Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  * GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation,
4  * Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
5  * All Rights Reserved
6  * Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list)
8  * See LICENSE for the license information
10  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
20 #include <gtsam/geometry/Point3.h>
21 #include <gtsam/geometry/Rot3.h>
22 #include <gtsam/base/testLie.h>
23 #include <gtsam/base/Testable.h>
25 #include <gtsam/base/lieProxies.h>
29 using namespace std;
30 using namespace gtsam;
35 static Rot3 R = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.1, 0.4, 0.2);
36 static Point3 P(0.2, 0.7, -2.0);
37 static double error = 1e-9, epsilon = 0.001;
39 //******************************************************************************
40 TEST(Rot3 , Concept) {
42  GTSAM_CONCEPT_ASSERT(IsManifold<Rot3 >);
44 }
46 /* ************************************************************************* */
47 TEST( Rot3, chart)
48 {
49  Matrix R = (Matrix(3, 3) << 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1).finished();
50  Rot3 rot3(R);
51 }
53 /* ************************************************************************* */
55 {
56  Rot3 expected((Matrix)I_3x3);
57  Point3 r1(1,0,0), r2(0,1,0), r3(0,0,1);
58  Rot3 actual(r1, r2, r3);
59  CHECK(assert_equal(actual,expected));
60 }
62 /* ************************************************************************* */
63 TEST( Rot3, constructor2)
64 {
65  Matrix R = (Matrix(3, 3) << 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1).finished();
66  Rot3 actual(R);
67  Rot3 expected(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1);
68  CHECK(assert_equal(actual,expected));
69 }
71 /* ************************************************************************* */
72 TEST( Rot3, constructor3)
73 {
74  Rot3 expected(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1);
75  Point3 r1(0,1,0), r2(1,0,0), r3(0,0,-1);
76  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,Rot3(r1,r2,r3)));
77 }
79 /* ************************************************************************* */
80 TEST( Rot3, transpose)
81 {
82  Point3 r1(0,1,0), r2(1,0,0), r3(0,0,-1);
83  Rot3 R(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1);
84  CHECK(assert_equal(R.inverse(),Rot3(r1,r2,r3)));
85 }
87 /* ************************************************************************* */
89 {
90  CHECK(R.equals(R));
91  Rot3 zero;
92  CHECK(!R.equals(zero));
93 }
95 /* ************************************************************************* */
96 // Notice this uses J^2 whereas fast uses w*w', and has cos(t)*I + ....
98  double t = w.norm();
99  Matrix3 J = skewSymmetric(w / t);
100  if (t < 1e-5) return Rot3();
101  Matrix3 R = I_3x3 + sin(t) * J + (1.0 - cos(t)) * (J * J);
102  return Rot3(R);
103 }
105 /* ************************************************************************* */
106 TEST( Rot3, AxisAngle)
107 {
108  Vector axis = Vector3(0., 1., 0.); // rotation around Y
109  double angle = 3.14 / 4.0;
110  Rot3 expected(0.707388, 0, 0.706825,
111  0, 1, 0,
112  -0.706825, 0, 0.707388);
113  Rot3 actual = Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, angle);
114  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,actual,1e-5));
115  Rot3 actual2 = Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, angle-2*M_PI);
116  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,actual2,1e-5));
118  axis = Vector3(0, 50, 0);
119  Rot3 actual3 = Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, angle);
120  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,actual3,1e-5));
121 }
123 /* ************************************************************************* */
124 TEST( Rot3, AxisAngle2)
125 {
126  // constructor from a rotation matrix, as doubles in *row-major* order.
127  Rot3 R1(-0.999957, 0.00922903, 0.00203116, 0.00926964, 0.999739, 0.0208927, -0.0018374, 0.0209105, -0.999781);
129  // convert Rot3 to quaternion using GTSAM
130  const auto [actualAxis, actualAngle] = R1.axisAngle();
132  double expectedAngle = 3.1396582;
133  CHECK(assert_equal(expectedAngle, actualAngle, 1e-5));
134 }
136 /* ************************************************************************* */
137 TEST( Rot3, Rodrigues)
138 {
139  Rot3 R1 = Rot3::Rodrigues(epsilon, 0, 0);
140  Vector w = (Vector(3) << epsilon, 0., 0.).finished();
142  CHECK(assert_equal(R2,R1));
143 }
145 /* ************************************************************************* */
146 TEST( Rot3, Rodrigues2)
147 {
148  Vector axis = Vector3(0., 1., 0.); // rotation around Y
149  double angle = 3.14 / 4.0;
150  Rot3 expected(0.707388, 0, 0.706825,
151  0, 1, 0,
152  -0.706825, 0, 0.707388);
153  Rot3 actual = Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, angle);
154  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,actual,1e-5));
155  Rot3 actual2 = Rot3::Rodrigues(angle*axis);
156  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,actual2,1e-5));
157 }
159 /* ************************************************************************* */
160 TEST( Rot3, Rodrigues3)
161 {
162  Vector w = Vector3(0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
163  Rot3 R1 = Rot3::AxisAngle(w / w.norm(), w.norm());
165  CHECK(assert_equal(R2,R1));
166 }
168 /* ************************************************************************* */
169 TEST( Rot3, Rodrigues4)
170 {
171  Vector axis = Vector3(0., 0., 1.); // rotation around Z
172  double angle = M_PI/2.0;
173  Rot3 actual = Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, angle);
174  double c=cos(angle),s=sin(angle);
175  Rot3 expected(c,-s, 0,
176  s, c, 0,
177  0, 0, 1);
178  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,actual));
179  CHECK(assert_equal(slow_but_correct_Rodrigues(axis*angle),actual));
180 }
182 /* ************************************************************************* */
183 TEST( Rot3, retract)
184 {
185  Vector v = Z_3x1;
186  CHECK(assert_equal(R, R.retract(v)));
188 // // test Canonical coordinates
189 // Canonical<Rot3> chart;
190 // Vector v2 = chart.local(R);
191 // CHECK(assert_equal(R, chart.retract(v2)));
192 }
194 /* ************************************************************************* */
196  static const double PI = std::acos(-1.0);
197  Vector w;
198  Rot3 R;
200 #define CHECK_OMEGA(X, Y, Z) \
201  w = (Vector(3) << (X), (Y), (Z)).finished(); \
202  R = Rot3::Rodrigues(w); \
203  EXPECT(assert_equal(w, Rot3::Logmap(R), 1e-12));
205  // Check zero
206  CHECK_OMEGA(0, 0, 0)
208  // create a random direction:
209  double norm = sqrt(1.0 + 16.0 + 4.0);
210  double x = 1.0 / norm, y = 4.0 / norm, z = 2.0 / norm;
212  // Check very small rotation for Taylor expansion
213  // Note that tolerance above is 1e-12, so Taylor is pretty good !
