gtsam.utils.plot Namespace Reference


def ellipsoid (rx, ry, rz, n)
def plot_3d_points (fignum, values, linespec="g*", marginals=None, title="3D Points", axis_labels=('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis'))
def plot_covariance_ellipse_3d (axes, origin, P, scale=1, n=8, alpha=0.5)
def plot_incremental_trajectory (fignum, values, start=0, scale=1, marginals=None, time_interval=0.0)
def plot_point3 (fignum, point, linespec, P=None, axis_labels=('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis'))
def plot_point3_on_axes (axes, point, linespec, P=None)
def plot_pose2 (fignum, pose, axis_length=0.1, covariance=None, axis_labels=('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis'))
def plot_pose2_on_axes (axes, pose, axis_length=0.1, covariance=None)
def plot_pose3 (fignum, pose, axis_length=0.1, P=None, axis_labels=('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis'))
def plot_pose3_on_axes (axes, pose, axis_length=0.1, P=None, scale=1)
def plot_trajectory (fignum, values, scale=1, marginals=None, title="Plot Trajectory", axis_labels=('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis'))
def set_axes_equal (fignum)

Detailed Description

Various plotting utlities.

Function Documentation

def gtsam.utils.plot.ellipsoid (   rx,
Numpy equivalent of Matlab's ellipsoid function.

    rx (double): Radius of ellipsoid in X-axis.
    ry (double): Radius of ellipsoid in Y-axis.
    rz (double): Radius of ellipsoid in Z-axis.
    n (int): The granularity of the ellipsoid plotted.

    tuple[numpy.ndarray]: The points in the x, y and z axes to use for the surface plot.

Definition at line 39 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_3d_points (   fignum,
  linespec = "g*",
  marginals = None,
  title = "3D Points",
  axis_labels = ('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis') 
Plots the Point3s in `values`, with optional covariances.
Finds all the Point3 objects in the given Values object and plots them.
If a Marginals object is given, this function will also plot marginal
covariance ellipses for each point.

    fignum (int): Integer representing the figure number to use for plotting.
    values (gtsam.Values): Values dictionary consisting of points to be plotted.
    linespec (string): String representing formatting options for Matplotlib.
    marginals (numpy.ndarray): Marginal covariance matrix to plot the
        uncertainty of the estimation.
    title (string): The title of the plot.
    axis_labels (iterable[string]): List of axis labels to set.

Definition at line 207 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_covariance_ellipse_3d (   axes,
  scale = 1,
  n = 8,
  alpha = 0.5 
Plots a Gaussian as an uncertainty ellipse

Based on Maybeck Vol 1, page 366
k=2.296 corresponds to 1 std, 68.26% of all probability
k=11.82 corresponds to 3 std, 99.74% of all probability

    axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): Matplotlib axes.
    origin (gtsam.Point3): The origin in the world frame.
    P (numpy.ndarray): The marginal covariance matrix of the 3D point
        which will be represented as an ellipse.
    scale (float): Scaling factor of the radii of the covariance ellipse.
    n (int): Defines the granularity of the ellipse. Higher values indicate finer ellipses.
    alpha (float): Transparency value for the plotted surface in the range [0, 1].

Definition at line 61 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_incremental_trajectory (   fignum,
  start = 0,
  scale = 1,
  marginals = None,
  time_interval = 0.0 
Incrementally plot a complete 3D trajectory using poses in `values`.

    fignum (int): Integer representing the figure number to use for plotting.
    values (gtsam.Values): Values dict containing the poses.
    start (int): Starting index to start plotting from.
    scale (float): Value to scale the poses by.
    marginals (gtsam.Marginals): Marginalized probability values of the estimation.
        Used to plot uncertainty bounds.
    time_interval (float): Time in seconds to pause between each rendering.
        Used to create animation effect.

