Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CColorSequenceCheckerA class to monitor if the color sequence reported matches the color displayed in the light buoy
 CDockCheckerA class to monitor if the vehicle docked in a given bay
 CNavigationScoringPlugin::GateA gate that is part of the navigation challenge
 CPerceptionObjectClass to store information about each object to be populated
 CSandislandTestTests that the basic sandisland world with the wamv was loaded
 CLightBuoyPluginVisual plugin for changing the color of some visual elements using ROS messages. This plugin accepts the following SDF parameters:
 CPlacardPluginControls the shape and color of a symbol
 CWaypointMarkersThis class is used to display waypoint markers. Cylindrical Gazebo markers are drawn with text on top
 CScoringPluginA plugin that provides common functionality to any scoring plugin. This plugin defines four different task states:
 CNavigationScoringPluginA plugin for computing the score of the navigation task. This plugin derives from the generic ScoringPlugin class. Check out that plugin for other required SDF elements. This plugin requires the following SDF parameters:
 CPerceptionScoringPluginA plugin that allows models to be spawned at a given location in a specific simulation time and then takes care of scoring correct identification and localization of the objects
 CScanDockScoringPluginA plugin for computing the score of the scan and dock task. This plugin derives from the generic ScoringPlugin class. Check out that plugin for other required SDF elements. This plugin requires the following SDF parameters:
 CStationkeepingScoringPluginA plugin for computing the score of the station keeping task. This plugin derives from the generic ScoringPlugin class. Refer to that plugin for an explanation of the four states defined (Initial, Ready, Running and Finished) as well as other required SDF elements
 CWayfindingScoringPluginA plugin for computing the score of the wayfinding navigation task. This plugin derives from the generic ScoringPlugin class. Refer to that plugin for an explanation of the four states defined (Initial, Ready, Running and Finished) as well as other required SDF elements

Author(s): Brian Bingham , Carlos Aguero
autogenerated on Thu May 7 2020 03:54:56