214  double d = 0.0001;
215  CHECK_OMEGA(d, 0, 0)
216  CHECK_OMEGA(0, d, 0)
217  CHECK_OMEGA(0, 0, d)
218  CHECK_OMEGA(x * d, y * d, z * d)
220  // check normal rotation
221  d = 0.1;
222  CHECK_OMEGA(d, 0, 0)
223  CHECK_OMEGA(0, d, 0)
224  CHECK_OMEGA(0, 0, d)
225  CHECK_OMEGA(x * d, y * d, z * d)
227  // Check 180 degree rotations
228  CHECK_OMEGA(PI, 0, 0)
229  CHECK_OMEGA(0, PI, 0)
230  CHECK_OMEGA(0, 0, PI)
232  // Windows and Linux have flipped sign in quaternion mode
233 //#if !defined(__APPLE__) && defined(GTSAM_USE_QUATERNIONS)
234  w = (Vector(3) << x * PI, y * PI, z * PI).finished();
235  R = Rot3::Rodrigues(w);
236  EXPECT(assert_equal(Vector(-w), Rot3::Logmap(R), 1e-12));
237 //#else
238 // CHECK_OMEGA(x * PI, y * PI, z * PI)
239 //#endif
241  // Check 360 degree rotations
242 #define CHECK_OMEGA_ZERO(X, Y, Z) \
243  w = (Vector(3) << (X), (Y), (Z)).finished(); \
244  R = Rot3::Rodrigues(w); \
245  EXPECT(assert_equal((Vector)Z_3x1, Rot3::Logmap(R)));
247  CHECK_OMEGA_ZERO(2.0 * PI, 0, 0)
248  CHECK_OMEGA_ZERO(0, 2.0 * PI, 0)
249  CHECK_OMEGA_ZERO(0, 0, 2.0 * PI)
250  CHECK_OMEGA_ZERO(x * 2. * PI, y * 2. * PI, z * 2. * PI)
252  // Check problematic case from Lund dataset vercingetorix.g2o
253  // This is an almost rotation with determinant not *quite* 1.
254  Rot3 Rlund(-0.98582676, -0.03958746, -0.16303092, //
255  -0.03997006, -0.88835923, 0.45740671, //
256  -0.16293753, 0.45743998, 0.87418537);
258  // Rot3's Logmap returns different, but equivalent compacted
259  // axis-angle vectors depending on whether Rot3 is implemented
260  // by Quaternions or SO3.
261 #if defined(GTSAM_USE_QUATERNIONS)
262  // Quaternion bounds angle to [-pi, pi] resulting in ~179.9 degrees
263  EXPECT(assert_equal(Vector3(0.264451979, -0.742197651, -3.04098211),
264  (Vector)Rot3::Logmap(Rlund), 1e-8));
265 #else
266  // SO3 will be approximate because of the non-orthogonality
267  EXPECT(assert_equal(Vector3(0.264452, -0.742197708, -3.04098184),
268  (Vector)Rot3::Logmap(Rlund), 1e-8));
269 #endif
270 }
272 /* ************************************************************************* */
273 TEST(Rot3, retract_localCoordinates)
274 {
275  Vector3 d12 = Vector3::Constant(0.1);
276  Rot3 R2 = R.retract(d12);
278 }
279 /* ************************************************************************* */
280 TEST(Rot3, expmap_logmap)
281 {
282  Vector d12 = Vector3::Constant(0.1);
283  Rot3 R2 = R.expmap(d12);
284  EXPECT(assert_equal(d12, R.logmap(R2)));
285 }
287 /* ************************************************************************* */
288 TEST(Rot3, retract_localCoordinates2)
289 {
290  Rot3 t1 = R, t2 = R*R, origin;
291  Vector d12 = t1.localCoordinates(t2);
292  EXPECT(assert_equal(t2, t1.retract(d12)));
293  Vector d21 = t2.localCoordinates(t1);
294  EXPECT(assert_equal(t1, t2.retract(d21)));
295  EXPECT(assert_equal(d12, -d21));
296 }
297 /* ************************************************************************* */
298 TEST(Rot3, manifold_expmap)
299 {
300  Rot3 gR1 = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.1, 0.4, 0.2);
301  Rot3 gR2 = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.3, 0.1, 0.7);
302  Rot3 origin;
304  // log behaves correctly
305  Vector d12 = Rot3::Logmap(gR1.between(gR2));
306  Vector d21 = Rot3::Logmap(gR2.between(gR1));
308  // Check expmap
309  CHECK(assert_equal(gR2, gR1*Rot3::Expmap(d12)));
310  CHECK(assert_equal(gR1, gR2*Rot3::Expmap(d21)));
312  // Check that log(t1,t2)=-log(t2,t1)
313  CHECK(assert_equal(d12,-d21));
315  // lines in canonical coordinates correspond to Abelian subgroups in SO(3)
316  Vector d = Vector3(0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
317  // exp(-d)=inverse(exp(d))
319  // exp(5d)=exp(2*d+3*d)=exp(2*d)exp(3*d)=exp(3*d)exp(2*d)
320  Rot3 R2 = Rot3::Expmap (2 * d);
321  Rot3 R3 = Rot3::Expmap (3 * d);
322  Rot3 R5 = Rot3::Expmap (5 * d);
323  CHECK(assert_equal(R5,R2*R3));
324  CHECK(assert_equal(R5,R3*R2));
325 }
327 /* ************************************************************************* */
328 class AngularVelocity : public Vector3 {
329  public:
330  template <typename Derived>
332  : Vector3(v) {}
334  AngularVelocity(double wx, double wy, double wz) : Vector3(wx, wy, wz) {}
335 };
338  return X.cross(Y);
339 }
341 /* ************************************************************************* */
343 {
344  // Approximate exmap by BCH formula
345  AngularVelocity w1(0.2, -0.1, 0.1);
346  AngularVelocity w2(0.01, 0.02, -0.03);
347  Rot3 R1 = Rot3::Expmap (w1), R2 = Rot3::Expmap (w2);
348  Rot3 R3 = R1 * R2;
349  Vector expected = Rot3::Logmap(R3);
350  Vector actual = BCH(w1, w2);
351  CHECK(assert_equal(expected, actual,1e-5));
352 }
354 /* ************************************************************************* */
355 TEST( Rot3, rotate_derivatives)
356 {
357  Matrix actualDrotate1a, actualDrotate1b, actualDrotate2;
358  R.rotate(P, actualDrotate1a, actualDrotate2);
359  R.inverse().rotate(P, actualDrotate1b, {});
360  Matrix numerical1 = numericalDerivative21(testing::rotate<Rot3,Point3>, R, P);
361  Matrix numerical2 = numericalDerivative21(testing::rotate<Rot3,Point3>, R.inverse(), P);
362  Matrix numerical3 = numericalDerivative22(testing::rotate<Rot3,Point3>, R, P);
