Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CIdentityTransformSpecialization of swri_transform_util::TransformImpl that represents the identity transform
 CLocalXyWgs84UtilUtility class for converting between WGS84 lat/lon and an ortho-rectified LocalXY coordinate system
 CTfToUtmTransformClass to implement transformation from TF to UTM
 CTfToWgs84TransformSpecialization of TransformImpl for transforming from TF to WGS84
 CTfTransformSpecialization of swri_transform_util::TransformImpl that performs TF transformation
 CTransformAn abstraction of the tf::Transform class to support transforms in addition to the rigid transforms supported by tf
 CTransformerA base class for transformers
 CTransformImplBase class for Transform implementations
 CTransformManagerWrapper around tf::TransformListener to support non-TF transforms
 CUtmToTfTransformClass to implement transformation from UTM to TF
 CUtmToWgs84TransformClass to implement transformation from UTM to WGS84
 CUtmTransformerInstantiation of Transformer to handle transforms to/from UTM
 CUtmUtilUtility class for converting between latitude/longitude and UTM
 CUtmDataThe actual UTM conversion processing takes place in this helper class, which is a singleton due to the large memory footprint of the underlying PROJ.4 projections library structures
 CWgs84ToTfTransformSpecialization of TransformImpl for transforming from WGS84 to TF
 CWgs84ToUtmTransformClass to implement transformation from WGS84 to UTM

Author(s): Marc Alban
autogenerated on Fri Jun 7 2019 22:06:06