Functions | Variables
Collaboration diagram for Functions:


NMI_API uint8 m2m_checksum (uint8 *buf, int sz)
 calculates checksum for the specified number of data bytes in specified data buffer More...
NMI_API sint8 m2m_memcmp (uint8 *pu8Buff1, uint8 *pu8Buff2, uint32 u32Size)
 Compare specified number of data bytes in pu8Buff1 and pu8Buff2 and decide if they all match. More...
NMI_API void m2m_memcpy (uint8 *pDst, uint8 *pSrc, uint32 sz)
 Copy specified number of bytes from source buffer to destination buffer. More...
NMI_API void m2m_memset (uint8 *pBuf, uint8 val, uint32 sz)
 Set specified number of data bytes in specified data buffer to specified value. More...
NMI_API uint16 m2m_strlen (uint8 *pcStr)
 Returns the string length of a null terminated string buffer. More...
NMI_API uint8 m2m_strncmp (uint8 *pcS1, uint8 *pcS2, uint16 u16Len)
 Compare specified number of data bytes in string buffers pcS1 and pcS2. More...
NMI_API uint8m2m_strstr (uint8 *pcIn, uint8 *pcStr)
 Find the occurrence of pcStr string in pcIn string. More...


NMI_API void(* at_sb_printf )(const char *_format,...)
 chooses which function to use in order to output debug More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ m2m_checksum()

uint8 m2m_checksum ( uint8 buf,
int  sz 

calculates checksum for the specified number of data bytes in specified data buffer

[in]sznumber of data bytes used in the checksum calculation
[in]bufthe specified data buffer (whose data bytes will be used to calculate the checksum)
the calculated checksum

Definition at line 46 of file nm_common.c.

◆ m2m_memcmp()

sint8 m2m_memcmp ( uint8 pu8Buff1,
uint8 pu8Buff2,
uint32  u32Size 

Compare specified number of data bytes in pu8Buff1 and pu8Buff2 and decide if they all match.

[in]u32Sizenumber of data bytes to compare
[in]pu8Buff1one of two data buffers for the comparison
[in]pu8Buff2one of two data buffers for the comparison
zero if matched, one if not matched

Definition at line 116 of file nm_common.c.

◆ m2m_memcpy()

void m2m_memcpy ( uint8 pDst,
uint8 pSrc,
uint32  sz 

Copy specified number of bytes from source buffer to destination buffer.

[in]sznumber of data bytes to copy
[in]pSrcsource buffer
[out]pDstdestination buffer

Definition at line 36 of file nm_common.c.

◆ m2m_memset()

void m2m_memset ( uint8 pBuf,
uint8  val,
uint32  sz 

Set specified number of data bytes in specified data buffer to specified value.

[in]sznumber of data bytes (in specified data buffer whose values are to be set to the specified value)
[in]valthe specified value (to which data bytes in data buffer will be set)
[out]pBufthe specified data buffer (whose data bytes will be set to the specified value)

Definition at line 58 of file nm_common.c.

◆ m2m_strlen()

uint16 m2m_strlen ( uint8 pcStr)

Returns the string length of a null terminated string buffer.

[in]pcStrnull terminated string buffer
length of the string in the specified string buffer

Definition at line 68 of file nm_common.c.

◆ m2m_strncmp()

uint8 m2m_strncmp ( uint8 pcS1,
uint8 pcS2,
uint16  u16Len 

Compare specified number of data bytes in string buffers pcS1 and pcS2.

[in]u16LenNumber of data bytes to compare
[in]pcS1first of two string buffers for the comparison
[in]pcS2second of two string buffers for the comparison
0 if matched, -1 if the first non-matching byte in pcS1 is smaller than that in pcS2, +1 if it is bigger

Definition at line 79 of file nm_common.c.

◆ m2m_strstr()

uint8 * m2m_strstr ( uint8 pcIn,
uint8 pcStr 

Find the occurrence of pcStr string in pcIn string.

[in]pcStrone of two string buffers
[in]pcInone of two string buffers
If pcStr string is part of pcIn string return a valid pointer to the start of pcStr within pcIn. If not a NULL Pointer is returned

Definition at line 93 of file nm_common.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ at_sb_printf

void(* at_sb_printf)(const char *_format,...)

chooses which function to use in order to output debug

Definition at line 237 of file nm_common.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:07