Classes | Macros | Functions
compiler.h File Reference

Commonly used includes, types and macros. More...

#include <stddef.h>
#include <parts.h>
#include "preprocessor.h"
#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "interrupt.h"
Include dependency graph for compiler.h:

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struct  StructCPtr
 Structure of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers. More...
struct  StructCVPtr
 Structure of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers. More...
struct  StructPtr
 Structure of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers. More...
struct  StructVPtr
 Structure of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers. More...
union  Union16
 16-bit union. More...
union  Union32
 32-bit union. More...
union  Union64
 64-bit union. More...
union  UnionCPtr
 Union of pointers to constant 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers. More...
union  UnionCVPtr
 Union of pointers to constant volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers. More...
union  UnionPtr
 Union of pointers to 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers. More...
union  UnionVPtr
 Union of pointers to volatile 64-, 32-, 16- and 8-bit unsigned integers. More...


#define ADDR_COPY_DST_SRC_16(dst, src)   ((dst) = (src))
#define ADDR_COPY_DST_SRC_64(dst, src)   ((dst) = (src))
#define Assert(expr)   ((void) 0)
 This macro is used to test fatal errors. More...
#define barrier()   __DMB()
 Memory barrier. More...
#define CCPU_ENDIAN_TO_LE16(x)   (x)
#define CCPU_ENDIAN_TO_LE32(x)   (x)
#define CCPU_ENDIAN_TO_LE64(x)   (x)
#define CLE16_TO_CPU_ENDIAN(x)   (x)
#define CLE32_TO_CPU_ENDIAN(x)   (x)
#define CLE64_TO_CPU_ENDIAN(x)   (x)
#define CMD_ID_OCTET   (0)
 Set default alignment for subsequent struct and union definitions. More...
#define COMPILER_PACK_SET(alignment)   COMPILER_PRAGMA(pack(alignment))
 Set maximum alignment for subsequent struct and union definitions to alignment. More...
#define COMPILER_PRAGMA(arg)   _Pragma(#arg)
 Emit the compiler pragma arg. More...
#define CPU_ENDIAN_TO_LE16(x)   (x)
#define CPU_ENDIAN_TO_LE32(x)   (x)
#define CPU_ENDIAN_TO_LE64(x)   (x)
#define div_ceil(a, b)   (((a) + (b) - 1) / (b))
 Calculate $ \left\lceil \frac{a}{b} \right\rceil $ using integer arithmetic. More...
#define FLASH_DECLARE(x)   const x
#define FLASH_EXTERN(x)   extern const x
#define FUNC_PTR   void *
#define LE16_TO_CPU_ENDIAN(x)   (x)
#define LE32_TO_CPU_ENDIAN(x)   (x)
#define LE64_TO_CPU_ENDIAN(x)   (x)
#define Long_call(addr)   ((*(void (*)(void))(addr))())
 Calls the routine at address addr. More...
#define MEMCPY_ENDIAN   memcpy
#define PGM_READ_BLOCK(dst, src, len)   memcpy((dst), (src), (len))
#define PGM_READ_BYTE(x)   *(x)
#define PGM_READ_DWORD(x)   *(x)
#define PGM_READ_WORD(x)   *(x)
#define UNUSED(v)   (void)(v)
 Marking v as a unused parameter or value. More...
#define unused(v)   do { (void)(v); } while(0)
 Marking v as a unused parameter or value. More...
Usual Constants
#define DISABLE   0
#define ENABLE   1
#define false   0
#define true   1
#define PASS   0
#define FAIL   1
#define LOW   0
#define HIGH   1
Optimization Control
#define likely(exp)   (exp)
 The expression exp is likely to be true. More...
#define unlikely(exp)   (exp)
 The expression exp is unlikely to be true. More...
#define is_constant(exp)   (0)
 Determine if an expression evaluates to a constant value. More...
Bit-Field Handling
#define Rd_bits(value, mask)   ((value) & (mask))
 Reads the bits of a value specified by a given bit-mask. More...
#define Wr_bits(lvalue, mask, bits)
 Writes the bits of a C lvalue specified by a given bit-mask. More...
#define Tst_bits(value, mask)   (Rd_bits(value, mask) != 0)
 Tests the bits of a value specified by a given bit-mask. More...
#define Clr_bits(lvalue, mask)   ((lvalue) &= ~(mask))
 Clears the bits of a C lvalue specified by a given bit-mask. More...
#define Set_bits(lvalue, mask)   ((lvalue) |= (mask))
 Sets the bits of a C lvalue specified by a given bit-mask. More...
#define Tgl_bits(lvalue, mask)   ((lvalue) ^= (mask))
 Toggles the bits of a C lvalue specified by a given bit-mask. More...
#define Rd_bitfield(value, mask)   (Rd_bits( value, mask) >> ctz(mask))
 Reads the bit-field of a value specified by a given bit-mask. More...
#define Wr_bitfield(lvalue, mask, bitfield)   (Wr_bits(lvalue, mask, (U32)(bitfield) << ctz(mask)))
 Writes the bit-field of a C lvalue specified by a given bit-mask. More...
Zero-Bit Counting

