Collaboration diagram for Defines:


#define BOOT_START   0x12345678UL
#define BOOT_SUCCESS   0x10add09eUL
#define BYTE_0(word)   ((uint8)(((word) >> 0 ) & 0x000000FFUL))
#define BYTE_1(word)   ((uint8)(((word) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FFUL))
#define BYTE_2(word)   ((uint8)(((word) >> 16) & 0x000000FFUL))
#define BYTE_3(word)   ((uint8)(((word) >> 24) & 0x000000FFUL))
#define DATA_PKT_OFFSET   4
#define ERR_PREFIX_NMIS   0xE4UL
#define I2C_ERR_OVER_SIZE   0xE3UL
#define I2C_ERR_TX_ABRT   0xE2UL
#define M2M_ACK   ((sint8)-11)
#define M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL   ((sint8)-6)
#define M2M_ERR_FAIL   ((sint8)-12)
#define M2M_ERR_FIRMWARE   ((sint8)-8)
#define M2M_ERR_FIRMWARE_bURN   ((sint8)-10)
#define M2M_ERR_FW_VER_MISMATCH   ((sint8)-13)
#define M2M_ERR_INIT   ((sint8)-5)
#define M2M_ERR_INVALID_ARG   ((sint8)-15)
#define M2M_ERR_MEM_ALLOC   ((sint8)-3)
#define M2M_ERR_RCV   ((sint8)-2)
#define M2M_ERR_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS   ((sint8)-14)
#define M2M_ERR_SEND   ((sint8)-1)
#define M2M_ERR_TIME_OUT   ((sint8)-4)
#define M2M_MAX(A, B)   ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))
#define M2M_NOT_YET   ((sint8)-7)
#define M2M_SEL(x, m1, m2, m3)   ((x>1)?((x>2)?(m3):(m2)):(m1))
#define M2M_SPI_FAIL   ((sint8)-9)
#define M2M_SUCCESS   ((sint8)0)
#define M2M_TIME_OUT_DELAY   10000
#define NBIT0   (0x00000001)
#define NBIT1   (0x00000002)
#define NBIT10   (0x00000400)
#define NBIT11   (0x00000800)
#define NBIT12   (0x00001000)
#define NBIT13   (0x00002000)
#define NBIT14   (0x00004000)
#define NBIT15   (0x00008000)
#define NBIT16   (0x00010000)
#define NBIT17   (0x00020000)
#define NBIT18   (0x00040000)
#define NBIT19   (0x00080000)
#define NBIT2   (0x00000004)
#define NBIT20   (0x00100000)
#define NBIT21   (0x00200000)
#define NBIT22   (0x00400000)
#define NBIT23   (0x00800000)
#define NBIT24   (0x01000000)
#define NBIT25   (0x02000000)
#define NBIT26   (0x04000000)
#define NBIT27   (0x08000000)
#define NBIT28   (0x10000000)
#define NBIT29   (0x20000000)
#define NBIT3   (0x00000008)
#define NBIT30   (0x40000000)
#define NBIT31   (0x80000000)
#define NBIT4   (0x00000010)
#define NBIT5   (0x00000020)
#define NBIT6   (0x00000040)
#define NBIT7   (0x00000080)
#define NBIT8   (0x00000100)
#define NBIT9   (0x00000200)
#define PROGRAM_START   0x26961735UL
#define WORD_ALIGN(val)   (((val) & 0x03) ? ((val) + 4 - ((val) & 0x03)) : (val))

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation


#define BOOT_START   0x12345678UL

Definition at line 80 of file nm_common.h.


#define BOOT_SUCCESS   0x10add09eUL

Definition at line 79 of file nm_common.h.

◆ BYTE_0

#define BYTE_0 (   word)    ((uint8)(((word) >> 0 ) & 0x000000FFUL))

Most significant byte of 32bit word (LE)

Definition at line 129 of file nm_common.h.

◆ BYTE_1

#define BYTE_1 (   word)    ((uint8)(((word) >> 8 ) & 0x000000FFUL))

Second most significant byte of 32bit word (LE)

Definition at line 131 of file nm_common.h.

◆ BYTE_2

#define BYTE_2 (   word)    ((uint8)(((word) >> 16) & 0x000000FFUL))

Third most significant byte of 32bit word (LE)

Definition at line 133 of file nm_common.h.

◆ BYTE_3

#define BYTE_3 (   word)    ((uint8)(((word) >> 24) & 0x000000FFUL))

Least significant byte of 32bit word (LE)

Definition at line 135 of file nm_common.h.