363  EXPECT(assert_equal(numerical1,actualDrotate1a,error));
364  EXPECT(assert_equal(numerical2,actualDrotate1b,error));
365  EXPECT(assert_equal(numerical3,actualDrotate2, error));
366 }
368 /* ************************************************************************* */
370 {
371  Point3 w = R * P;
372  Matrix H1,H2;
373  Point3 actual = R.unrotate(w,H1,H2);
374  CHECK(assert_equal(P,actual));
376  Matrix numerical1 = numericalDerivative21(testing::unrotate<Rot3,Point3>, R, w);
377  CHECK(assert_equal(numerical1,H1,error));
379  Matrix numerical2 = numericalDerivative22(testing::unrotate<Rot3,Point3>, R, w);
380  CHECK(assert_equal(numerical2,H2,error));
381 }
383 /* ************************************************************************* */
385 {
386  Rot3 R1 = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
387  Rot3 R2 = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.2, 0.3, 0.5);
389  Rot3 expected = R1 * R2;
390  Matrix actualH1, actualH2;
391  Rot3 actual = R1.compose(R2, actualH1, actualH2);
392  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,actual));
394  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21(testing::compose<Rot3>, R1,
395  R2, 1e-2);
396  CHECK(assert_equal(numericalH1,actualH1));
398  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22(testing::compose<Rot3>, R1,
399  R2, 1e-2);
400  CHECK(assert_equal(numericalH2,actualH2));
401 }
403 /* ************************************************************************* */
405 {
406  Rot3 R = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
408  Rot3 I;
409  Matrix3 actualH;
410  Rot3 actual = R.inverse(actualH);
411  CHECK(assert_equal(I,R*actual));
412  CHECK(assert_equal(I,actual*R));
413  CHECK(assert_equal(actual.matrix(), R.transpose()));
415  Matrix numericalH = numericalDerivative11(testing::inverse<Rot3>, R);
416  CHECK(assert_equal(numericalH,actualH));
417 }
419 /* ************************************************************************* */
421 {
422  Rot3 r1 = Rot3::Rz(M_PI/3.0);
423  Rot3 r2 = Rot3::Rz(2.0*M_PI/3.0);
425  Matrix expectedr1 = (Matrix(3, 3) <<
426  0.5, -sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0.0,
427  sqrt(3.0)/2.0, 0.5, 0.0,
428  0.0, 0.0, 1.0).finished();
429  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedr1, r1.matrix()));
431  Rot3 R = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.1, 0.4, 0.2);
432  Rot3 origin;
433  EXPECT(assert_equal(R, origin.between(R)));
434  EXPECT(assert_equal(R.inverse(), R.between(origin)));
436  Rot3 R1 = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.1, 0.2, 0.3);
437  Rot3 R2 = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.2, 0.3, 0.5);
439  Rot3 expected = R1.inverse() * R2;
440  Matrix actualH1, actualH2;
441  Rot3 actual = R1.between(R2, actualH1, actualH2);
442  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected,actual));
444  Matrix numericalH1 = numericalDerivative21(testing::between<Rot3> , R1, R2);
445  CHECK(assert_equal(numericalH1,actualH1));
447  Matrix numericalH2 = numericalDerivative22(testing::between<Rot3> , R1, R2);
448  CHECK(assert_equal(numericalH2,actualH2));
449 }
451 /* ************************************************************************* */
452 TEST( Rot3, xyz )
453 {
454  double t = 0.1, st = sin(t), ct = cos(t);
456  // Make sure all counterclockwise
457  // Diagrams below are all from from unchanging axis
459  // z
460  // | * Y=(ct,st)
461  // x----y
462  Rot3 expected1(1, 0, 0, 0, ct, -st, 0, st, ct);
463  CHECK(assert_equal(expected1,Rot3::Rx(t)));
465  // x
466  // | * Z=(ct,st)
467  // y----z
468  Rot3 expected2(ct, 0, st, 0, 1, 0, -st, 0, ct);
469  CHECK(assert_equal(expected2,Rot3::Ry(t)));
471  // y
472  // | X=* (ct,st)
473  // z----x
474  Rot3 expected3(ct, -st, 0, st, ct, 0, 0, 0, 1);
475  CHECK(assert_equal(expected3,Rot3::Rz(t)));
477  // Check compound rotation
478  Rot3 expected = Rot3::Rz(0.3) * Rot3::Ry(0.2) * Rot3::Rx(0.1);
479  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,Rot3::RzRyRx(0.1,0.2,0.3)));
480 }
482 /* ************************************************************************* */
483 TEST( Rot3, yaw_pitch_roll )
484 {
485  double t = 0.1;
487  // yaw is around z axis
488  CHECK(assert_equal(Rot3::Rz(t),Rot3::Yaw(t)));
490  // pitch is around y axis
491  CHECK(assert_equal(Rot3::Ry(t),Rot3::Pitch(t)));
493  // roll is around x axis
494  CHECK(assert_equal(Rot3::Rx(t),Rot3::Roll(t)));
496  // Check compound rotation
497  Rot3 expected = Rot3::Yaw(0.1) * Rot3::Pitch(0.2) * Rot3::Roll(0.3);
498  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,Rot3::Ypr(0.1,0.2,0.3)));
500  CHECK(assert_equal((Vector)Vector3(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),expected.ypr()));
501 }
503 /* ************************************************************************* */
505 {
506  // Try RQ on a pure rotation
507  const auto [actualK, actual] = RQ(R.matrix());
508  Vector expected = Vector3(0.14715, 0.385821, 0.231671);
509  CHECK(assert_equal(I_3x3, (Matrix)actualK));
510  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,actual,1e-6));
512  // Try using xyz call, asserting that Rot3::RzRyRx(x,y,z).xyz()==[x;y;z]
513  CHECK(assert_equal(expected,R.xyz(),1e-6));
514  CHECK(assert_equal((Vector)Vector3(0.1,0.2,0.3),Rot3::RzRyRx(0.1,0.2,0.3).xyz()));