Under GCC, __builtin_clz and __builtin_ctz behave like macros when applied to constant expressions (values known at compile time), so they are more optimized than the use of the corresponding assembly instructions and they can be used as constant expressions e.g. to initialize objects having static storage duration, and like the corresponding assembly instructions when applied to non-constant expressions (values unknown at compile time), so they are more optimized than an assembly periphrasis. Hence, clz and ctz ensure a possible and optimized behavior for both constant and non-constant expressions.

#define clz(u)
 Counts the leading zero bits of the given value considered as a 32-bit integer. More...
#define ctz(u)
 Counts the trailing zero bits of the given value considered as a 32-bit integer. More...
Bit Reversing
#define bit_reverse8(u8)   ((U8)(bit_reverse32((U8)(u8)) >> 24))
 Reverses the bits of u8. More...
#define bit_reverse16(u16)   ((U16)(bit_reverse32((U16)(u16)) >> 16))
 Reverses the bits of u16. More...
#define bit_reverse32(u32)   __RBIT(u32)
 Reverses the bits of u32. More...
#define bit_reverse64(u64)
 Reverses the bits of u64. More...
#define Test_align(val, n)   (!Tst_bits( val, (n) - 1 ) )
 Tests alignment of the number val with the n boundary. More...
#define Get_align(val, n)   ( Rd_bits( val, (n) - 1 ) )
 Gets alignment of the number val with respect to the n boundary. More...
#define Set_align(lval, n, alg)   ( Wr_bits(lval, (n) - 1, alg) )
 Sets alignment of the lvalue number lval to alg with respect to the n boundary. More...
#define Align_up( val, n)   (((val) + ((n) - 1)) & ~((n) - 1))
 Aligns the number val with the upper n boundary. More...
#define Align_down(val, n)   ( (val) & ~((n) - 1))
 Aligns the number val with the lower n boundary. More...

The same considerations as for clz and ctz apply here but GCC does not provide built-in functions to access the assembly instructions abs, min and max and it does not produce them by itself in most cases, so two sets of macros are defined here:

  • Abs, Min and Max to apply to constant expressions (values known at compile time);
  • abs, min and max to apply to non-constant expressions (values unknown at compile time), abs is found in stdlib.h.
#define Abs(a)   (((a) < 0 ) ? -(a) : (a))
 Takes the absolute value of a. More...
#define Min(a, b)   (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
 Takes the minimal value of a and b. More...
#define Max(a, b)   (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
 Takes the maximal value of a and b. More...
#define min(a, b)   Min(a, b)
 Takes the minimal value of a and b. More...
#define max(a, b)   Max(a, b)
 Takes the maximal value of a and b. More...
MCU Endianism Handling

ARM is MCU little endianism.

