CU)
 (GMAC) Multiple Collision Frames Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_MFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050160U)
 (GMAC) Multicast Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_MFT   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050110U)
 (GMAC) Multicast Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_MID   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500FCU)
 (GMAC) Module ID Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_NCFGR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050004U)
 (GMAC) Network Configuration Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_NCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050000U)
 (GMAC) Network Control Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_NSC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500DCU)
 (GMAC) 1588 Timer Nanosecond Comparison Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_NSR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050008U)
 (GMAC) Network Status Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_OFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050188U)
 (GMAC) Oversize Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_ORHI   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050154U)
 (GMAC) Octets Received High Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_ORLO   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050150U)
 (GMAC) Octets Received Low Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_OTHI   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050104U)
 (GMAC) Octets Transmitted High Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_OTLO   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050100U)
 (GMAC) Octets Transmitted Low Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_PEFRN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501FCU)
 (GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Received Nanoseconds Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_PEFRSH   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500F4U)
 (GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Received Seconds High Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_PEFRSL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501F8U)
 (GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Received Seconds Low Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_PEFTN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501F4U)
 (GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Transmitted Nanoseconds Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_PEFTSH   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500F0U)
 (GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Transmitted Seconds High Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_PEFTSL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501F0U)
 (GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Transmitted Seconds Low Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_PFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050164U)
 (GMAC) Pause Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_PFT   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050114U)
 (GMAC) Pause Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_RBQB   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050018U)
 (GMAC) Receive Buffer Queue Base Address Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_RBQBAPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005047CU)
 (GMAC) Receive Buffer Queue Base Address Register Priority Queue (index = 1) More...
#define REG_GMAC_RBSRPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005049CU)
 (GMAC) Receive Buffer Size Register Priority Queue (index = 1) More...
#define REG_GMAC_RJFML   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050048U)
 (GMAC) RX Jumbo Frame Max Length Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_ROE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501A4U)
 (GMAC) Receive Overrun Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_RPQ   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050038U)
 (GMAC) Received Pause Quantum Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_RPSF   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050044U)
 (GMAC) RX Partial Store and Forward Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_RRE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501A0U)
 (GMAC) Receive Resource Errors Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_RSE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050198U)
 (GMAC) Receive Symbol Errors Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_RSR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050020U)
 (GMAC) Receive Status Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_RXLPI   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050270U)
 (GMAC) Received LPI Transitions More...
#define REG_GMAC_RXLPITIME   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050274U)
 (GMAC) Received LPI Time More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAB1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050088U)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 1 Bottom Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAB2   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050090U)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 2 Bottom Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAB3   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050098U)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 3 Bottom Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAB4   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500A0U)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 4 Bottom Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAMB1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500C8U)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 1 Mask Bottom Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAMT1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500CCU)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 1 Mask Top Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAT1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005008CU)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 1 Top Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAT2   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050094U)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 2 Top Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAT3   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005009CU)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 3 Top Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SAT4   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500A4U)
 (GMAC) Specific Address 4 Top Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SCF   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050138U)
 (GMAC) Single Collision Frames Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SCH   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500E4U)
 (GMAC) 1588 Timer Second Comparison High Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_SCL   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500E0U)
 (GMAC) 1588 Timer Second Comparison Low Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST1RPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050500U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 1 Register Priority Queue (index = 0) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW00   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050700U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 0) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW01   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050708U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 1) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW010   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050750U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 10) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW011   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050758U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 11) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW012   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050760U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 12) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW013   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050768U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 13) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW014   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050770U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 14) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW015   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050778U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 15) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW016   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050780U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 16) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW017   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050788U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 17) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW018   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050790U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 18) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW019   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050798U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 19) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW02   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050710U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 2) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW020   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507A0U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 20) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW021   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507A8U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 21) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW022   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507B0U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 22) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW023   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507B8U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 23) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW03   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050718U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 3) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW04   