516  // Try using ypr call, asserting that Rot3::Ypr(y,p,r).ypr()==[y;p;r]
517  CHECK(assert_equal((Vector)Vector3(0.1,0.2,0.3),Rot3::Ypr(0.1,0.2,0.3).ypr()));
518  CHECK(assert_equal((Vector)Vector3(0.3,0.2,0.1),Rot3::Ypr(0.1,0.2,0.3).rpy()));
520  // Try ypr for pure yaw-pitch-roll matrices
521  CHECK(assert_equal((Vector)Vector3(0.1,0.0,0.0),Rot3::Yaw (0.1).ypr()));
522  CHECK(assert_equal((Vector)Vector3(0.0,0.1,0.0),Rot3::Pitch(0.1).ypr()));
523  CHECK(assert_equal((Vector)Vector3(0.0,0.0,0.1),Rot3::Roll (0.1).ypr()));
525  // Try RQ to recover calibration from 3*3 sub-block of projection matrix
526  Matrix K = (Matrix(3, 3) << 500.0, 0.0, 320.0, 0.0, 500.0, 240.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).finished();
527  Matrix A = K * R.matrix();
528  const auto [actualK2, actual2] = RQ(A);
529  CHECK(assert_equal(K, actualK2));
530  CHECK(assert_equal(expected, actual2, 1e-6));
531 }
533 /* ************************************************************************* */
534 TEST( Rot3, expmapStability ) {
535  Vector w = Vector3(78e-9, 5e-8, 97e-7);
536  double theta = w.norm();
537  double theta2 = theta*theta;
538  Rot3 actualR = Rot3::Expmap(w);
539  Matrix W = (Matrix(3, 3) << 0.0, -w(2), w(1),
540  w(2), 0.0, -w(0),
541  -w(1), w(0), 0.0 ).finished();
542  Matrix W2 = W*W;
543  Matrix Rmat = I_3x3 + (1.0-theta2/6.0 + theta2*theta2/120.0
544  - theta2*theta2*theta2/5040.0)*W + (0.5 - theta2/24.0 + theta2*theta2/720.0)*W2 ;
545  Rot3 expectedR( Rmat );
546  CHECK(assert_equal(expectedR, actualR, 1e-10));
547 }
549 /* ************************************************************************* */
550 TEST( Rot3, logmapStability ) {
551  Vector w = Vector3(1e-8, 0.0, 0.0);
552  Rot3 R = Rot3::Expmap(w);
553 // double tr = R.r1().x()+R.r2().y()+R.r3().z();
554 // std::cout.precision(5000);
555 // std::cout << "theta: " << w.norm() << std::endl;
556 // std::cout << "trace: " << tr << std::endl;
557 // R.print("R = ");
558  Vector actualw = Rot3::Logmap(R);
559  CHECK(assert_equal(w, actualw, 1e-15));
560 }
562 /* ************************************************************************* */
564  // NOTE: This is also verifying the ability to convert Vector to Quaternion
565  Quaternion q1(0.710997408193224, 0.360544029310185, 0.594459869568306, 0.105395217842782);
566  Rot3 R1(0.271018623057411, 0.278786459830371, 0.921318086098018,
567  0.578529366719085, 0.717799701969298, -0.387385285854279,
568  -0.769319620053772, 0.637998195662053, 0.033250932803219);
570  Quaternion q2(0.263360579192421, 0.571813128030932, 0.494678363680335,
571  0.599136268678053);
572  Rot3 R2(-0.207341903877828, 0.250149415542075, 0.945745528564780,
573  0.881304914479026, -0.371869043667957, 0.291573424846290,
574  0.424630407073532, 0.893945571198514, -0.143353873763946);
576  // Check creating Rot3 from quaternion
577  EXPECT(assert_equal(R1, Rot3(q1)));
578  EXPECT(assert_equal(R1, Rot3::Quaternion(q1.w(), q1.x(), q1.y(), q1.z())));
579  EXPECT(assert_equal(R2, Rot3(q2)));
580  EXPECT(assert_equal(R2, Rot3::Quaternion(q2.w(), q2.x(), q2.y(), q2.z())));
582  // Check converting Rot3 to quaterion
586  // Check that quaternion and Rot3 represent the same rotation
587  Point3 p1(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
588  Point3 p2(8.0, 7.0, 9.0);
590  Point3 expected1 = R1*p1;
591  Point3 expected2 = R2*p2;
593  Point3 actual1 = Point3(q1*p1);
594  Point3 actual2 = Point3(q2*p2);
596  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected1, actual1));
597  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected2, actual2));
598 }
600 /* ************************************************************************* */
601 Matrix Cayley(const Matrix& A) {
602  Matrix::Index n = A.cols();
603  const Matrix I = Matrix::Identity(n,n);
604  return (I-A)*(I+A).inverse();
605 }
608  Matrix A = skewSymmetric(1,2,-3);
609  Matrix Q = Cayley(A);
610  EXPECT(assert_equal((Matrix)I_3x3, trans(Q)*Q));
611  EXPECT(assert_equal(A, Cayley(Q)));
612 }
614 /* ************************************************************************* */
616 {
617  Rot3 R;
618  std::ostringstream os;
619  os << R;
620  string expected = "[\n\t1, 0, 0;\n\t0, 1, 0;\n\t0, 0, 1\n]";
621  EXPECT(os.str() == expected);
622 }
624 /* ************************************************************************* */
625 TEST( Rot3, slerp)
626 {
627  // A first simple test
628  Rot3 R1 = Rot3::Rz(1), R2 = Rot3::Rz(2), R3 = Rot3::Rz(1.5);
629  EXPECT(assert_equal(R1, R1.slerp(0.0,R2)));
630  EXPECT(assert_equal(R2, R1.slerp(1.0,R2)));
631  EXPECT(assert_equal(R3, R1.slerp(0.5,R2)));
632  // Make sure other can be *this
633  EXPECT(assert_equal(R1, R1.slerp(0.5,R1)));
634 }
636 //******************************************************************************
637 namespace {
638 Rot3 id;
639 Rot3 T1(Rot3::AxisAngle(Vector3(0, 0, 1), 1));
640 Rot3 T2(Rot3::AxisAngle(Vector3(0, 1, 0), 2));
641 } // namespace
643 //******************************************************************************
644 TEST(Rot3, Invariants) {
645  EXPECT(check_group_invariants(id, id));
646  EXPECT(check_group_invariants(id, T1));
647  EXPECT(check_group_invariants(T2, id));
648  EXPECT(check_group_invariants(T2, T1));
649  EXPECT(check_group_invariants(T1, T2));
