Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
swarmio::services::discovery::Service Class Referencefinal

The Discovery Service makes it possible to query remote nodes for services. More...

#include <Service.h>

Inheritance diagram for swarmio::services::discovery::Service:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

DiscoveryAwaiter CachedQuery (const Node *node)
 Send a Discovery query to a remote node, or if the information already exists in the cache, return that. More...
std::map< const Node *, data::discovery::Response > GetCachedNodeInformation ()
 Returns a map containing all currently valid node information in the cache. More...
void GlobalQuery ()
 Sends a global Discovery request. More...
void Invalidate ()
 Invalidate the current cached descriptor. More...
virtual void NodeDidJoin (const Node *node) noexceptoverride
 Called when a new Node has joined the group. More...
virtual void NodeWillLeave (const Node *node) noexceptoverride
 Called when a Node signals that it will leave. More...
virtual bool ReceiveMessage (const Node *sender, const data::Message *message) override
 Delivery point of all messages. More...
void RegisterDiscoverable (Discoverable *discoverable)
 Register a new Discoverable service. More...
void RegisterObserver (Observer *observer)
 Register a new discovery observer. More...
 Service (Endpoint *endpoint, bool performActiveDiscovery)
 Construct a new Service object. More...
void UnregisterDiscoverable (Discoverable *discoverable)
 Unregister a Discoverable service. More...
void UnregisterObserver (Observer *observer)
 Unregister a discovery observer. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from swarmio::Mailbox
virtual void Disconnect ()
 Disconnect this Mailbox from the Endpoint. More...
EndpointGetEndpoint ()
 Get the associated Endpoint. More...
 Mailbox (const Mailbox &)=delete
 Remove copy constructor. More...
virtual void MailboxWasConnected () noexcept
 Called when the mailbox is attached to an already running endpoint or if the attached endpoint has just started. More...
virtual void MailboxWillBeDisconnected () noexcept
 Called right before the mailbox is disconnected from its endpoint or if the attached endpoint is about to stop. More...
virtual void NodeWasDiscovered (const Node *node) noexcept
 Called when a new Node has been discovered. More...
Mailboxoperator= (const Mailbox &)=delete
 Remove assignment operator. More...
virtual ~Mailbox ()
 Destroy the Mailbox object. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static DiscoveryAwaiter Query (Endpoint *endpoint, const Node *node)
 Send a Discovery query to a remote node. More...

Private Member Functions

void CacheDiscoveryResponse (const Node *node, const data::Message *message)
 Handle incoming discovery requests. More...
void HandleDiscoveryRequest (const Node *node, const data::Message *message)
 Handle incoming discovery requests. More...
void HandleInvalidationRequest (const Node *node, const data::Message *message)
 Invalidate information on a previously discovered node. More...

Private Attributes

data::discovery::Response _cachedResponse
 Cached discovery response. More...
bool _cacheValid = true
 Tracks whether the current cache is valid. More...
std::set< Discoverable * > _discoverables
 List of discoverable services. More...
std::mutex _discoverablesMutex
 Mutex to protect discoverable list. More...
std::set< Observer * > _observers
 List of discovery observers. More...
std::mutex _observersMutex
 Mutex to protect observer list. More...
bool _performActiveDiscovery
 Should we send discovery requests automatically? More...
std::map< const Node *, data::discovery::Response > _remotes
 Cache of remote node discovery responses. More...
std::mutex _remotesMutex
 Mutex to protect remotes list. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from swarmio::Mailbox
void FinishConstruction ()
 Called when the last constructor has finished its job. More...
void FinishMovingTo (Mailbox *other)
 Called when message handling should be passed onto the new instance. More...
 Mailbox ()
 Construct a disconnected Mailbox. More...
 Mailbox (Endpoint *endpoint)
 Construct a new Mailbox object. More...
 Mailbox (Mailbox &&other)
 Move a Mailbox object. More...

Detailed Description

The Discovery Service makes it possible to query remote nodes for services.

Definition at line 18 of file discovery/Service.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

swarmio::services::discovery::Service::Service ( Endpoint endpoint,
bool  performActiveDiscovery 

Construct a new Service object.

performActiveDiscoverySend automatic discovery requests to newly joined nodes

Definition at line 110 of file discovery/Service.h.