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050720U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 4) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW05   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050728U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 5) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW06   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050730U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 6) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW07   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050738U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 7) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW08   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050740U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 8) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW09   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050748U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 9) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW10   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050704U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 0) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW11   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005070CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 1) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW110   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050754U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 10) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW111   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005075CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 11) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW112   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050764U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 12) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW113   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005076CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 13) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW114   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050774U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 14) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW115   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005077CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 15) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW116   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050784U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 16) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW117   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005078CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 17) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW118   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050794U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 18) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW119   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005079CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 19) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW12   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050714U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 2) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW120   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507A4U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 20) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW121   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507ACU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 21) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW122   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507B4U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 22) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW123   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507BCU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 23) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW13   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005071CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 3) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW14   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050724U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 4) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW15   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005072CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 5) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW16   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050734U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 6) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW17   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005073CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 7) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW18   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050744U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 8) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW19   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005074CU)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 9) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2ER   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400506E0U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Ethertype Register (index = 0) More...
#define REG_GMAC_ST2RPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050540U)
 (GMAC) Screening Type 2 Register Priority Queue (index = 0) More...
#define REG_GMAC_SVLAN   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500C0U)
 (GMAC) Stacked VLAN Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TA   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x400501D8U)
 (GMAC) 1588 Timer Adjust Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFR1023   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050178U)
 (GMAC) 512 to 1023 Byte Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFR127   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005016CU)
 (GMAC) 65 to 127 Byte Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFR1518   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005017CU)
 (GMAC) 1024 to 1518 Byte Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFR255   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050170U)
 (GMAC) 128 to 255 Byte Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFR511   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050174U)
 (GMAC) 256 to 511 Byte Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFT1023   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050128U)
 (GMAC) 512 to 1023 Byte Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFT127   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005011CU)
 (GMAC) 65 to 127 Byte Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFT1518   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005012CU)
 (GMAC) 1024 to 1518 Byte Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFT255   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050120U)
 (GMAC) 128 to 255 Byte Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBFT511   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050124U)
 (GMAC) 256 to 511 Byte Frames Transmitted Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBQB   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005001CU)
 (GMAC) Transmit Buffer Queue Base Address Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TBQBAPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005043CU)
 (GMAC) Transmit Buffer Queue Base Address Register Priority Queue (index = 1) More...
#define REG_GMAC_TCE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501ACU)
 (GMAC) TCP Checksum Errors Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TI   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501DCU)
 (GMAC) 1588 Timer Increment Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TIDM1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500A8U)
 (GMAC) Type ID Match 1 Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TIDM2   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500ACU)
 (GMAC) Type ID Match 2 Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TIDM3   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500B0U)
 (GMAC) Type ID Match 3 Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TIDM4   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500B4U)
 (GMAC) Type ID Match 4 Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TISUBN   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501BCU)
 (GMAC) 1588 Timer Increment Sub-nanoseconds Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TMXBFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050180U)
 (GMAC) 1519 to Maximum Byte Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TN   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501D4U)
 (GMAC) 1588 Timer Nanoseconds Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TPFCP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500C4U)
 (GMAC) Transmit PFC Pause Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005003CU)
 (GMAC) Transmit Pause Quantum Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TPSF   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050040U)
 (GMAC) TX Partial Store and Forward Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TSH   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501C0U)
 (GMAC) 1588 Timer Seconds High Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TSL   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501D0U)
 (GMAC) 1588 Timer Seconds Low Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TSR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050014U)
 (GMAC) Transmit Status Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TUR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050134U)
 (GMAC) Transmit Underruns Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_TXLPI   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050278U)
 (GMAC) Transmit LPI Transitions More...
#define REG_GMAC_TXLPITIME   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005027CU)
 (GMAC) Transmit LPI Time More...
#define REG_GMAC_UCE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501B0U)
 (GMAC) UDP Checksum Errors Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_UFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050184U)
 (GMAC) Undersize Frames Received Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_UR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005000CU)
 (GMAC) User Register More...
#define REG_GMAC_WOL   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500B8U)
 (GMAC) Wake on LAN Register More...