651  EXPECT(check_manifold_invariants(id, id));
652  EXPECT(check_manifold_invariants(id, T1));
653  EXPECT(check_manifold_invariants(T2, id));
654  EXPECT(check_manifold_invariants(T2, T1));
655  EXPECT(check_manifold_invariants(T1, T2));
656 }
658 //******************************************************************************
659 TEST(Rot3, LieGroupDerivatives) {
665 }
667 //******************************************************************************
668 TEST(Rot3, ChartDerivatives) {
675  }
676 }
678 /* ************************************************************************* */
679 TEST(Rot3, ClosestTo) {
680  Matrix3 M;
681  M << 0.79067393, 0.6051136, -0.0930814, //
682  0.4155925, -0.64214347, -0.64324489, //
683  -0.44948549, 0.47046326, -0.75917576;
685  Matrix expected(3, 3);
686  expected << 0.790687, 0.605096, -0.0931312, //
687  0.415746, -0.642355, -0.643844, //
688  -0.449411, 0.47036, -0.759468;
690  auto actual = Rot3::ClosestTo(3*M);
691  EXPECT(assert_equal(expected, actual.matrix(), 1e-6));
692 }
694 /* ************************************************************************* */
695 TEST(Rot3, axisAngle) {
696  Unit3 actualAxis;
697  double actualAngle;
699 // not a lambda as otherwise we can't trace error easily
700 #define CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(expectedAxis, expectedAngle, rotation) \
701  std::tie(actualAxis, actualAngle) = rotation.axisAngle(); \
702  EXPECT(assert_equal(expectedAxis, actualAxis, 1e-9)); \
703  EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(expectedAngle, actualAngle, 1e-9); \
704  EXPECT(assert_equal(rotation, Rot3::AxisAngle(expectedAxis, expectedAngle)))
706  // CHECK R defined at top = Rot3::Rodrigues(0.1, 0.4, 0.2)
707  Vector3 omega(0.1, 0.4, 0.2);
708  Unit3 axis(omega), _axis(-omega);
709  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(axis, omega.norm(), R);
711  // rotate by 90
712  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(1, 0, 0), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(0, 0, M_PI_2))
713  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, 1, 0), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(0, M_PI_2, 0))
714  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, 0, 1), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(M_PI_2, 0, 0))
715  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(axis, M_PI_2, Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, M_PI_2))
717  // rotate by -90
718  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(-1, 0, 0), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(0, 0, -M_PI_2))
719  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, -1, 0), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(0, -M_PI_2, 0))
720  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, 0, -1), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(-M_PI_2, 0, 0))
721  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(_axis, M_PI_2, Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, -M_PI_2))
723  // rotate by 270
724  const double theta270 = M_PI + M_PI / 2;
725  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(-1, 0, 0), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(0, 0, theta270))
726  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, -1, 0), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(0, theta270, 0))
727  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, 0, -1), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(theta270, 0, 0))
728  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(_axis, M_PI_2, Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, theta270))
730  // rotate by -270
731  const double theta_270 = -(M_PI + M_PI / 2); // 90 (or -270) degrees
732  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(1, 0, 0), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(0, 0, theta_270))
733  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, 1, 0), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(0, theta_270, 0))
734  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, 0, 1), M_PI_2, Rot3::Ypr(theta_270, 0, 0))
735  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(axis, M_PI_2, Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, theta_270))
737  const double theta195 = 195 * M_PI / 180;
738  const double theta165 = 165 * M_PI / 180;
741  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(1, 0, 0), theta165, Rot3::Ypr(0, 0, theta165))
742  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, 1, 0), theta165, Rot3::Ypr(0, theta165, 0))
743  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, 0, 1), theta165, Rot3::Ypr(theta165, 0, 0))
744  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(axis, theta165, Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, theta165))
747  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(-1, 0, 0), theta165, Rot3::Ypr(0, 0, theta195))
748  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, -1, 0), theta165, Rot3::Ypr(0, theta195, 0))
749  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(Unit3(0, 0, -1), theta165, Rot3::Ypr(theta195, 0, 0))
750  CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(_axis, theta165, Rot3::AxisAngle(axis, theta195))
751 }
