Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * NestedDissection-inl.h
3  *
4  * Created on: Nov 27, 2010
5  * Author: nikai
6  * Description:
7  */
9 #pragma once
11 #include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
14 #include "OrderedSymbols.h"
15 #include "NestedDissection.h"
17 namespace gtsam { namespace partition {
19  /* ************************************************************************* */
20  template <class NLG, class SubNLG, class GenericGraph>
22  const NLG& fg, const Ordering& ordering, const int numNodeStopPartition, const int minNodesPerMap, const bool verbose) :
23  fg_(fg), ordering_(ordering){
24  GenericUnaryGraph unaryFactors;
25  GenericGraph gfg;
26  boost::tie(unaryFactors, gfg) = fg.createGenericGraph(ordering);
28  // build reverse mapping from integer to symbol
29  int numNodes = ordering.size();
30  int2symbol_.resize(numNodes);
31  Ordering::const_iterator it = ordering.begin(), itLast = ordering.end();
32  while(it != itLast)
33  int2symbol_[it->second] = (it++)->first;
35  vector<size_t> keys;
36  keys.reserve(numNodes);
37  for(int i=0; i<ordering.size(); ++i)
38  keys.push_back(i);
40  WorkSpace workspace(numNodes);
41  root_ = recursivePartition(gfg, unaryFactors, keys, vector<size_t>(), numNodeStopPartition, minNodesPerMap, boost::shared_ptr<SubNLG>(), workspace, verbose);
42  }
44  /* ************************************************************************* */
45  template <class NLG, class SubNLG, class GenericGraph>
47  const NLG& fg, const Ordering& ordering, const boost::shared_ptr<Cuts>& cuts, const bool verbose) : fg_(fg), ordering_(ordering){
48  GenericUnaryGraph unaryFactors;
49  GenericGraph gfg;
50  boost::tie(unaryFactors, gfg) = fg.createGenericGraph(ordering);
52  // build reverse mapping from integer to symbol
53  int numNodes = ordering.size();
54  int2symbol_.resize(numNodes);
55  Ordering::const_iterator it = ordering.begin(), itLast = ordering.end();
56  while(it != itLast)
57  int2symbol_[it->second] = (it++)->first;
59  vector<size_t> keys;
60  keys.reserve(numNodes);
61  for(int i=0; i<ordering.size(); ++i)
62  keys.push_back(i);
64  WorkSpace workspace(numNodes);
65  root_ = recursivePartition(gfg, unaryFactors, keys, vector<size_t>(), cuts, boost::shared_ptr<SubNLG>(), workspace, verbose);
66  }
68  /* ************************************************************************* */
69  template <class NLG, class SubNLG, class GenericGraph>
71  const NLG& fg, const vector<size_t>& frontals, const vector<size_t>& sep, const boost::shared_ptr<SubNLG>& parent) const {
72  OrderedSymbols frontalKeys;
73  for(const size_t index: frontals)
74  frontalKeys.push_back(int2symbol_[index]);
76  UnorderedSymbols sepKeys;
77  for(const size_t index: sep)
78  sepKeys.insert(int2symbol_[index]);
80  return boost::make_shared<SubNLG>(fg, frontalKeys, sepKeys, parent);
81  }
83  /* ************************************************************************* */
84  template <class NLG, class SubNLG, class GenericGraph>
86  const typename GenericGraph::value_type& factor, const std::vector<int>& partitionTable, // input
87  vector<GenericGraph>& frontalFactors, NLG& sepFactors, vector<set<size_t> >& childSeps, // output factor graphs
88  typename SubNLG::Weeklinks& weeklinks) const { // the links between child cliques
89  list<size_t> sep_; // the separator variables involved in the current factor
90  int partition1 = partitionTable[factor->key1.index];
91  int partition2 = partitionTable[factor->key2.index];
92  if (partition1 <= 0 && partition2 <= 0) { // is a factor in the current clique
93  sepFactors.push_back(fg_[factor->index]);
94  }
95  else if (partition1 > 0 && partition2 > 0 && partition1 != partition2) { // is a weeklink (factor between two child cliques)
96  weeklinks.push_back(fg_[factor->index]);
97  }
98  else if (partition1 > 0 && partition2 > 0 && partition1 == partition2) { // is a local factor in one of the child cliques
99  frontalFactors[partition1 - 1].push_back(factor);
100  }
101  else { // is a joint factor in the child clique (involving varaibles in the current clique)
102  if (partition1 > 0 && partition2 <= 0) {
