Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //
3 // It is automatically generated from schemas.
4 //
6 #pragma once
8 #include <stdint.h>
10 namespace OpcUa
11 {
12 enum class StatusCode : uint32_t
13 {
14  Good = 0,
15  BadUnexpectedError = 0x80010000,
16  BadInternalError = 0x80020000,
17  BadOutOfMemory = 0x80030000,
18  BadResourceUnavailable = 0x80040000,
19  BadCommunicationError = 0x80050000,
20  BadEncodingError = 0x80060000,
21  BadDecodingError = 0x80070000,
22  BadEncodingLimitsExceeded = 0x80080000,
23  BadRequestTooLarge = 0x80B80000,
24  BadResponseTooLarge = 0x80B90000,
25  BadUnknownResponse = 0x80090000,
26  BadTimeout = 0x800A0000,
27  BadServiceUnsupported = 0x800B0000,
28  BadShutdown = 0x800C0000,
29  BadServerNotConnected = 0x800D0000,
30  BadServerHalted = 0x800E0000,
31  BadNothingToDo = 0x800F0000,
32  BadTooManyOperations = 0x80100000,
33  BadTooManyMonitoredItems = 0x80DB0000,
34  BadDataTypeIdUnknown = 0x80110000,
35  BadCertificateInvalid = 0x80120000,
36  BadSecurityChecksFailed = 0x80130000,
37  BadCertificateTimeInvalid = 0x80140000,
39  BadCertificateHostNameInvalid = 0x80160000,
40  BadCertificateUriInvalid = 0x80170000,
41  BadCertificateUseNotAllowed = 0x80180000,
43  BadCertificateUntrusted = 0x801A0000,
46  BadCertificateRevoked = 0x801D0000,
47  BadCertificateIssuerRevoked = 0x801E0000,
48  BadUserAccessDenied = 0x801F0000,
49  BadIdentityTokenInvalid = 0x80200000,
50  BadIdentityTokenRejected = 0x80210000,
51  BadSecureChannelIdInvalid = 0x80220000,
52  BadInvalidTimestamp = 0x80230000,
53  BadNonceInvalid = 0x80240000,
54  BadSessionIdInvalid = 0x80250000,
55  BadSessionClosed = 0x80260000,
56  BadSessionNotActivated = 0x80270000,
57  BadSubscriptionIdInvalid = 0x80280000,
58  BadRequestHeaderInvalid = 0x802A0000,
59  BadTimestampsToReturnInvalid = 0x802B0000,
60  BadRequestCancelledByClient = 0x802C0000,
61  GoodSubscriptionTransferred = 0x002D0000,
62  GoodCompletesAsynchronously = 0x002E0000,
63  GoodOverload = 0x002F0000,
64  GoodClamped = 0x00300000,
65  BadNoCommunication = 0x80310000,
66  BadWaitingForInitialData = 0x80320000,
67  BadNodeIdInvalid = 0x80330000,
68  BadNodeIdUnknown = 0x80340000,
69  BadAttributeIdInvalid = 0x80350000,
70  BadIndexRangeInvalid = 0x80360000,
71  BadIndexRangeNoData = 0x80370000,
72  BadDataEncodingInvalid = 0x80380000,
73  BadDataEncodingUnsupported = 0x80390000,
74  BadNotReadable = 0x803A0000,
75  BadNotWritable = 0x803B0000,
76  BadOutOfRange = 0x803C0000,
77  BadNotSupported = 0x803D0000,
78  BadNotFound = 0x803E0000,
79  BadObjectDeleted = 0x803F0000,
80  BadNotImplemented = 0x80400000,
81  BadMonitoringModeInvalid = 0x80410000,
82  BadMonitoredItemIdInvalid = 0x80420000,
83  BadMonitoredItemFilterInvalid = 0x80430000,
85  BadFilterNotAllowed = 0x80450000,
86  BadStructureMissing = 0x80460000,
87  BadEventFilterInvalid = 0x80470000,
88  BadContentFilterInvalid = 0x80480000,
89  BadFilterOperatorInvalid = 0x80C10000,