753 /* ************************************************************************* */
754 Rot3 RzRyRx_proxy(double const& a, double const& b, double const& c) {
755  return Rot3::RzRyRx(a, b, c);
756 }
758 TEST(Rot3, RzRyRx_scalars_derivative) {
759  const auto x = 0.1, y = 0.4, z = 0.2;
760  const auto num_x = numericalDerivative31(RzRyRx_proxy, x, y, z);
761  const auto num_y = numericalDerivative32(RzRyRx_proxy, x, y, z);
762  const auto num_z = numericalDerivative33(RzRyRx_proxy, x, y, z);
764  Vector3 act_x, act_y, act_z;
765  Rot3::RzRyRx(x, y, z, act_x, act_y, act_z);
767  CHECK(assert_equal(num_x, act_x));
768  CHECK(assert_equal(num_y, act_y));
769  CHECK(assert_equal(num_z, act_z));
770 }
772 /* ************************************************************************* */
773 Rot3 RzRyRx_proxy(Vector3 const& xyz) { return Rot3::RzRyRx(xyz); }
775 TEST(Rot3, RzRyRx_vector_derivative) {
776  const auto xyz = Vector3{-0.3, 0.1, 0.7};
777  const auto num = numericalDerivative11(RzRyRx_proxy, xyz);
779  Matrix3 act;
780  Rot3::RzRyRx(xyz, act);
782  CHECK(assert_equal(num, act));
783 }
785 /* ************************************************************************* */
786 Rot3 Ypr_proxy(double const& y, double const& p, double const& r) {
787  return Rot3::Ypr(y, p, r);
788 }
790 TEST(Rot3, Ypr_derivative) {
791  const auto y = 0.7, p = -0.3, r = 0.1;
792  const auto num_y = numericalDerivative31(Ypr_proxy, y, p, r);
793  const auto num_p = numericalDerivative32(Ypr_proxy, y, p, r);
794  const auto num_r = numericalDerivative33(Ypr_proxy, y, p, r);
796  Vector3 act_y, act_p, act_r;
797  Rot3::Ypr(y, p, r, act_y, act_p, act_r);
799  CHECK(assert_equal(num_y, act_y));
800  CHECK(assert_equal(num_p, act_p));
801  CHECK(assert_equal(num_r, act_r));
802 }
804 /* ************************************************************************* */
805 Vector3 RQ_proxy(Matrix3 const& R) {
806  const auto RQ_ypr = RQ(R);
807  return RQ_ypr.second;
808 }
810 TEST(Rot3, RQ_derivative) {
811  using VecAndErr = std::pair<Vector3, double>;
812  std::vector<VecAndErr> test_xyz;
813  // Test zeros and a couple of random values
814  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{0, 0, 0}, error});
815  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{0, 0.5, -0.5}, error});
816  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{0.3, 0, 0.2}, error});
817  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{-0.6, 1.3, 0}, 1e-8});
818  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{1.0, 0.7, 0.8}, error});
819  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{3.0, 0.7, -0.6}, error});
820  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{M_PI / 2, 0, 0}, error});
821  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{0, 0, M_PI / 2}, error});
823  // Test close to singularity
824  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{0, M_PI / 2 - 1e-1, 0}, 1e-7});
825  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{0, 3 * M_PI / 2 + 1e-1, 0}, 1e-7});
826  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{0, M_PI / 2 - 1.1e-2, 0}, 1e-4});
827  test_xyz.push_back(VecAndErr{{0, 3 * M_PI / 2 + 1.1e-2, 0}, 1e-4});
829  for (auto const& vec_err : test_xyz) {
830  auto const& xyz = vec_err.first;
832  const auto R = Rot3::RzRyRx(xyz).matrix();
833  const auto num = numericalDerivative11(RQ_proxy, R);
834  Matrix39 calc;
835  RQ(R, calc);
837  const auto err = vec_err.second;
838  CHECK(assert_equal(num, calc, err));
839  }
840 }
842 /* ************************************************************************* */
843 Vector3 xyz_proxy(Rot3 const& R) { return R.xyz(); }
845 TEST(Rot3, xyz_derivative) {
846  const auto aa = Vector3{-0.6, 0.3, 0.2};
847  const auto R = Rot3::Expmap(aa);
848  const auto num = numericalDerivative11(xyz_proxy, R);
849  Matrix3 calc;
850  R.xyz(calc);
852  CHECK(assert_equal(num, calc));
853 }
855 /* ************************************************************************* */
856 Vector3 ypr_proxy(Rot3 const& R) { return R.ypr(); }
858 TEST(Rot3, ypr_derivative) {
859  const auto aa = Vector3{0.1, -0.3, -0.2};
860  const auto R = Rot3::Expmap(aa);
861  const auto num = numericalDerivative11(ypr_proxy, R);
862  Matrix3 calc;
863  R.ypr(calc);
865  CHECK(assert_equal(num, calc));
866 }
868 /* ************************************************************************* */
869 Vector3 rpy_proxy(Rot3 const& R) { return R.rpy(); }
871 TEST(Rot3, rpy_derivative) {
872  const auto aa = Vector3{1.2, 0.3, -0.9};
873  const auto R = Rot3::Expmap(aa);
874  const auto num = numericalDerivative11(rpy_proxy, R);
875  Matrix3 calc;
876  R.rpy(calc);
878  CHECK(assert_equal(num, calc));
879 }
881 /* ************************************************************************* */
882 double roll_proxy(Rot3 const& R) { return R.roll(); }
884 TEST(Rot3, roll_derivative) {
885  const auto aa = Vector3{0.8, -0.8, 0.8};
886  const auto R = Rot3::Expmap(aa);
887  const auto num = numericalDerivative11(roll_proxy, R);
888  Matrix13 calc;
889  R.roll(calc);
891  CHECK(assert_equal(num, calc));
892 }
894 /* ************************************************************************* */
895 double pitch_proxy(Rot3 const& R) { return R.pitch(); }
897 TEST(Rot3, pitch_derivative) {
