Macros | Typedefs | Functions
Qsopt_64/qsopt.h File Reference
#include <stdio.h>
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#define QS_COL_BSTAT_BASIC   '1'
#define QS_COL_BSTAT_FREE   '3'
#define QS_COL_BSTAT_LOWER   '0'
#define QS_COL_BSTAT_UPPER   '2'
#define QS_DATA_ERROR   0
#define QS_DATA_WARN   1
#define QS_INPUT_NERROR   8
#define QS_LP_ABORTED   7
#define QS_LP_FORMAT_ERROR   4
#define QS_LP_FORMAT_WARN   5
#define QS_LP_INFEASIBLE   2
#define QS_LP_ITER_LIMIT   4
#define QS_LP_MODIFIED   100
#define QS_LP_OPTIMAL   1
#define QS_LP_TIME_LIMIT   5
#define QS_LP_UNBOUNDED   3
#define QS_LP_UNSOLVED   6
#define QS_MAX   (-1)
#define QS_MAXDOUBLE   (1e30)
#define QS_MIN   (1)
#define QS_MPS_FORMAT_WARN   3
#define QS_PRICE_DDEVEX   9
#define QS_PRICE_DSTEEP   7
#define QS_PRICE_PDEVEX   2
#define QS_PRICE_PSTEEP   3
#define QS_ROW_BSTAT_BASIC   '1'
#define QS_ROW_BSTAT_LOWER   '0'
#define QS_ROW_BSTAT_UPPER   '2'
#define QSLIB_INTERFACE   extern


typedef struct qsbasis * QSbas
typedef struct qserror_collector * QSerror_collector
typedef struct qserror_memory * QSerror_memory
typedef struct qsformat_error * QSformat_error
typedef struct qsline_reader * QSline_reader
typedef struct qsdata * QSprob


QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSadd_col (QSprob p, int cnt, int *cmatind, double *cmatval, double obj, double lower, double upper, const char *name)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSadd_cols (QSprob p, int num, int *cmatcnt, int *cmatbeg, int *cmatind, double *cmatval, double *obj, double *lower, double *upper, const char **names)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSadd_row (QSprob p, int cnt, int *rmatind, double *rmatval, double rhs, char sense, const char *name)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSadd_rows (QSprob p, int num, int *rmatcnt, int *rmatbeg, int *rmatind, double *rmatval, double *rhs, char *sense, const char **names)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_bound (QSprob p, int indx, char lu, double bound)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_bounds (QSprob p, int num, int *collist, char *lu, double *bounds)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_coef (QSprob p, int rowindex, int colindex, double coef)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_objcoef (QSprob p, int indx, double coef)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_objsense (QSprob p, int newsense)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_rhscoef (QSprob p, int indx, double coef)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_sense (QSprob p, int rowindex, char sense)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_senses (QSprob p, int num, int *rowlist, char *sense)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QScompute_row_norms (QSprob p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QScopy_prob (QSprob p, const char *newname)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QScreate_prob (const char *name, int objsense)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_col (QSprob p, int colindex)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_cols (QSprob p, int num, int *dellist)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_named_column (QSprob p, const char *colname)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_named_columns_list (QSprob p, int num, const char **colnames)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_named_row (QSprob p, const char *rowname)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_named_rows_list (QSprob p, int num, const char **rownames)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_row (QSprob p, int rowindex)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_rows (QSprob p, int num, int *dellist)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_setcols (QSprob p, int *flags)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_setrows (QSprob p, int *flags)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSerror_collector_free (QSerror_collector c)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSerror_collector QSerror_collector_new (void *fct, void *dest)
QSLIB_INTERFACE const char * QSerror_get_desc (QSformat_error error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE const char * QSerror_get_line (QSformat_error error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_get_line_number (QSformat_error error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_get_pos (QSformat_error error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_get_type (QSformat_error error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSerror_collector QSerror_memory_collector_new (QSerror_memory mem)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSerror_memory QSerror_memory_create (char takeErrorLines)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSerror_memory_free (QSerror_memory mem)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSformat_error QSerror_memory_get_last_error (QSerror_memory mem)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_memory_get_nerrors (QSerror_memory mem)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_memory_get_nof (QSerror_memory mem, int error_type)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSformat_error QSerror_memory_get_prev_error (QSformat_error e)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSerror_print (FILE *f, QSformat_error error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE const char * QSformat_error_type_string (int tp)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSfree (void *ptr)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSfree_basis (QSbas B)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSfree_prob (QSprob p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSbas QSget_basis (QSprob p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_basis_and_row_norms_array (QSprob p, char *cstat, char *rstat, double *rownorms)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_basis_array (QSprob p, char *cstat, char *rstat)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_basis_order (QSprob p, int *basorder)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_binv_row (QSprob p, int indx, double *binvrow)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_bound (QSprob p, int colindex, char lu, double *bound)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_bounds (QSprob p, double *lower, double *upper)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_colcount (QSprob p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_colnames (QSprob p, char **colnames)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_column_index (QSprob p, const char *name, int *colindex)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_columns (QSprob p, int **colcnt, int **colbeg, int **colind, double **colval, double **obj, double **lower, double **upper, char ***names)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_columns_list (QSprob p, int num, int *collist, int **colcnt, int **colbeg, int **colind, double **colval, double **obj, double **lower, double **upper, char ***names)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_infeas_array (QSprob p, double *pi)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_intcount (QSprob p, int *count)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_intflags (QSprob p, int *intflags)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_named_pi (QSprob p, const char *rowname, double *val)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_named_rc (QSprob p, const char *colname, double *val)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_named_slack (QSprob p, const char *rowname, double *val)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_named_x (QSprob p, const char *colname, double *val)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_nzcount (QSprob p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_obj (QSprob p, double *obj)
QSLIB_INTERFACE char * QSget_objname (QSprob p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_objsense (QSprob p, int *newsense)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_objval (QSprob p, double *value)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_param (QSprob p, int whichparam, int *value)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_param_double (QSprob p, int whichparam, double *value)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_pi_array (QSprob p, double *pi)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QSget_prob (QSline_reader reader, const char *probname, const char *filetype)
QSLIB_INTERFACE char * QSget_probname (QSprob p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rc_array (QSprob p, double *rc)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rhs (QSprob p, double *rhs)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_row_index (QSprob p, const char *name, int *rowindex)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rowcount (QSprob p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rownames (QSprob p, char **rownames)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rows (QSprob p, int **rowcnt, int **rowbeg, int **rowind, double **rowval, double **rhs, char **sense, char ***names)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rows_list (QSprob p, int num, int *rowlist, int **rowcnt, int **rowbeg, int **rowind, double **rowval, double **rhs, char **sense, char ***names)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_senses (QSprob p, char *senses)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_slack_array (QSprob p, double *slack)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_solution (QSprob p, double *value, double *x, double *pi, double *slack, double *rc)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_status (QSprob p, int *status)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_tableau_row (QSprob p, int indx, double *tableaurow)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_x_array (QSprob p, double *x)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSline_reader_free (QSline_reader reader)
QSLIB_INTERFACE char * QSline_reader_get (QSline_reader reader, char *s, int size)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSline_reader QSline_reader_new (void *fct, void *data_src)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSline_reader_set_error_collector (QSline_reader reader, QSerror_collector collector)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSload_basis (QSprob p, QSbas B)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSload_basis_and_row_norms_array (QSprob p, char *cstat, char *rstat, double *rownorms)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSload_basis_array (QSprob p, char *cstat, char *rstat)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QSload_prob (const char *probname, int ncols, int nrows, int *cmatcnt, int *cmatbeg, int *cmatind, double *cmatval, int objsense, double *obj, double *rhs, char *sense, double *lower, double *upper, const char **colnames, const char **rownames)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSnew_col (QSprob p, double obj, double lower, double upper, const char *name)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSnew_row (QSprob p, double rhs, char sense, const char *name)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_dual (QSprob p, int *status)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_pivotin_col (QSprob p, int ccnt, int *clist)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_pivotin_row (QSprob p, int rcnt, int *rlist)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_primal (QSprob p, int *status)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_strongbranch (QSprob p, int ncand, int *candidatelist, double *xlist, double *down_vals, double *up_vals, int iterations, double objbound)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSread_and_load_basis (QSprob p, const char *filename)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSbas QSread_basis (QSprob p, const char *filename)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QSread_prob (const char *filename, const char *filetype)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSreport_prob (QSprob p, const char *filetype, QSerror_collector c)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSset_param (QSprob p, int whichparam, int newvalue)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSset_param_double (QSprob p, int whichparam, double newvalue)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSset_reporter (QSprob prob, int iterskip, void *fct, void *dest)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QStest_row_norms (QSprob p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE char * QSversion (void)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSwrite_basis (QSprob p, QSbas B, const char *filename)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSwrite_prob (QSprob p, const char *filename, const char *filetype)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSwrite_prob_file (QSprob p, FILE *file, const char *filetype)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define QS_COL_BSTAT_BASIC   '1'

