Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CSceneScene manages scene objects - handles selection and movement
 CSceneContactPointContact point between a pointable (finger or tool) and a scene object
 CSceneRayRay used for ray hit tests
 CSceneRayHitStores the result of a ray test that hit something
 CScrollMomentumUtility class for adding simple momentum to 2D or 3D UI elements
 CSmartArrayDestructorAlternative destructor for arrays of objects
 CSmartInstanceDestructorDefault destruction template class used by smart pointer
 CGLAttribScopeUtility class for caching and restoring GL attributes via the glPushAttrib/glPopAttrib calls
 CGLMatrixScopeUtility class for keeping the gl matrix stack push/pop operations paired up correctly
 ClpfLowpass filter class

Author(s): Florian Lier , Mirza Shah , Isaac IY Saito
autogenerated on Tue Jun 2 2020 03:58:01