898  const auto aa = Vector3{0.01, 0.1, 0.0};
899  const auto R = Rot3::Expmap(aa);
900  const auto num = numericalDerivative11(pitch_proxy, R);
901  Matrix13 calc;
902  R.pitch(calc);
904  CHECK(assert_equal(num, calc));
905 }
907 /* ************************************************************************* */
908 double yaw_proxy(Rot3 const& R) { return R.yaw(); }
910 TEST(Rot3, yaw_derivative) {
911  const auto aa = Vector3{0.0, 0.1, 0.6};
912  const auto R = Rot3::Expmap(aa);
913  const auto num = numericalDerivative11(yaw_proxy, R);
914  Matrix13 calc;
915  R.yaw(calc);
917  CHECK(assert_equal(num, calc));
918 }
920 /* ************************************************************************* */
922  size_t degree = 1;
923  Rot3 R_w0; // Zero rotation
924  Rot3 R_w1 = Rot3::Ry(degree * M_PI / 180);
926  Rot3 R_01, R_w2;
927  double actual, expected = 1.0;
929  for (size_t i = 2; i < 360; ++i) {
930  R_01 = R_w0.between(R_w1);
931  R_w2 = R_w1 * R_01;
932  R_w0 = R_w1;
933  R_w1 = R_w2.normalized();
934  actual = R_w2.matrix().determinant();
936  EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(expected, actual, 1e-7);
937  }
938 }
940 /* ************************************************************************* */
941 int main() {
942  TestResult tr;
943  return TestRegistry::runAllTests(tr);
944 }
945 /* ************************************************************************* */
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC Coefficients & coeffs()
Rot3 RzRyRx_proxy(double const &a, double const &b, double const &c)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:754
#define CHECK(condition)
Definition: Test.h:108
const char Y
#define I
Definition: main.h:112
Matrix< RealScalar, Dynamic, Dynamic > M
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:51
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC CoeffReturnType x() const
Jet< T, N > cos(const Jet< T, N > &f)
Definition: jet.h:426
static const Eigen::MatrixBase< Vector3 >::ConstantReturnType Z_3x1
Definition: Vector.h:46
Scalar * y
#define GTSAM_CONCEPT_ASSERT(concept)
Definition: base/concepts.h:22
Scalar * b
Definition: benchVecAdd.cpp:17
Concept check for values that can be used in unit tests.
AngularVelocity bracket(const AngularVelocity &X, const AngularVelocity &Y)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:337
Provides convenient mappings of common member functions for testing.
static int runAllTests(TestResult &result)
Eigen::Vector3d Vector3
Definition: Vector.h:43
T between(const T &t1, const T &t2)
Definition: lieProxies.h:36
Vector3f p1
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy y set format x g set format y g set format x2 g set format y2 g set format z g set angles radians set nogrid set key title set key left top Right noreverse box linetype linewidth samplen spacing width set nolabel set noarrow set nologscale set logscale x set set pointsize set encoding default set nopolar set noparametric set set set set surface set nocontour set clabel set mapping cartesian set nohidden3d set cntrparam order set cntrparam linear set cntrparam levels auto set cntrparam points set size set origin
Matrix expected
Definition: testMatrix.cpp:971
bool equals(const Rot3 &p, double tol=1e-9) const
Definition: Rot3.cpp:99
void determinant(const MatrixType &m)
Definition: determinant.cpp:14
Definition: svd_common.h:296
Matrix Cayley(const Matrix &A)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:601
double pitch(OptionalJacobian< 1, 3 > H={}) const
Definition: Rot3.cpp:206
Vector3 xyz_proxy(Rot3 const &R)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:843
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC CoeffReturnType z() const
int n
bool assert_equal(const Matrix &expected, const Matrix &actual, double tol)
Definition: Matrix.cpp:40
Eigen::MatrixXd Matrix
Definition: base/Matrix.h:39
Scalar Scalar * c
Definition: benchVecAdd.cpp:17
#define M_PI
Definition: main.h:106
Jet< T, N > acos(const Jet< T, N > &f)
Definition: jet.h:432
Jet< T, N > sin(const Jet< T, N > &f)
Definition: jet.h:439
static Cal3_S2 K(500, 500, 0.1, 640/2, 480/2)
Pose2_ Expmap(const Vector3_ &xi)
Definition: BFloat16.h:88
Key W(std::uint64_t j)
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC CoeffReturnType w() const
static char trans
Some functions to compute numerical derivatives.
static const Pose3 T2(Rot3::Rodrigues(0.3, 0.2, 0.1), P2)
T BCH(const T &X, const T &Y)
AGC: bracket() only appears in Rot3 tests, should this be used elsewhere?
Definition: Lie.h:298
Matrix< SCALARA, Dynamic, Dynamic, opt_A > A
Definition: bench_gemm.cpp:48
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const LogReturnType log() const
Rot3 is a 3D rotation represented as a rotation matrix if the preprocessor symbol GTSAM_USE_QUATERNIO...
Definition: Rot3.h:58
Definition: Lie.h:372
#define EXPECT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(expected, actual, threshold)
Definition: Test.h:161
static const Similarity3 id
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const InverseReturnType inverse() const
void quaternion(void)
internal::FixedSizeMatrix< Y, X >::type numericalDerivative11(std::function< Y(const X &)> h, const X &x, double delta=1e-5)
New-style numerical derivatives using manifold_traits.
