Classes | Variables
ifopt Namespace Reference


struct  Bounds
 Upper and lower bound for optimization variables and constraints. More...
class  Component
 Interface representing either Variable, Cost or Constraint. More...
class  Composite
 A collection of components which is treated as another Component. More...
class  ConstraintSet
 A container holding a set of related constraints. More...
class  CostTerm
 A container holding a single cost term. More...
class  ExComponent
class  ExConstraint
class  ExCost
class  ExVariables
class  Problem
 A generic optimization problem with variables, costs and constraints. More...
class  VariableSet
 A container holding a set of related optimization variables. More...


static const Bounds BoundGreaterZero = Bounds( 0.0, +inf)
static const Bounds BoundSmallerZero = Bounds(-inf, 0.0)
static const Bounds BoundZero = Bounds( 0.0, 0.0)
static const double inf = 1.0e20
static const Bounds NoBound = Bounds(-inf, +inf)
static int print_counter = 0

Detailed Description

Example to generate a solver-independent formulation for the problem, taken from the IPOPT cpp_example.

min_x f(x) = -(x1-2)^2 s.t. 0 = x0^2 + x1 - 1 -1 <= x0 <= 1

In this simple example we only use one set of variables, constraints and cost. However, most real world problems have multiple different constraints and also different variable sets representing different quantities. This framework allows to define each set of variables or constraints absolutely independently from another and correctly stitches them together to form the final optimization problem.

Variable Documentation

const Bounds ifopt::BoundGreaterZero = Bounds( 0.0, +inf)

Definition at line 70 of file bounds.h.

const Bounds ifopt::BoundSmallerZero = Bounds(-inf, 0.0)

Definition at line 71 of file bounds.h.

const Bounds ifopt::BoundZero = Bounds( 0.0, 0.0)

Definition at line 69 of file bounds.h.

const double ifopt::inf = 1.0e20

Definition at line 66 of file bounds.h.

const Bounds ifopt::NoBound = Bounds(-inf, +inf)

Definition at line 68 of file bounds.h.

int ifopt::print_counter = 0

Definition at line 167 of file

Author(s): Alexander W. Winkler
autogenerated on Thu Apr 19 2018 02:47:37