This package is a template for a ROS nodelet package depending on another C++ library package for implementation details.
It is supposed to show the ROS part if using a separate ROS and C++ library packages.
In this package we are following as much as possible, where it makes sense.
of the workspace (and maybe more like beginner_tutorials)Source the devel workspace::
$ source devel/setup.bash
run the tests of this package::
$ catkin run_tests ros1_ros_cpptemplate
run all the tests::
$ catkin run_tests
build the documentation::
$ rosdoc_lite src/ros1_template/ros1_ros_cpptemplate -o src/ros1_template/ros1_ros_cpptemplate/doc/
launch the demo application::
$ roslaunch ros1_ros_template standalone.launch –screen
install that workspace::
$ make install
source the install workspace::
$ source install/setup.bash