Member Function Documentation

void Service::CacheDiscoveryResponse ( const Node node,
const data::Message *  message 

Handle incoming discovery requests.

senderThe node that has sent the message
messageThe message itself

Definition at line 128 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

DiscoveryAwaiter Service::CachedQuery ( const Node node)

Send a Discovery query to a remote node, or if the information already exists in the cache, return that.

nodeRemote node

Definition at line 233 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

std::map< const Node *, data::discovery::Response > Service::GetCachedNodeInformation ( )

Returns a map containing all currently valid node information in the cache.

std::map<const Node*, data::discovery::Response>

Definition at line 271 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

void Service::GlobalQuery ( )

Sends a global Discovery request.

Definition at line 258 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

void Service::HandleDiscoveryRequest ( const Node node,
const data::Message *  message 

Handle incoming discovery requests.

senderThe node that has sent the message
messageThe message itself

Definition at line 91 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

void Service::HandleInvalidationRequest ( const Node node,
const data::Message *  message 

Invalidate information on a previously discovered node.

senderThe node that has sent the message
messageThe message itself

Definition at line 150 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

void Service::Invalidate ( )

Invalidate the current cached descriptor.

Definition at line 8 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

void Service::NodeDidJoin ( const Node node)

Called when a new Node has joined the group.

nodeThe node that has been discovered

Reimplemented from swarmio::Mailbox.

Definition at line 191 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

void Service::NodeWillLeave ( const Node node)

Called when a Node signals that it will leave.

nodeThe node that has left

Reimplemented from swarmio::Mailbox.

Definition at line 178 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

DiscoveryAwaiter Service::Query ( Endpoint endpoint,
const Node node 

Send a Discovery query to a remote node.

nodeRemote node

Definition at line 211 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

bool Service::ReceiveMessage ( const Node sender,
const data::Message *  message 

Delivery point of all messages.

senderThe node that has sent the message
messageThe message itself
True if the message had been processed and should not be forwarded to other mailboxes

Reimplemented from swarmio::Mailbox.

Definition at line 43 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

void Service::RegisterDiscoverable ( Discoverable discoverable)

Register a new Discoverable service.


Definition at line 25 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

void swarmio::services::discovery::Service::RegisterObserver ( Observer observer)

Register a new discovery observer.


Definition at line 152 of file discovery/Service.h.

void Service::UnregisterDiscoverable ( Discoverable discoverable)

Unregister a Discoverable service.


Definition at line 34 of file discovery/Service.cpp.

void swarmio::services::discovery::Service::UnregisterObserver ( Observer observer)

Unregister a discovery observer.


Definition at line 162 of file discovery/Service.h.

Member Data Documentation

data::discovery::Response swarmio::services::discovery::Service::_cachedResponse

Cached discovery response.

Definition at line 74 of file discovery/Service.h.

bool swarmio::services::discovery::Service::_cacheValid = true

Tracks whether the current cache is valid.

Definition at line 68 of file discovery/Service.h.

std::set<Discoverable*> swarmio::services::discovery::Service::_discoverables

List of discoverable services.

Definition at line 56 of file discovery/Service.h.

std::mutex swarmio::services::discovery::Service::_discoverablesMutex

Mutex to protect discoverable list.

Definition at line 62 of file discovery/Service.h.

std::set<Observer*> swarmio::services::discovery::Service::_observers

List of discovery observers.

Definition at line 44 of file discovery/Service.h.

std::mutex swarmio::services::discovery::Service::_observersMutex

Mutex to protect observer list.

Definition at line 50 of file discovery/Service.h.

bool swarmio::services::discovery::Service::_performActiveDiscovery

Should we send discovery requests automatically?

Definition at line 26 of file discovery/Service.h.

std::map<const Node*, data::discovery::Response> swarmio::services::discovery::Service::_remotes

Cache of remote node discovery responses.

Definition at line 32 of file discovery/Service.h.

std::mutex swarmio::services::discovery::Service::_remotesMutex

Mutex to protect remotes list.

Definition at line 38 of file discovery/Service.h.

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