Definition at line 76 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_COL_BSTAT_FREE   '3'

Definition at line 78 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_COL_BSTAT_LOWER   '0'

Definition at line 75 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_COL_BSTAT_UPPER   '2'

Definition at line 77 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_DATA_ERROR   0

Definition at line 300 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_DATA_WARN   1

Definition at line 301 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_INPUT_NERROR   8

Definition at line 306 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_ABORTED   7

Definition at line 97 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_FORMAT_ERROR   4

Definition at line 304 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_FORMAT_WARN   5

Definition at line 305 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_INFEASIBLE   2

Definition at line 92 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_ITER_LIMIT   4

Definition at line 94 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_MODIFIED   100

Definition at line 98 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_OPTIMAL   1

Definition at line 91 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_TIME_LIMIT   5

Definition at line 95 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_UNBOUNDED   3

Definition at line 93 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_LP_UNSOLVED   6

Definition at line 96 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_MAX   (-1)

Definition at line 34 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_MAXDOUBLE   (1e30)

Definition at line 116 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_MIN   (1)

Definition at line 33 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 302 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_MPS_FORMAT_WARN   3

Definition at line 303 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 44 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 43 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 45 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 46 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 47 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 48 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 62 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_PRICE_DDEVEX   9

Definition at line 65 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 64 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_PRICE_DSTEEP   7

Definition at line 63 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 57 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_PRICE_PDEVEX   2

Definition at line 58 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.


Definition at line 60 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_PRICE_PSTEEP   3

Definition at line 59 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_ROW_BSTAT_BASIC   '1'

Definition at line 81 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_ROW_BSTAT_LOWER   '0'

Definition at line 80 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QS_ROW_BSTAT_UPPER   '2'

Definition at line 82 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

#define QSLIB_INTERFACE   extern

Definition at line 16 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct qsbasis* QSbas

Definition at line 24 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

typedef struct qserror_collector* QSerror_collector

Definition at line 289 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

typedef struct qserror_memory* QSerror_memory

Definition at line 290 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

typedef struct qsformat_error* QSformat_error

Definition at line 288 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

typedef struct qsline_reader* QSline_reader

Definition at line 287 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

typedef struct qsdata* QSprob

Definition at line 23 of file Qsopt_64/qsopt.h.

