Quick Start Guide for the XDMAC driver

This is the quick start guide for the SAMV71/V70/E70/S70 XDMA Controller (XDMAC) Driver, with step-by-step instructions on how to configure and use the driver for a specific use case.The code examples can be copied into e.g the main application loop or any other function that will need to control the XDMAC module.

Use Cases

XDMAC Basic Usage

This use case will demonstrate how to config the XDMAC module to perform a single memory to memory transfer.

Setup Steps


This module requires the following service

Setup Code

Add these macros and global variable to the top of your application's C-file:

Add this to the main loop or a setup function:


  1. Configure XDMAC transfer:
  2. Enable the XDMAC interrupt:
  3. Eanble the channel:

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:07