Modules | Variables
Standard I/O (stdio)
Collaboration diagram for Standard I/O (stdio):


 Standard serial I/O (stdio)


void(* ptr_get )(void volatile *, char *)
 Pointer to the external low level read function. More...
int(* ptr_put )(void volatile *, char)
 Pointer to the external low level write function. More...
volatile void *volatile stdio_base
 Pointer to the base of the USART module instance to use for stdio. More...
volatile void *volatile stdio_base

Detailed Description

Common standard I/O driver that implements the stdio read and write functions on AVR and SAM devices.

Variable Documentation

◆ ptr_get

void(* ptr_get) (void volatile *, char *)

Pointer to the external low level read function.

Definition at line 50 of file read.c.

◆ ptr_put

int(* ptr_put) (void volatile *, char)

Pointer to the external low level write function.

Definition at line 47 of file write.c.

◆ stdio_base [1/2]

volatile void* volatile stdio_base

Pointer to the base of the USART module instance to use for stdio.

Definition at line 46 of file write.c.

◆ stdio_base [2/2]

volatile void* volatile stdio_base

Definition at line 46 of file write.c.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:07