File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 comms.cppImplementation of Comms class methods to handle reading and writing to the UM7 serial interface
 comms.hComms class definition. Does not manage the serial connection itself, but takes care of reading and writing to UM7
 firmware_registers.hCopied directly from the UM7 version of the UM6_config.h file, available online here: Note: while while the source of this code is named "UM6_config.h", it is not the same as the file used for the UM6 and is part of the UM7 source code
 main.cppMain entry point for UM7 driver. Handles serial connection details, as well as all ROS message stuffing, parameters, topics, etc
 registers.cppStub method from the Accessor class
 registers.hProvides the Registers class, which initializes with a suite of accessors suitable for reading and writing the UM7 registers, including byte-order conversion and scaling handled

Author(s): Mike Purvis , Alex Brown
autogenerated on Tue Feb 11 2020 03:26:50