90  BadFilterOperatorUnsupported = 0x80C20000,
91  BadFilterOperandCountMismatch = 0x80C30000,
92  BadFilterOperandInvalid = 0x80490000,
93  BadFilterElementInvalid = 0x80C40000,
94  BadFilterLiteralInvalid = 0x80C50000,
95  BadContinuationPointInvalid = 0x804A0000,
96  BadNoContinuationPoints = 0x804B0000,
97  BadReferenceTypeIdInvalid = 0x804C0000,
98  BadBrowseDirectionInvalid = 0x804D0000,
99  BadNodeNotInView = 0x804E0000,
100  BadServerUriInvalid = 0x804F0000,
101  BadServerNameMissing = 0x80500000,
102  BadDiscoveryUrlMissing = 0x80510000,
103  BadSempahoreFileMissing = 0x80520000,
104  BadRequestTypeInvalid = 0x80530000,
105  BadSecurityModeRejected = 0x80540000,
106  BadSecurityPolicyRejected = 0x80550000,
107  BadTooManySessions = 0x80560000,
108  BadUserSignatureInvalid = 0x80570000,
109  BadApplicationSignatureInvalid = 0x80580000,
110  BadNoValidCertificates = 0x80590000,
111  BadIdentityChangeNotSupported = 0x80C60000,
112  BadRequestCancelledByRequest = 0x805A0000,
113  BadParentNodeIdInvalid = 0x805B0000,
114  BadReferenceNotAllowed = 0x805C0000,
115  BadNodeIdRejected = 0x805D0000,
116  BadNodeIdExists = 0x805E0000,
117  BadNodeClassInvalid = 0x805F0000,
118  BadBrowseNameInvalid = 0x80600000,
119  BadBrowseNameDuplicated = 0x80610000,
120  BadNodeAttributesInvalid = 0x80620000,
121  BadTypeDefinitionInvalid = 0x80630000,
122  BadSourceNodeIdInvalid = 0x80640000,
123  BadTargetNodeIdInvalid = 0x80650000,
124  BadDuplicateReferenceNotAllowed = 0x80660000,
125  BadInvalidSelfReference = 0x80670000,
126  BadReferenceLocalOnly = 0x80680000,
127  BadNoDeleteRights = 0x80690000,
128  UncertainReferenceNotDeleted = 0x40BC0000,
129  BadServerIndexInvalid = 0x806A0000,
130  BadViewIdUnknown = 0x806B0000,
131  BadViewTimestampInvalid = 0x80C90000,
132  BadViewParameterMismatch = 0x80CA0000,
133  BadViewVersionInvalid = 0x80CB0000,
134  UncertainNotAllNodesAvailable = 0x40C00000,
135  GoodResultsMayBeIncomplete = 0x00BA0000,
136  BadNotTypeDefinition = 0x80C80000,
137  UncertainReferenceOutOfServer = 0x406C0000,
138  BadTooManyMatches = 0x806D0000,
139  BadQueryTooComplex = 0x806E0000,
140  BadNoMatch = 0x806F0000,
141  BadMaxAgeInvalid = 0x80700000,
142  BadHistoryOperationInvalid = 0x80710000,
143  BadHistoryOperationUnsupported = 0x80720000,
144  BadInvalidTimestampArgument = 0x80BD0000,
145  BadWriteNotSupported = 0x80730000,
146  BadTypeMismatch = 0x80740000,
147  BadMethodInvalid = 0x80750000,
148  BadArgumentsMissing = 0x80760000,
149  BadTooManySubscriptions = 0x80770000,
150  BadTooManyPublishRequests = 0x80780000,
151  BadNoSubscription = 0x80790000,
152  BadSequenceNumberUnknown = 0x807A0000,
153  BadMessageNotAvailable = 0x807B0000,
154  BadInsufficientClientProfile = 0x807C0000,
155  BadStateNotActive = 0x80BF0000,
156  BadTcpServerTooBusy = 0x807D0000,
157  BadTcpMessageTypeInvalid = 0x807E0000,
158  BadTcpSecureChannelUnknown = 0x807F0000,
159  BadTcpMessageTooLarge = 0x80800000,