103  frontalFactors[partition1 - 1].push_back(factor);
104  childSeps[partition1 - 1].insert(factor->key2.index);
105  } else if (partition1 <= 0 && partition2 > 0) {
106  frontalFactors[partition2 - 1].push_back(factor);
107  childSeps[partition2 - 1].insert(factor->key1.index);
108  } else
109  throw runtime_error("processFactor: unexpected entries in the partition table!");
110  }
111  }
113  /* ************************************************************************* */
120  // TODO: frontalFactors and localFrontals should be generated in findSeparator
121  template <class NLG, class SubNLG, class GenericGraph>
123  const GenericGraph& fg, const GenericUnaryGraph& unaryFactors, const std::vector<size_t>& keys, //input
124  const std::vector<int>& partitionTable, const int numSubmaps, // input
125  vector<GenericGraph>& frontalFactors, vector<GenericUnaryGraph>& frontalUnaryFactors, NLG& sepFactors, // output factor graphs
126  vector<vector<size_t> >& childFrontals, vector<vector<size_t> >& childSeps, vector<size_t>& localFrontals, // output sub-orderings
127  typename SubNLG::Weeklinks& weeklinks) const { // the links between child cliques
129  // make three lists of variables A, B, and C
130  int partition;
131  childFrontals.resize(numSubmaps);
132  for(const size_t key: keys){
133  partition = partitionTable[key];
134  switch (partition) {
135  case -1: break; // the separator of the separator variables
136  case 0: localFrontals.push_back(key); break; // the separator variables
137  default: childFrontals[partition-1].push_back(key); // the frontal variables
138  }
139  }
141  // group the factors to {frontalFactors} and {sepFactors},and find the joint variables
142  vector<set<size_t> > childSeps_;
143  childSeps_.resize(numSubmaps);
144  childSeps.reserve(numSubmaps);
145  frontalFactors.resize(numSubmaps);
146  frontalUnaryFactors.resize(numSubmaps);
147  for(typename GenericGraph::value_type factor: fg)
148  processFactor(factor, partitionTable, frontalFactors, sepFactors, childSeps_, weeklinks);
149  for(const set<size_t>& childSep: childSeps_)
150  childSeps.push_back(vector<size_t>(childSep.begin(), childSep.end()));
152  // add unary factor to the current cluster or pass it to one of the child clusters
153  for(const sharedGenericUnaryFactor& unaryFactor_: unaryFactors) {
154  partition = partitionTable[unaryFactor_->key.index];
155  if (!partition) sepFactors.push_back(fg_[unaryFactor_->index]);
156  else frontalUnaryFactors[partition-1].push_back(unaryFactor_);
157  }
158  }
160  /* ************************************************************************* */
161  template <class NLG, class SubNLG, class GenericGraph>
163  const GenericGraph& gfg, const GenericUnaryGraph& unaryFactors) const {
164  NLG sepFactors;
165  typename GenericGraph::const_iterator it = gfg.begin(), itLast = gfg.end();
166  while(it!=itLast) sepFactors.push_back(fg_[(*it++)->index]);
167  for(const sharedGenericUnaryFactor& unaryFactor_: unaryFactors)
168  sepFactors.push_back(fg_[unaryFactor_->index]);
169  return sepFactors;
170  }
172  /* ************************************************************************* */
173  template <class NLG, class SubNLG, class GenericGraph>
175  const GenericGraph& gfg, const GenericUnaryGraph& unaryFactors, const vector<size_t>& frontals, const vector<size_t>& sep,
176  const int numNodeStopPartition, const int minNodesPerMap, const boost::shared_ptr<SubNLG>& parent, WorkSpace& workspace, const bool verbose) const {
178  // if no split needed
179  NLG sepFactors; // factors that should remain in the current cluster
180  if (frontals.size() <= numNodeStopPartition || gfg.size() <= numNodeStopPartition) {
181  sepFactors = collectOriginalFactors(gfg, unaryFactors);
182  return makeSubNLG(sepFactors, frontals, sep, parent);
183  }
185  // find the nested dissection separator
186  int numSubmaps = findSeparator(gfg, frontals, minNodesPerMap, workspace, verbose, int2symbol_, NLG::reduceGraph(),
187  NLG::minNrConstraintsPerCamera(),NLG::minNrConstraintsPerLandmark());
188  partition::PartitionTable& partitionTable = workspace.partitionTable;
