USB HID Keyboard Device Configure
Collaboration diagram for USB HID Keyboard Device Configure:


#define HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN   2
#define HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN_POLLING   10
#define HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT   3
#define HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT_POLLING   10

Detailed Description

This page lists the defines used by the HID Keyboard Device Driver.

Endpoint Addresses

Endpoint Polling Rate

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN

#define HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN   2

Interrupt IN endpoint number

Definition at line 238 of file USBD_Config.h.

◆ HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN_POLLING

#define HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN_POLLING   10

Interrupt IN endpoint polling rate (in milliseconds)

Definition at line 240 of file USBD_Config.h.

◆ HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT

#define HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT   3

Interrupt OUT endpoint number

Definition at line 242 of file USBD_Config.h.

◆ HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT_POLLING

#define HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT_POLLING   10

Interrupt OUT endpoint polling rate (in milliseconds)

Definition at line 244 of file USBD_Config.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:09