160  BadTcpNotEnoughResources = 0x80810000,
161  BadTcpInternalError = 0x80820000,
162  BadTcpEndpointUrlInvalid = 0x80830000,
163  BadRequestInterrupted = 0x80840000,
164  BadRequestTimeout = 0x80850000,
165  BadSecureChannelClosed = 0x80860000,
166  BadSecureChannelTokenUnknown = 0x80870000,
167  BadSequenceNumberInvalid = 0x80880000,
168  BadProtocolVersionUnsupported = 0x80BE0000,
169  BadConfigurationError = 0x80890000,
170  BadNotConnected = 0x808A0000,
171  BadDeviceFailure = 0x808B0000,
172  BadSensorFailure = 0x808C0000,
173  BadOutOfService = 0x808D0000,
174  BadDeadbandFilterInvalid = 0x808E0000,
176  UncertainLastUsableValue = 0x40900000,
177  UncertainSubstituteValue = 0x40910000,
178  UncertainInitialValue = 0x40920000,
179  UncertainSensorNotAccurate = 0x40930000,
181  UncertainSubNormal = 0x40950000,
182  GoodLocalOverride = 0x00960000,
183  BadRefreshInProgress = 0x80970000,
184  BadConditionAlreadyDisabled = 0x80980000,
185  BadConditionAlreadyEnabled = 0x80CC0000,
186  BadConditionDisabled = 0x80990000,
187  BadEventIdUnknown = 0x809A0000,
188  BadEventNotAcknowledgeable = 0x80BB0000,
189  BadDialogNotActive = 0x80CD0000,
190  BadDialogResponseInvalid = 0x80CE0000,
191  BadConditionBranchAlreadyAcked = 0x80CF0000,
193  BadConditionAlreadyShelved = 0x80D10000,
194  BadConditionNotShelved = 0x80D20000,
195  BadShelvingTimeOutOfRange = 0x80D30000,
196  BadNoData = 0x809B0000,
197  BadBoundNotFound = 0x80D70000,
198  BadBoundNotSupported = 0x80D80000,
199  BadDataLost = 0x809D0000,
200  BadDataUnavailable = 0x809E0000,
201  BadEntryExists = 0x809F0000,
202  BadNoEntryExists = 0x80A00000,
203  BadTimestampNotSupported = 0x80A10000,
204  GoodEntryInserted = 0x00A20000,
205  GoodEntryReplaced = 0x00A30000,
206  UncertainDataSubNormal = 0x40A40000,
207  GoodNoData = 0x00A50000,
208  GoodMoreData = 0x00A60000,
209  BadAggregateListMismatch = 0x80D40000,
210  BadAggregateNotSupported = 0x80D50000,
211  BadAggregateInvalidInputs = 0x80D60000,
213  GoodDataIgnored = 0x00D90000,
214  GoodCommunicationEvent = 0x00A70000,
215  GoodShutdownEvent = 0x00A80000,
216  GoodCallAgain = 0x00A90000,
217  GoodNonCriticalTimeout = 0x00AA0000,
218  BadInvalidArgument = 0x80AB0000,
219  BadConnectionRejected = 0x80AC0000,
220  BadDisconnect = 0x80AD0000,
221  BadConnectionClosed = 0x80AE0000,
222  BadInvalidState = 0x80AF0000,
223  BadEndOfStream = 0x80B00000,
224  BadNoDataAvailable = 0x80B10000,
225  BadWaitingForResponse = 0x80B20000,
226  BadOperationAbandoned = 0x80B30000,
227  BadExpectedStreamToBlock = 0x80B40000,
228  BadWouldBlock = 0x80B50000,
229  BadSyntaxError = 0x80B60000,
230  BadMaxConnectionsReached = 0x80B70000,
231 };
233 //raise appropriate exception if StatusCode is not Good
234 void CheckStatusCode(StatusCode code);
236 }
void CheckStatusCode(StatusCode code)
OpcUa Error codes. GNU LGPL.
OPC UA Address space part. GNU LGPL.

Author(s): Denis Štogl
autogenerated on Tue Jan 19 2021 03:12:08