Definition at line 362 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_point3 (   fignum,
  P = None,
  axis_labels = ('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis') 
Plot a 3D point on given figure with given `linespec`.

    fignum (int): Integer representing the figure number to use for plotting.
    point (gtsam.Point3): The point to be plotted.
    linespec (string): String representing formatting options for Matplotlib.
    P (numpy.ndarray): Marginal covariance matrix to plot the uncertainty of the estimation.
    axis_labels (iterable[string]): List of axis labels to set.

    fig: The matplotlib figure.

Definition at line 180 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_point3_on_axes (   axes,
  P = None 
Plot a 3D point on given axis `axes` with given `linespec`.

    axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): Matplotlib axes.
    point (gtsam.Point3): The point to be plotted.
    linespec (string): String representing formatting options for Matplotlib.
    P (numpy.ndarray): Marginal covariance matrix to plot the uncertainty of the estimation.

Definition at line 164 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_pose2 (   fignum,
  axis_length = 0.1,
  covariance = None,
  axis_labels = ('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis') 
Plot a 2D pose on given figure with given `axis_length`.

    fignum (int): Integer representing the figure number to use for plotting.
    pose (gtsam.Pose2): The pose to be plotted.
    axis_length (float): The length of the camera axes.
    covariance (numpy.ndarray): Marginal covariance matrix to plot
        the uncertainty of the estimation.
    axis_labels (iterable[string]): List of axis labels to set.

Definition at line 140 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_pose2_on_axes (   axes,
  axis_length = 0.1,
  covariance = None 
Plot a 2D pose on given axis `axes` with given `axis_length`.

    axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): Matplotlib axes.
    pose (gtsam.Pose2): The pose to be plotted.
    axis_length (float): The length of the camera axes.
    covariance (numpy.ndarray): Marginal covariance matrix to plot
        the uncertainty of the estimation.

Definition at line 99 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_pose3 (   fignum,
  axis_length = 0.1,
  P = None,
  axis_labels = ('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis') 
Plot a 3D pose on given figure with given `axis_length`.

    fignum (int): Integer representing the figure number to use for plotting.
    pose (gtsam.Pose3): 3D pose to be plotted.
    linespec (string): String representing formatting options for Matplotlib.
    P (numpy.ndarray): Marginal covariance matrix to plot the uncertainty of the estimation.
    axis_labels (iterable[string]): List of axis labels to set.

    fig: The matplotlib figure.

Definition at line 284 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_pose3_on_axes (   axes,
  axis_length = 0.1,
  P = None,
  scale = 1 
Plot a 3D pose on given axis `axes` with given `axis_length`.

    axes (matplotlib.axes.Axes): Matplotlib axes.
    point (gtsam.Point3): The point to be plotted.
    linespec (string): String representing formatting options for Matplotlib.
    P (numpy.ndarray): Marginal covariance matrix to plot the uncertainty of the estimation.

Definition at line 247 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.plot_trajectory (   fignum,
  scale = 1,
  marginals = None,
  title = "Plot Trajectory",
  axis_labels = ('X axis', 'Y axis', 'Z axis') 
Plot a complete 2D/3D trajectory using poses in `values`.

    fignum (int): Integer representing the figure number to use for plotting.
    values (gtsam.Values): Values containing some Pose2 and/or Pose3 values.
    scale (float): Value to scale the poses by.
    marginals (gtsam.Marginals): Marginalized probability values of the estimation.
        Used to plot uncertainty bounds.
    title (string): The title of the plot.
    axis_labels (iterable[string]): List of axis labels to set.

Definition at line 312 of file

def gtsam.utils.plot.set_axes_equal (   fignum)
Make axes of 3D plot have equal scale so that spheres appear as spheres,
cubes as cubes, etc..  This is one possible solution to Matplotlib's
ax.set_aspect('equal') and ax.axis('equal') not working for 3D.

  fignum (int): An integer representing the figure number for Matplotlib.

Definition at line 13 of file

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:59:10