Function Documentation

QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSadd_col ( QSprob  p,
int  cnt,
int *  cmatind,
double *  cmatval,
double  obj,
double  lower,
double  upper,
const char *  name 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSadd_cols ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
int *  cmatcnt,
int *  cmatbeg,
int *  cmatind,
double *  cmatval,
double *  obj,
double *  lower,
double *  upper,
const char **  names 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSadd_row ( QSprob  p,
int  cnt,
int *  rmatind,
double *  rmatval,
double  rhs,
char  sense,
const char *  name 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSadd_rows ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
int *  rmatcnt,
int *  rmatbeg,
int *  rmatind,
double *  rmatval,
double *  rhs,
char *  sense,
const char **  names 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_bound ( QSprob  p,
int  indx,
char  lu,
double  bound 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_bounds ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
int *  collist,
char *  lu,
double *  bounds 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_coef ( QSprob  p,
int  rowindex,
int  colindex,
double  coef 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_objcoef ( QSprob  p,
int  indx,
double  coef 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_objsense ( QSprob  p,
int  newsense 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_rhscoef ( QSprob  p,
int  indx,
double  coef 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_sense ( QSprob  p,
int  rowindex,
char  sense 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSchange_senses ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
int *  rowlist,
char *  sense 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QScompute_row_norms ( QSprob  p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QScopy_prob ( QSprob  p,
const char *  newname 
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QScreate_prob ( const char *  name,
int  objsense 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_col ( QSprob  p,
int  colindex 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_cols ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
int *  dellist 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_named_column ( QSprob  p,
const char *  colname 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_named_columns_list ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
const char **  colnames 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_named_row ( QSprob  p,
const char *  rowname 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_named_rows_list ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
const char **  rownames 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_row ( QSprob  p,
int  rowindex 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_rows ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
int *  dellist 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_setcols ( QSprob  p,
int *  flags 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSdelete_setrows ( QSprob  p,
int *  flags 
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSerror_collector_free ( QSerror_collector  c)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSerror_collector QSerror_collector_new ( void *  fct,
void *  dest 
QSLIB_INTERFACE const char* QSerror_get_desc ( QSformat_error  error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE const char* QSerror_get_line ( QSformat_error  error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_get_line_number ( QSformat_error  error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_get_pos ( QSformat_error  error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_get_type ( QSformat_error  error)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSerror_collector QSerror_memory_collector_new ( QSerror_memory  mem)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSerror_memory QSerror_memory_create ( char  takeErrorLines)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSerror_memory_free ( QSerror_memory  mem)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSformat_error QSerror_memory_get_last_error ( QSerror_memory  mem)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_memory_get_nerrors ( QSerror_memory  mem)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSerror_memory_get_nof ( QSerror_memory  mem,
int  error_type 
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSformat_error QSerror_memory_get_prev_error ( QSformat_error  e)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSerror_print ( FILE *  f,
QSformat_error  error 
QSLIB_INTERFACE const char* QSformat_error_type_string ( int  tp)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSfree ( void *  ptr)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSfree_basis ( QSbas  B)
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSfree_prob ( QSprob  p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSbas QSget_basis ( QSprob  p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_basis_and_row_norms_array ( QSprob  p,
char *  cstat,
char *  rstat,
double *  rownorms 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_basis_array ( QSprob  p,
char *  cstat,
char *  rstat 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_basis_order ( QSprob  p,
int *  basorder 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_binv_row ( QSprob  p,
int  indx,
double *  binvrow 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_bound ( QSprob  p,
int  colindex,
char  lu,
double *  bound 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_bounds ( QSprob  p,
double *  lower,
double *  upper 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_colcount ( QSprob  p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_colnames ( QSprob  p,
char **  colnames 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_column_index ( QSprob  p,
const char *  name,
int *  colindex 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_columns ( QSprob  p,
int **  colcnt,
int **  colbeg,
int **  colind,
double **  colval,
double **  obj,
double **  lower,
double **  upper,
char ***  names 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_columns_list ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
int *  collist,
int **  colcnt,
int **  colbeg,