Detailed Description

Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

Definition in file instance/gmac.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define REG_GMAC_AE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005019CU)

(GMAC) Alignment Errors Register

Definition at line 298 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_BCFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005015CU)

(GMAC) Broadcast Frames Received Register

Definition at line 282 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_BCFT   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005010CU)

(GMAC) Broadcast Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 262 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_BFR64   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050168U)

(GMAC) 64 Byte Frames Received Register

Definition at line 285 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_BFT64   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050118U)

(GMAC) 64 Byte Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 265 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_CBSCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400504BCU)

(GMAC) Credit-Based Shaping Control Register

Definition at line 326 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_CBSISQA   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400504C0U)

(GMAC) Credit-Based Shaping IdleSlope Register for Queue A

Definition at line 327 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_CBSISQB   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400504C4U)

(GMAC) Credit-Based Shaping IdleSlope Register for Queue B

Definition at line 328 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_CSE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005014CU)

(GMAC) Carrier Sense Errors Register

Definition at line 278 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_DCFGR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050010U)

(GMAC) DMA Configuration Register

Definition at line 216 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_DTF   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050148U)

(GMAC) Deferred Transmission Frames Register

Definition at line 277 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_EC   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050140U)

(GMAC) Excessive Collisions Register

Definition at line 275 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_EFRN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501ECU)

(GMAC) PTP Event Frame Received Nanoseconds Register

Definition at line 313 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_EFRSH   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500ECU)

(GMAC) PTP Event Frame Received Seconds High Register

Definition at line 255 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_EFRSL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501E8U)

(GMAC) PTP Event Frame Received Seconds Low Register

Definition at line 312 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_EFTN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501E4U)

(GMAC) PTP Event Frame Transmitted Nanoseconds Register

Definition at line 311 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_EFTSH   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500E8U)

(GMAC) PTP Event Frame Transmitted Seconds High Register

Definition at line 254 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_EFTSL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501E0U)

(GMAC) PTP Event Frame Transmitted Seconds Low Register

Definition at line 310 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_FCSE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050190U)

(GMAC) Frame Check Sequence Errors Register

Definition at line 295 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_FR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050158U)

(GMAC) Frames Received Register

Definition at line 281 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_FT   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050108U)

(GMAC) Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 261 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_GTBFT1518   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050130U)

(GMAC) Greater Than 1518 Byte Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 271 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_HRB   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050080U)

(GMAC) Hash Register Bottom

Definition at line 231 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_HRT   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050084U)

(GMAC) Hash Register Top

Definition at line 232 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_IDR   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x4005002CU)

(GMAC) Interrupt Disable Register

Definition at line 223 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_IDRPQ   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x4005061CU)

(GMAC) Interrupt Disable Register Priority Queue (index = 1)

Definition at line 332 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_IER   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x40050028U)

(GMAC) Interrupt Enable Register

Definition at line 222 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_IERPQ   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x400505FCU)

(GMAC) Interrupt Enable Register Priority Queue (index = 1)

Definition at line 331 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_IHCE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501A8U)

(GMAC) IP Header Checksum Errors Register

Definition at line 301 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_IMR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050030U)

(GMAC) Interrupt Mask Register

Definition at line 224 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_IMRPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005063CU)

(GMAC) Interrupt Mask Register Priority Queue (index = 1)

Definition at line 333 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_IPGS   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500BCU)

(GMAC) IPG Stretch Register

Definition at line 246 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ISR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050024U)

(GMAC) Interrupt Status Register

Definition at line 221 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ISRPQ   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400503FCU)

(GMAC) Interrupt Status Register Priority Queue (index = 1) 0

Definition at line 322 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_JR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005018CU)

(GMAC) Jabbers Received Register

Definition at line 294 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_LC   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050144U)