#define MSB(u16)   (((U8 *)&(u16))[1])
 Most significant byte of u16. More...
#define LSB(u16)   (((U8 *)&(u16))[0])
 Least significant byte of u16. More...
#define MSH(u32)   (((U16 *)&(u32))[1])
 Most significant half-word of u32. More...
#define LSH(u32)   (((U16 *)&(u32))[0])
 Least significant half-word of u32. More...
#define MSB0W(u32)   (((U8 *)&(u32))[3])
 Most significant byte of 1st rank of u32. More...
#define MSB1W(u32)   (((U8 *)&(u32))[2])
 Most significant byte of 2nd rank of u32. More...
#define MSB2W(u32)   (((U8 *)&(u32))[1])
 Most significant byte of 3rd rank of u32. More...
#define MSB3W(u32)   (((U8 *)&(u32))[0])
 Most significant byte of 4th rank of u32. More...
#define LSB3W(u32)   MSB0W(u32)
 Least significant byte of 4th rank of u32. More...
#define LSB2W(u32)   MSB1W(u32)
 Least significant byte of 3rd rank of u32. More...
#define LSB1W(u32)   MSB2W(u32)
 Least significant byte of 2nd rank of u32. More...
#define LSB0W(u32)   MSB3W(u32)
 Least significant byte of 1st rank of u32. More...
#define MSW(u64)   (((U32 *)&(u64))[1])
 Most significant word of u64. More...
#define LSW(u64)   (((U32 *)&(u64))[0])
 Least significant word of u64. More...
#define MSH0(u64)   (((U16 *)&(u64))[3])
 Most significant half-word of 1st rank of u64. More...
#define MSH1(u64)   (((U16 *)&(u64))[2])
 Most significant half-word of 2nd rank of u64. More...
#define MSH2(u64)   (((U16 *)&(u64))[1])
 Most significant half-word of 3rd rank of u64. More...
#define MSH3(u64)   (((U16 *)&(u64))[0])
 Most significant half-word of 4th rank of u64. More...
#define LSH3(u64)   MSH0(u64)
 Least significant half-word of 4th rank of u64. More...
#define LSH2(u64)   MSH1(u64)
 Least significant half-word of 3rd rank of u64. More...
#define LSH1(u64)   MSH2(u64)
 Least significant half-word of 2nd rank of u64. More...
#define LSH0(u64)   MSH3(u64)
 Least significant half-word of 1st rank of u64. More...
#define MSB0D(u64)   (((U8 *)&(u64))[7])
 Most significant byte of 1st rank of u64. More...
#define MSB1D(u64)   (((U8 *)&(u64))[6])
 Most significant byte of 2nd rank of u64. More...
#define MSB2D(u64)   (((U8 *)&(u64))[5])
 Most significant byte of 3rd rank of u64. More...
#define MSB3D(u64)   (((U8 *)&(u64))[4])
 Most significant byte of 4th rank of u64. More...
#define MSB4D(u64)   (((U8 *)&(u64))[3])
 Most significant byte of 5th rank of u64. More...
#define MSB5D(u64)   (((U8 *)&(u64))[2])
 Most significant byte of 6th rank of u64. More...
#define MSB6D(u64)   (((U8 *)&(u64))[1])
 Most significant byte of 7th rank of u64. More...
#define MSB7D(u64)   (((U8 *)&(u64))[0])
 Most significant byte of 8th rank of u64. More...
#define LSB7D(u64)   MSB0D(u64)
 Least significant byte of 8th rank of u64. More...
#define LSB6D(u64)   MSB1D(u64)
 Least significant byte of 7th rank of u64. More...
#define LSB5D(u64)   MSB2D(u64)
 Least significant byte of 6th rank of u64. More...
#define LSB4D(u64)   MSB3D(u64)
 Least significant byte of 5th rank of u64. More...
#define LSB3D(u64)   MSB4D(u64)
 Least significant byte of 4th rank of u64. More...
#define LSB2D(u64)   MSB5D(u64)
 Least significant byte of 3rd rank of u64. More...
#define LSB1D(u64)   MSB6D(u64)
 Least significant byte of 2nd rank of u64. More...
#define LSB0D(u64)   MSB7D(u64)
 Least significant byte of 1st rank of u64. More...
#define BE16(x)   swap16(x)
#define LE16(x)   (x)
#define le16_to_cpu(x)   (x)
#define cpu_to_le16(x)   (x)
#define LE16_TO_CPU(x)   (x)
#define CPU_TO_LE16(x)   (x)
#define be16_to_cpu(x)   swap16(x)
#define cpu_to_be16(x)   swap16(x)
#define BE16_TO_CPU(x)   swap16(x)
#define CPU_TO_BE16(x)   swap16(x)
#define le32_to_cpu(x)   (x)
#define cpu_to_le32(x)   (x)
#define LE32_TO_CPU(x)   (x)
#define CPU_TO_LE32(x)   (x)
#define be32_to_cpu(x)   swap32(x)
#define cpu_to_be32(x)   swap32(x)
#define BE32_TO_CPU(x)   swap32(x)
#define CPU_TO_BE32(x)   swap32(x)
Endianism Conversion