int **  colind,
double **  colval,
double **  obj,
double **  lower,
double **  upper,
char ***  names 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_infeas_array ( QSprob  p,
double *  pi 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_intcount ( QSprob  p,
int *  count 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_intflags ( QSprob  p,
int *  intflags 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_named_pi ( QSprob  p,
const char *  rowname,
double *  val 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_named_rc ( QSprob  p,
const char *  colname,
double *  val 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_named_slack ( QSprob  p,
const char *  rowname,
double *  val 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_named_x ( QSprob  p,
const char *  colname,
double *  val 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_nzcount ( QSprob  p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_obj ( QSprob  p,
double *  obj 
QSLIB_INTERFACE char* QSget_objname ( QSprob  p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_objsense ( QSprob  p,
int *  newsense 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_objval ( QSprob  p,
double *  value 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_param ( QSprob  p,
int  whichparam,
int *  value 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_param_double ( QSprob  p,
int  whichparam,
double *  value 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_pi_array ( QSprob  p,
double *  pi 
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QSget_prob ( QSline_reader  reader,
const char *  probname,
const char *  filetype 
QSLIB_INTERFACE char* QSget_probname ( QSprob  p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rc_array ( QSprob  p,
double *  rc 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rhs ( QSprob  p,
double *  rhs 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_row_index ( QSprob  p,
const char *  name,
int *  rowindex 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rowcount ( QSprob  p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rownames ( QSprob  p,
char **  rownames 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rows ( QSprob  p,
int **  rowcnt,
int **  rowbeg,
int **  rowind,
double **  rowval,
double **  rhs,
char **  sense,
char ***  names 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_rows_list ( QSprob  p,
int  num,
int *  rowlist,
int **  rowcnt,
int **  rowbeg,
int **  rowind,
double **  rowval,
double **  rhs,
char **  sense,
char ***  names 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_senses ( QSprob  p,
char *  senses 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_slack_array ( QSprob  p,
double *  slack 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_solution ( QSprob  p,
double *  value,
double *  x,
double *  pi,
double *  slack,
double *  rc 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_status ( QSprob  p,
int *  status 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_tableau_row ( QSprob  p,
int  indx,
double *  tableaurow 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSget_x_array ( QSprob  p,
double *  x 
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSline_reader_free ( QSline_reader  reader)
QSLIB_INTERFACE char* QSline_reader_get ( QSline_reader  reader,
char *  s,
int  size 
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSline_reader QSline_reader_new ( void *  fct,
void *  data_src 
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSline_reader_set_error_collector ( QSline_reader  reader,
QSerror_collector  collector 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSload_basis ( QSprob  p,
QSbas  B 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSload_basis_and_row_norms_array ( QSprob  p,
char *  cstat,
char *  rstat,
double *  rownorms 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSload_basis_array ( QSprob  p,
char *  cstat,
char *  rstat 
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QSload_prob ( const char *  probname,
int  ncols,
int  nrows,
int *  cmatcnt,
int *  cmatbeg,
int *  cmatind,
double *  cmatval,
int  objsense,
double *  obj,
double *  rhs,
char *  sense,
double *  lower,
double *  upper,
const char **  colnames,
const char **  rownames 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSnew_col ( QSprob  p,
double  obj,
double  lower,
double  upper,
const char *  name 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSnew_row ( QSprob  p,
double  rhs,
char  sense,
const char *  name 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_dual ( QSprob  p,
int *  status 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_pivotin_col ( QSprob  p,
int  ccnt,
int *  clist 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_pivotin_row ( QSprob  p,
int  rcnt,
int *  rlist 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_primal ( QSprob  p,
int *  status 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSopt_strongbranch ( QSprob  p,
int  ncand,
int *  candidatelist,
double *  xlist,
double *  down_vals,
double *  up_vals,
int  iterations,
double  objbound 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSread_and_load_basis ( QSprob  p,
const char *  filename 
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSbas QSread_basis ( QSprob  p,
const char *  filename 
QSLIB_INTERFACE QSprob QSread_prob ( const char *  filename,
const char *  filetype 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSreport_prob ( QSprob  p,
const char *  filetype,
QSerror_collector  c 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSset_param ( QSprob  p,
int  whichparam,
int  newvalue 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSset_param_double ( QSprob  p,
int  whichparam,
double  newvalue 
QSLIB_INTERFACE void QSset_reporter ( QSprob  prob,
int  iterskip,
void *  fct,
void *  dest 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QStest_row_norms ( QSprob  p)
QSLIB_INTERFACE char* QSversion ( void  )
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSwrite_basis ( QSprob  p,
QSbas  B,
const char *  filename 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSwrite_prob ( QSprob  p,
const char *  filename,
const char *  filetype 
QSLIB_INTERFACE int QSwrite_prob_file ( QSprob  p,
FILE *  file,
const char *  filetype 

Author(s): Florian Jordan
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:53:12