Use the metraTec IPS system to perform positioning of a receiver depending on placement of RF beacons.
Definition at line 17 of file src/indoor_positioning/
def indoor_positioning.positioning.Positioning.__init__ |
( |
self, |
config_dir |
) |
| |
Initialize class object by passing the directory to a YAML config file containing zone information.
:param config_dir: String: directory of the YAML config file containing the definitions of zones
Definition at line 19 of file src/indoor_positioning/
def indoor_positioning.positioning.Positioning.get_beacon |
( |
self, |
eid |
) |
| |
Return beacon object with the specified EID.
:param eid: String: EID of the beacon object that should be fetched from the initialized zones
:return: Beacon/None: beacon object with the specified EID
Definition at line 43 of file src/indoor_positioning/
def indoor_positioning.positioning.Positioning.get_defined_beacons |
( |
self | ) |
Return a list of EIDs of all beacons that are configured in the config file
:return: [String]: EIDs of all beacons that are defined
Definition at line 30 of file src/indoor_positioning/
def indoor_positioning.positioning.Positioning.get_mean |
( |
pings | ) |
static |
Compute the mean of RSSI values of a list of collected beacon pings.
Sort the passed list of pings by their unique EID and allocate their measured RSSI values. Then compute and
return the mean RSSI value of all received messages for each individual beacon.
:param pings: List of Strings: beacon pings collected over time to average [BCN <EID> <RSSI>, ...]
:return: Dict: key-value-pairs of EID and computed mean of RSSI values {<EID>: <AVERAGE_RSSI>, ...}
Definition at line 113 of file src/indoor_positioning/
def indoor_positioning.positioning.Positioning.get_zone |
( |
self, |
pings |
) |
| |
Take average RSSI value for each beacon ping contained in the passed list of beacon pings. Then return the
zone which the beacon with the highest value belongs to.
:param pings: List of Strings: beacon pings collected over time to average [BCN <EID> <RSSI>, ...]
:return: Zone/None: zone object of beacons with highest signal strength
Definition at line 87 of file src/indoor_positioning/
def indoor_positioning.positioning.Positioning.parse_config |
( |
self, |
yml_dir |
) |
| |
Read the YAML config files of zones, parse the data and create zone/beacon objects. The created zone objects
are appended to the classes list of zones for later use.
:param yml_dir: String: directory of the YAML config file containing the definitions of zones
Definition at line 57 of file src/indoor_positioning/
indoor_positioning.positioning.Positioning.n_beacons |
indoor_positioning.positioning.Positioning.zones |
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