file | hand_commander.hpp [code] |
| This is a library that offers a simple interface to send commands to hand joints. It is compatible with the Shadow Robot CAN hand and ethercat hand. It allows the user not worry about the name of the currently running controllers. Only position control is allowed (targets must represent angles).
file | sr_diagnosticer.h [code] |
| The Diagnosticer is a ROS publisher which publishes diagnostic data regarding the Dextrous Hand or the Shadow Robot Arm, on the \/diagnostics topic. The diagnostics can be viewed using the robot_monitor package.
file | sr_publisher.h [code] |
| This class reads and publishes data concerning the shadowhand / shadowarm. To publish those data, just call the publish() function.
file | sr_subscriber.h [code] |
| This ROS subscriber is used to issue commands to the hand / arm, from sending a set of targets, to changing the controller parameters.