(GMAC) Late Collisions Register

Definition at line 276 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_LFFE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050194U)

(GMAC) Length Field Frame Errors Register

Definition at line 296 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_MAN   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050034U)

(GMAC) PHY Maintenance Register

Definition at line 225 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_MCF   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005013CU)

(GMAC) Multiple Collision Frames Register

Definition at line 274 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_MFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050160U)

(GMAC) Multicast Frames Received Register

Definition at line 283 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_MFT   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050110U)

(GMAC) Multicast Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 263 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_MID   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500FCU)

(GMAC) Module ID Register

Definition at line 258 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_NCFGR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050004U)

(GMAC) Network Configuration Register

Definition at line 213 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_NCR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050000U)

(GMAC) Network Control Register

Definition at line 212 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_NSC   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500DCU)

(GMAC) 1588 Timer Nanosecond Comparison Register

Definition at line 251 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_NSR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050008U)

(GMAC) Network Status Register

Definition at line 214 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_OFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050188U)

(GMAC) Oversize Frames Received Register

Definition at line 293 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ORHI   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050154U)

(GMAC) Octets Received High Received Register

Definition at line 280 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ORLO   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050150U)

(GMAC) Octets Received Low Received Register

Definition at line 279 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_OTHI   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050104U)

(GMAC) Octets Transmitted High Register

Definition at line 260 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_OTLO   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050100U)

(GMAC) Octets Transmitted Low Register

Definition at line 259 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_PEFRN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501FCU)

(GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Received Nanoseconds Register

Definition at line 317 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_PEFRSH   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500F4U)

(GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Received Seconds High Register

Definition at line 257 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_PEFRSL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501F8U)

(GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Received Seconds Low Register

Definition at line 316 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_PEFTN   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501F4U)

(GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Transmitted Nanoseconds Register

Definition at line 315 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_PEFTSH   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400500F0U)

(GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Transmitted Seconds High Register

Definition at line 256 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_PEFTSL   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501F0U)

(GMAC) PTP Peer Event Frame Transmitted Seconds Low Register

Definition at line 314 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_PFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050164U)

(GMAC) Pause Frames Received Register

Definition at line 284 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_PFT   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050114U)

(GMAC) Pause Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 264 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RBQB   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050018U)

(GMAC) Receive Buffer Queue Base Address Register

Definition at line 218 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RBQBAPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005047CU)

(GMAC) Receive Buffer Queue Base Address Register Priority Queue (index = 1)

Definition at line 324 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RBSRPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005049CU)

(GMAC) Receive Buffer Size Register Priority Queue (index = 1)

Definition at line 325 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RJFML   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050048U)

(GMAC) RX Jumbo Frame Max Length Register

Definition at line 230 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ROE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501A4U)

(GMAC) Receive Overrun Register

Definition at line 300 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RPQ   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050038U)

(GMAC) Received Pause Quantum Register

Definition at line 226 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RPSF   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050044U)

(GMAC) RX Partial Store and Forward Register

Definition at line 229 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RRE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501A0U)

(GMAC) Receive Resource Errors Register

Definition at line 299 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RSE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050198U)

(GMAC) Receive Symbol Errors Register

Definition at line 297 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RSR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050020U)

(GMAC) Receive Status Register

Definition at line 220 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RXLPI   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050270U)

(GMAC) Received LPI Transitions

Definition at line 318 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_RXLPITIME   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050274U)

(GMAC) Received LPI Time

Definition at line 319 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAB1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050088U)

(GMAC) Specific Address 1 Bottom Register

Definition at line 233 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAB2   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050090U)

(GMAC) Specific Address 2 Bottom Register

Definition at line 235 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAB3   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050098U)

(GMAC) Specific Address 3 Bottom Register

Definition at line 237 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAB4   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500A0U)

(GMAC) Specific Address 4 Bottom Register

Definition at line 239 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAMB1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500C8U)