The same considerations as for clz and ctz apply here but GCC's __builtin_bswap_32 and __builtin_bswap_64 do not behave like macros when applied to constant expressions, so two sets of macros are defined here:

  • Swap16, Swap32 and Swap64 to apply to constant expressions (values known at compile time);
  • swap16, swap32 and swap64 to apply to non-constant expressions (values unknown at compile time).
#define Swap16(u16)
 Toggles the endianism of u16 (by swapping its bytes). More...
#define Swap32(u32)
 Toggles the endianism of u32 (by swapping its bytes). More...
#define Swap64(u64)
 Toggles the endianism of u64 (by swapping its bytes). More...
#define swap16(u16)   Swap16(u16)
 Toggles the endianism of u16 (by swapping its bytes). More...
#define swap32(u32)   Swap32(u32)
 Toggles the endianism of u32 (by swapping its bytes). More...
#define swap64(u64)
 Toggles the endianism of u64 (by swapping its bytes). More...


Usual Types
typedef unsigned char Bool
 Boolean. More...
typedef unsigned char bool
 Boolean. More...
typedef int8_t S8
 8-bit signed integer. More...
typedef uint8_t U8
 8-bit unsigned integer. More...
typedef int16_t S16
 16-bit signed integer. More...
typedef uint16_t U16
 16-bit unsigned integer. More...
typedef uint16_t le16_t
typedef uint16_t be16_t
typedef int32_t S32
 32-bit signed integer. More...
typedef uint32_t U32
 32-bit unsigned integer. More...
typedef uint32_t le32_t
typedef uint32_t be32_t
typedef int64_t S64
 64-bit signed integer. More...
typedef uint64_t U64
 64-bit unsigned integer. More...
typedef float F32
 32-bit floating-point number. More...
typedef double F64
 64-bit floating-point number. More...
typedef uint32_t iram_size_t
Status Types
typedef bool Status_bool_t
 Boolean status. More...
typedef U8 Status_t


static void convert_16_bit_to_byte_address (uint16_t value, uint8_t *data)
static void convert_16_bit_to_byte_array (uint16_t value, uint8_t *data)
 Converts a 16-Bit value into a 2 Byte array. More...
static void convert_64_bit_to_byte_array (uint64_t value, uint8_t *data)
 Converts a 64-Bit value into a 8 Byte array. More...
static uint16_t convert_byte_array_to_16_bit (uint8_t *data)
static uint32_t convert_byte_array_to_32_bit (uint8_t *data)
static uint64_t convert_byte_array_to_64_bit (uint8_t *data)
 Converts a 8 Byte array into a 64-Bit value. More...
static void convert_spec_16_bit_to_byte_array (uint16_t value, uint8_t *data)

Target Abstraction

#define _GLOBEXT_   extern
 extern storage-class specifier. More...
#define _CONST_TYPE_   const
 const type qualifier. More...
#define _MEM_TYPE_SLOW_
 Slow memory type. More...
 Fairly fast memory type. More...
#define _MEM_TYPE_FAST_
 Fast memory type. More...
#define memcmp_ram2ram   memcmp
 Target-specific memcmp of RAM to RAM. More...
#define memcmp_code2ram   memcmp
 Target-specific memcmp of RAM to NVRAM. More...
#define memcpy_ram2ram   memcpy
 Target-specific memcpy from RAM to RAM. More...
#define memcpy_code2ram   memcpy
 Target-specific memcpy from NVRAM to RAM. More...
#define LSB0(u32)   LSB0W(u32)
 Least significant byte of 1st rank of u32. More...
#define LSB1(u32)   LSB1W(u32)
 Least significant byte of 2nd rank of u32. More...
#define LSB2(u32)   LSB2W(u32)
 Least significant byte of 3rd rank of u32. More...
#define LSB3(u32)   LSB3W(u32)
 Least significant byte of 4th rank of u32. More...
#define MSB3(u32)   MSB3W(u32)
 Most significant byte of 4th rank of u32. More...
#define MSB2(u32)   MSB2W(u32)
 Most significant byte of 3rd rank of u32. More...
#define MSB1(u32)   MSB1W(u32)
 Most significant byte of 2nd rank of u32. More...
#define MSB0(u32)   MSB0W(u32)
 Most significant byte of 1st rank of u32. More...
typedef U8 Byte
 8-bit unsigned integer. More...

Detailed Description

Commonly used includes, types and macros.

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Definition in file compiler.h.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:05