Collaboration diagram for Defines:


#define AF_INET   2
#define HOSTNAME_MAX_SIZE   100
#define IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP   0x01
#define IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP   0x02
#define SO_SSL_BYPASS_X509_VERIF   0x01
#define SO_SSL_SNI   0x02
#define SOCK_DGRAM   2
#define SOCK_STREAM   1
#define SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL   0x01
#define SOL_SOCKET   1
#define SOL_SSL_SOCKET   2
#define TCP_SOCK_MAX   (7)
#define UDP_SOCK_MAX   4

Detailed Description

The following list of macros are used to define constants used throughout the socket layer, and SSL Socket options.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AF_INET   2

The AF_INET is the address family used for IPv4. An IPv4 transport address is specified with the sockaddr_in structure. (It is the only supported type for the current implementation.)

Definition at line 72 of file socket.h.


#define HOSTNAME_MAX_SIZE   100

Maximum allowed size for a host domain name passed to the function gethostbyname gethostbyname. command value. Used with the setsocketopt function.

Definition at line 59 of file socket.h.


#define IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP   0x01

Set Socket Option Add Membership command value. Used with the setsockopt function.

Definition at line 125 of file socket.h.


#define IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP   0x02

Set Socket Option Drop Membership command value. Used with the setsockopt function.

Definition at line 132 of file socket.h.



Maximum number of simultaneous sockets.

Definition at line 107 of file socket.h.



Socket option used by the application to enable/disable the use of UDP send callbacks. Used with the setsockopt function.

Definition at line 118 of file socket.h.


#define SO_SSL_BYPASS_X509_VERIF   0x01

Allow an opened SSL socket to bypass the X509 certificate verification process. It is highly recommended NOT to use this socket option in production software applications. It is intended for debugging and testing purposes only.
The option value should be cast to int type and it is handled as a boolean flag.

Definition at line 148 of file socket.h.



Enable internal validation of server name against the server's certificate subject common name. If there is no server name provided (via the SO_SSL_SNI option), setting this option does nothing.
The option value should be cast to int type and it is handled as a boolean flag.

Definition at line 180 of file socket.h.



Allow the TLS to cache the session information for fast TLS session establishment in future connections using the TLS Protocol session resume features.
The option value should be cast to int type and it is handled as a boolean flag.

Definition at line 170 of file socket.h.



The option value should be cast to int type and it is handled as a boolean flag.

Definition at line 190 of file socket.h.


#define SO_SSL_SNI   0x02

Set the Server Name Indicator (SNI) for an SSL socket. The SNI is a NULL terminated string containing the server name associated with the connection. It must not exceed the size of HOSTNAME_MAX_SIZE. If the SNI is not a null string, then TLS Client Hello messages will include the SNI extension.

Definition at line 160 of file socket.h.


#define SOCK_DGRAM   2

One of the IPv4 supported socket types for unreliable connectionless datagram connection. Passed to the socket function for the socket creation operation.

Definition at line 85 of file socket.h.


#define SOCK_STREAM   1

One of the IPv4 supported socket types for reliable connection-oriented stream connection. Passed to the socket function for the socket creation operation.

Definition at line 79 of file socket.h.



Maximum allowed size for a socket data buffer. Used with send socket function to ensure that the buffer sent is within the allowed range.

Definition at line 66 of file socket.h.


#define SOCKET_FLAGS_SSL   0x01

This flag shall be passed to the socket API for SSL session.

Definition at line 92 of file socket.h.


#define SOL_SOCKET   1

Socket option. Used with the setsockopt function

Definition at line 112 of file socket.h.


#define SOL_SSL_SOCKET   2

SSL Socket option level. Used with the setsockopt function

Definition at line 141 of file socket.h.


#define TCP_SOCK_MAX   (7)

Maximum number of simultaneous TCP sockets.

Definition at line 97 of file socket.h.


#define UDP_SOCK_MAX   4

Maximum number of simultaneous UDP sockets.

Definition at line 102 of file socket.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:07