(GMAC) Specific Address 1 Mask Bottom Register

Definition at line 249 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAMT1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500CCU)

(GMAC) Specific Address 1 Mask Top Register

Definition at line 250 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAT1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005008CU)

(GMAC) Specific Address 1 Top Register

Definition at line 234 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAT2   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050094U)

(GMAC) Specific Address 2 Top Register

Definition at line 236 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAT3   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005009CU)

(GMAC) Specific Address 3 Top Register

Definition at line 238 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SAT4   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500A4U)

(GMAC) Specific Address 4 Top Register

Definition at line 240 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SCF   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050138U)

(GMAC) Single Collision Frames Register

Definition at line 273 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SCH   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500E4U)

(GMAC) 1588 Timer Second Comparison High Register

Definition at line 253 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SCL   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500E0U)

(GMAC) 1588 Timer Second Comparison Low Register

Definition at line 252 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST1RPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050500U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 1 Register Priority Queue (index = 0)

Definition at line 329 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW00   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050700U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 0)

Definition at line 335 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW01   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050708U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 1)

Definition at line 337 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW010   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050750U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 10)

Definition at line 355 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW011   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050758U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 11)

Definition at line 357 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW012   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050760U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 12)

Definition at line 359 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW013   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050768U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 13)

Definition at line 361 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW014   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050770U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 14)

Definition at line 363 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW015   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050778U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 15)

Definition at line 365 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW016   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050780U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 16)

Definition at line 367 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW017   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050788U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 17)

Definition at line 369 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW018   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050790U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 18)

Definition at line 371 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW019   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050798U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 19)

Definition at line 373 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW02   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050710U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 2)

Definition at line 339 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW020   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507A0U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 20)

Definition at line 375 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW021   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507A8U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 21)

Definition at line 377 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW022   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507B0U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 22)

Definition at line 379 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW023   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507B8U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 23)

Definition at line 381 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW03   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050718U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 3)

Definition at line 341 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW04   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050720U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 4)

Definition at line 343 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW05   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050728U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 5)

Definition at line 345 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW06   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050730U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 6)

Definition at line 347 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW07   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050738U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 7)

Definition at line 349 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW08   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050740U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 8)

Definition at line 351 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW09   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050748U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 0 Register (index = 9)

Definition at line 353 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW10   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050704U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 0)

Definition at line 336 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW11   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005070CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 1)

Definition at line 338 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW110   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050754U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 10)

Definition at line 356 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW111   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005075CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 11)

Definition at line 358 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW112   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050764U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 12)

Definition at line 360 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW113   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005076CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 13)

Definition at line 362 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW114   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050774U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 14)

Definition at line 364 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW115   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005077CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 15)

Definition at line 366 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW116   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050784U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 16)

Definition at line 368 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW117   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005078CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 17)

Definition at line 370 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW118   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050794U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 18)

Definition at line 372 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW119   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005079CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 19)

Definition at line 374 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW12   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050714U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 2)

Definition at line 340 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW120   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507A4U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 20)

Definition at line 376 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW121   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507ACU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 21)

Definition at line 378 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW122   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507B4U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 22)

Definition at line 380 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW123   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400507BCU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 23)

Definition at line 382 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW13   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005071CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 3)

Definition at line 342 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW14   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050724U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 4)

Definition at line 344 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW15   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005072CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 5)

Definition at line 346 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW16   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050734U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 6)

Definition at line 348 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW17   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005073CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 7)

Definition at line 350 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW18   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050744U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 8)

Definition at line 352 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2CW19   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005074CU)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Compare Word 1 Register (index = 9)

Definition at line 354 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2ER   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400506E0U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Ethertype Register (index = 0)

Definition at line 334 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_ST2RPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050540U)

(GMAC) Screening Type 2 Register Priority Queue (index = 0)

Definition at line 330 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_SVLAN   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500C0U)