#define DATA_PKT_OFFSET   4

Definition at line 125 of file nm_common.h.



Total size of firmware exceed the max size 256k

Definition at line 76 of file nm_common.h.


#define ERR_PREFIX_NMIS   0xE4UL

wrong first four byte in flash NMIS

Definition at line 75 of file nm_common.h.



the address exceed the max addressing mode in i2c flash

Definition at line 72 of file nm_common.h.


#define I2C_ERR_OVER_SIZE   0xE3UL

Definition at line 74 of file nm_common.h.


#define I2C_ERR_TX_ABRT   0xE2UL

NO ACK from slave

Definition at line 73 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ACK   ((sint8)-11)

Definition at line 62 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_BUS_FAIL   ((sint8)-6)

Definition at line 57 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_FAIL   ((sint8)-12)

Definition at line 63 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_FIRMWARE   ((sint8)-8)

Definition at line 59 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_FIRMWARE_bURN   ((sint8)-10)

Definition at line 61 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_FW_VER_MISMATCH   ((sint8)-13)

Definition at line 64 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_INIT   ((sint8)-5)

Definition at line 56 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_INVALID_ARG   ((sint8)-15)

Definition at line 69 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_MEM_ALLOC   ((sint8)-3)

Definition at line 54 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_RCV   ((sint8)-2)

Definition at line 53 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS   ((sint8)-14)

Definition at line 65 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_SEND   ((sint8)-1)

Definition at line 52 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_ERR_TIME_OUT   ((sint8)-4)

Definition at line 55 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_MAX (   A,
)    ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

Maximum of two values

Definition at line 117 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_NOT_YET   ((sint8)-7)

Definition at line 58 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_SEL (   x,
)    ((x>1)?((x>2)?(m3):(m2)):(m1))

Choose one of three values

Definition at line 119 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_SPI_FAIL   ((sint8)-9)

Definition at line 60 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_SUCCESS   ((sint8)0)

Definition at line 51 of file nm_common.h.


#define M2M_TIME_OUT_DELAY   10000

Definition at line 48 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT0   (0x00000001)

Definition at line 114 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT1   (0x00000002)

Definition at line 113 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT10

#define NBIT10   (0x00000400)

Definition at line 104 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT11

#define NBIT11   (0x00000800)

Definition at line 103 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT12

#define NBIT12   (0x00001000)

Definition at line 102 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT13

#define NBIT13   (0x00002000)

Definition at line 101 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT14

#define NBIT14   (0x00004000)

Definition at line 100 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT15

#define NBIT15   (0x00008000)

Definition at line 99 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT16

#define NBIT16   (0x00010000)

Definition at line 98 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT17

#define NBIT17   (0x00020000)

Definition at line 97 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT18

#define NBIT18   (0x00040000)

Definition at line 96 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT19

#define NBIT19   (0x00080000)

Definition at line 95 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT2   (0x00000004)

Definition at line 112 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT20

#define NBIT20   (0x00100000)

Definition at line 94 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT21

#define NBIT21   (0x00200000)

Definition at line 93 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT22

#define NBIT22   (0x00400000)

Definition at line 92 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT23

#define NBIT23   (0x00800000)

Definition at line 91 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT24

#define NBIT24   (0x01000000)

Definition at line 90 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT25

#define NBIT25   (0x02000000)

Definition at line 89 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT26

#define NBIT26   (0x04000000)

Definition at line 88 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT27

#define NBIT27   (0x08000000)

Definition at line 87 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT28

#define NBIT28   (0x10000000)

Definition at line 86 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT29

#define NBIT29   (0x20000000)

Definition at line 85 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT3   (0x00000008)

Definition at line 111 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT30

#define NBIT30   (0x40000000)

Definition at line 84 of file nm_common.h.

◆ NBIT31

#define NBIT31   (0x80000000)

Definition at line 83 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT4   (0x00000010)

Definition at line 110 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT5   (0x00000020)

Definition at line 109 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT6   (0x00000040)

Definition at line 108 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT7   (0x00000080)

Definition at line 107 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT8   (0x00000100)

Definition at line 106 of file nm_common.h.


#define NBIT9   (0x00000200)

Definition at line 105 of file nm_common.h.


#define PROGRAM_START   0x26961735UL

Definition at line 78 of file nm_common.h.


#define WORD_ALIGN (   val)    (((val) & 0x03) ? ((val) + 4 - ((val) & 0x03)) : (val))

Align to next multiple of 4

Definition at line 121 of file nm_common.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:07