T compose(const T &t1, const T &t2)
Definition: lieProxies.h:39
static double epsilon
Definition: testRot3.cpp:37
internal::FixedSizeMatrix< Y, X1 >::type numericalDerivative21(const std::function< Y(const X1 &, const X2 &)> &h, const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, double delta=1e-5)
Vector3 RQ_proxy(Matrix3 const &R)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:805
Rot3 slerp(double t, const Rot3 &other) const
Spherical Linear intERPolation between *this and other.
Definition: Rot3.cpp:312
Definition: testLie.h:82
pair< Matrix3, Vector3 > RQ(const Matrix3 &A, OptionalJacobian< 3, 9 > H)
Definition: Rot3.cpp:246
Rot3 inverse() const
inverse of a rotation
Definition: Rot3.h:308
#define CHECK_OMEGA(X, Y, Z)
TangentVector localCoordinates(const Class &g) const
localCoordinates as required by manifold concept: finds tangent vector between *this and g ...
Definition: Lie.h:136
const double degree
Represents a 3D point on a unit sphere.
Definition: Unit3.h:42
internal::FixedSizeMatrix< Y, X3 >::type numericalDerivative33(std::function< Y(const X1 &, const X2 &, const X3 &)> h, const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3, double delta=1e-5)
Eigen::VectorXd Vector
Definition: Vector.h:38
Point3 unrotate(const Point3 &p, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H1={}, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H2={}) const
rotate point from world to rotated frame
Definition: Rot3.cpp:135
Vector3 xyz(OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H={}) const
Definition: Rot3.cpp:160
P unrotate(const T &r, const P &pt)
Definition: lieProxies.h:50
double roll_proxy(Rot3 const &R)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:882
internal::FixedSizeMatrix< Y, X2 >::type numericalDerivative32(std::function< Y(const X1 &, const X2 &, const X3 &)> h, const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3, double delta=1e-5)
AngularVelocity(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &v)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:331
The Index type as used for the API.
Definition: Meta.h:74
#define EXPECT(condition)
Definition: Test.h:150
Array< int, Dynamic, 1 > v
Vector3 ypr_proxy(Rot3 const &R)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:856
internal::FixedSizeMatrix< Y, X1 >::type numericalDerivative31(std::function< Y(const X1 &, const X2 &, const X3 &)> h, const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, const X3 &x3, double delta=1e-5)
Vector3 rpy(OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H={}) const
Definition: Rot3.cpp:191
Vector::Scalar omega(const Vector &t, const Vector &s, RealScalar angle)
Definition: IDRS.h:36
Array< double, 1, 3 > e(1./3., 0.5, 2.)
Rot3 slow_but_correct_Rodrigues(const Vector &w)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:97
RealScalar s
static const double r2
static Point3 P(0.2, 0.7, -2.0)
Rot3 normalized() const
Definition: Rot3M.cpp:111
Definition: Rot3.h:43
JacobiRotation< float > J
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC CoeffReturnType y() const
Class compose(const Class &g) const
Definition: Lie.h:48
static const double r3
RowVector3d w
double roll(OptionalJacobian< 1, 3 > H={}) const
Definition: Rot3.cpp:194
std::pair< Unit3, double > axisAngle() const
Definition: Rot3.cpp:230
Definition: chartTesting.h:28
static Rot3 R3
gtsam::Quaternion toQuaternion() const
Definition: Rot3M.cpp:232
double yaw_proxy(Rot3 const &R)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:908
Matrix3 skewSymmetric(double wx, double wy, double wz)
Definition: base/Matrix.h:400
Rot2 expectedR
Definition: testPose2.cpp:149
static const double r1
ofstream os("timeSchurFactors.csv")
Class retract(const TangentVector &v) const
retract as required by manifold concept: applies v at *this
Definition: Lie.h:131
The quaternion class used to represent 3D orientations and rotations.
static const Similarity3 T1(R, Point3(3.5, -8.2, 4.2), 1)
Class between(const Class &g) const
Definition: Lie.h:52
Matrix3 matrix() const
Definition: Rot3M.cpp:218
#define CHECK_AXIS_ANGLE(expectedAxis, expectedAngle, rotation)
Rot3 Ypr_proxy(double const &y, double const &p, double const &r)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:786
int main()
Definition: testRot3.cpp:941
Definition: testLie.h:85
3D Point
float * p
internal::FixedSizeMatrix< Y, X2 >::type numericalDerivative22(std::function< Y(const X1 &, const X2 &)> h, const X1 &x1, const X2 &x2, double delta=1e-5)
Class expmap(const TangentVector &v) const
Definition: Lie.h:78
static Point3 p2
static double error
Definition: testRot3.cpp:37
double yaw(OptionalJacobian< 1, 3 > H={}) const
Definition: Rot3.cpp:218
Vector3 ypr(OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H={}) const
Definition: Rot3.cpp:183
TEST(Rot3, Concept)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:40
Jet< T, N > sqrt(const Jet< T, N > &f)
Definition: jet.h:418
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > Matrix
Vector3 Point3
Definition: Point3.h:38
TangentVector logmap(const Class &g) const
Definition: Lie.h:84
Point3 rotate(const Point3 &p, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H1={}, OptionalJacobian< 3, 3 > H2={}) const
Definition: Rot3M.cpp:148
AngularVelocity(double wx, double wy, double wz)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:334
#define X
Definition: icosphere.cpp:20
double pitch_proxy(Rot3 const &R)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:895
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy x
Eigen::Matrix< double, Eigen::Dynamic, 1 > Vector
Base class for all dense matrices, vectors, and expressions.
Definition: MatrixBase.h:48
static Rot3 R
Definition: testRot3.cpp:35
Definition: Testable.h:176
Point2 t(10, 10)
3D rotation represented as a rotation matrix or quaternion
Eigen::Quaternion< double, Eigen::DontAlign > Quaternion
Vector3 rpy_proxy(Rot3 const &R)
Definition: testRot3.cpp:869

autogenerated on Tue Jul 4 2023 02:39:18