(GMAC) Stacked VLAN Register

Definition at line 247 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TA   (*(__O uint32_t*)0x400501D8U)

(GMAC) 1588 Timer Adjust Register

Definition at line 308 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFR1023   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050178U)

(GMAC) 512 to 1023 Byte Frames Received Register

Definition at line 289 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFR127   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005016CU)

(GMAC) 65 to 127 Byte Frames Received Register

Definition at line 286 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFR1518   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005017CU)

(GMAC) 1024 to 1518 Byte Frames Received Register

Definition at line 290 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFR255   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050170U)

(GMAC) 128 to 255 Byte Frames Received Register

Definition at line 287 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFR511   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050174U)

(GMAC) 256 to 511 Byte Frames Received Register

Definition at line 288 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFT1023   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050128U)

(GMAC) 512 to 1023 Byte Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 269 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFT127   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005011CU)

(GMAC) 65 to 127 Byte Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 266 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFT1518   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005012CU)

(GMAC) 1024 to 1518 Byte Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 270 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFT255   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050120U)

(GMAC) 128 to 255 Byte Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 267 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBFT511   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050124U)

(GMAC) 256 to 511 Byte Frames Transmitted Register

Definition at line 268 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBQB   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005001CU)

(GMAC) Transmit Buffer Queue Base Address Register

Definition at line 219 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TBQBAPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005043CU)

(GMAC) Transmit Buffer Queue Base Address Register Priority Queue (index = 1)

Definition at line 323 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TCE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501ACU)

(GMAC) TCP Checksum Errors Register

Definition at line 302 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TI   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501DCU)

(GMAC) 1588 Timer Increment Register

Definition at line 309 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TIDM1   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500A8U)

(GMAC) Type ID Match 1 Register

Definition at line 241 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TIDM2   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500ACU)

(GMAC) Type ID Match 2 Register

Definition at line 242 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TIDM3   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500B0U)

(GMAC) Type ID Match 3 Register

Definition at line 243 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TIDM4   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500B4U)

(GMAC) Type ID Match 4 Register

Definition at line 244 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TISUBN   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501BCU)

(GMAC) 1588 Timer Increment Sub-nanoseconds Register

Definition at line 304 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TMXBFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050180U)

(GMAC) 1519 to Maximum Byte Frames Received Register

Definition at line 291 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TN   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501D4U)

(GMAC) 1588 Timer Nanoseconds Register

Definition at line 307 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TPFCP   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500C4U)

(GMAC) Transmit PFC Pause Register

Definition at line 248 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TPQ   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005003CU)

(GMAC) Transmit Pause Quantum Register

Definition at line 227 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TPSF   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050040U)

(GMAC) TX Partial Store and Forward Register

Definition at line 228 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TSH   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501C0U)

(GMAC) 1588 Timer Seconds High Register

Definition at line 305 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TSL   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400501D0U)

(GMAC) 1588 Timer Seconds Low Register

Definition at line 306 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TSR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x40050014U)

(GMAC) Transmit Status Register

Definition at line 217 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TUR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050134U)

(GMAC) Transmit Underruns Register

Definition at line 272 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TXLPI   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050278U)

(GMAC) Transmit LPI Transitions

Definition at line 320 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_TXLPITIME   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x4005027CU)

(GMAC) Transmit LPI Time

Definition at line 321 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_UCE   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x400501B0U)

(GMAC) UDP Checksum Errors Register

Definition at line 303 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_UFR   (*(__I uint32_t*)0x40050184U)

(GMAC) Undersize Frames Received Register

Definition at line 292 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_UR   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x4005000CU)

(GMAC) User Register

Definition at line 215 of file instance/gmac.h.


#define REG_GMAC_WOL   (*(__IO uint32_t*)0x400500B8U)

(GMAC) Wake on LAN Register

Definition at line 245 of file instance/gmac.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:05