189  if (numSubmaps == 0) throw runtime_error("recursivePartition: get zero submap after ND!");
191  // split the factors between child cliques and the current clique
192  vector<GenericGraph> frontalFactors; vector<GenericUnaryGraph> frontalUnaryFactors; typename SubNLG::Weeklinks weeklinks;
193  vector<size_t> localFrontals; vector<vector<size_t> > childFrontals, childSeps;
194  partitionFactorsAndVariables(gfg, unaryFactors, frontals, partitionTable, numSubmaps,
195  frontalFactors, frontalUnaryFactors, sepFactors, childFrontals, childSeps, localFrontals, weeklinks);
197  // make a new cluster
198  boost::shared_ptr<SubNLG> current = makeSubNLG(sepFactors, localFrontals, sep, parent);
199  current->setWeeklinks(weeklinks);
201  // check whether all the submaps are fully constrained
202  for (int i=0; i<numSubmaps; i++) {
203  checkSingularity(frontalFactors[i], childFrontals[i], workspace, NLG::minNrConstraintsPerCamera(),NLG::minNrConstraintsPerLandmark());
204  }
206  // create child clusters
207  for (int i=0; i<numSubmaps; i++) {
208  boost::shared_ptr<SubNLG> child = recursivePartition(frontalFactors[i], frontalUnaryFactors[i], childFrontals[i], childSeps[i],
209  numNodeStopPartition, minNodesPerMap, current, workspace, verbose);
210  current->addChild(child);
211  }
213  return current;
214  }
216  /* ************************************************************************* */
217  template <class NLG, class SubNLG, class GenericGraph>
219  const GenericGraph& gfg, const GenericUnaryGraph& unaryFactors, const vector<size_t>& frontals, const vector<size_t>& sep,
220  const boost::shared_ptr<Cuts>& cuts, const boost::shared_ptr<SubNLG>& parent, WorkSpace& workspace, const bool verbose) const {
222  // if there is no need to cut any more
223  NLG sepFactors; // factors that should remain in the current cluster
224  if (!cuts.get()) {
225  sepFactors = collectOriginalFactors(gfg, unaryFactors);
226  return makeSubNLG(sepFactors, frontals, sep, parent);
227  }
229  // retrieve the current partitioning info
230  int numSubmaps = 2;
231  partition::PartitionTable& partitionTable = cuts->partitionTable;
233  // split the factors between child cliques and the current clique
234  vector<GenericGraph> frontalFactors; vector<GenericUnaryGraph> frontalUnaryFactors; typename SubNLG::Weeklinks weeklinks;
235  vector<size_t> localFrontals; vector<vector<size_t> > childFrontals, childSeps;
236  partitionFactorsAndVariables(gfg, unaryFactors, frontals, partitionTable, numSubmaps,
237  frontalFactors, frontalUnaryFactors, sepFactors, childFrontals, childSeps, localFrontals, weeklinks);
239  // make a new cluster
240  boost::shared_ptr<SubNLG> current = makeSubNLG(sepFactors, localFrontals, sep, parent);
241  current->setWeeklinks(weeklinks);
243  // create child clusters
244  for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
245  boost::shared_ptr<SubNLG> child = recursivePartition(frontalFactors[i], frontalUnaryFactors[i], childFrontals[i], childSeps[i],
246  cuts->children.empty() ? boost::shared_ptr<Cuts>() : cuts->children[i], current, workspace, verbose);
247  current->addChild(child);
248  }
249  return current;
250  }
251 }} //namespace
void checkSingularity(const GenericGraph3D &graph, const std::vector< size_t > &frontals, WorkSpace &workspace, const size_t minNrConstraintsPerCamera, const size_t minNrConstraintsPerLandmark)
static enum @843 ordering
NLG collectOriginalFactors(const GenericGraph &gfg, const GenericUnaryGraph &unaryFactors) const
std::vector< sharedGenericUnaryFactor > GenericUnaryGraph
Definition: GenericGraph.h:130
const bool verbose
sharedSubNLG recursivePartition(const GenericGraph &gfg, const GenericUnaryGraph &unaryFactors, const std::vector< size_t > &frontals, const std::vector< size_t > &sep, const int numNodeStopPartition, const int minNodesPerMap, const boost::shared_ptr< SubNLG > &parent, WorkSpace &workspace, const bool verbose) const
constexpr int first(int i)
Implementation details for constexpr functions.
void processFactor(const typename GenericGraph::value_type &factor, const std::vector< int > &partitionTable, std::vector< GenericGraph > &frontalFactors, NLG &sepFactors, std::vector< std::set< size_t > > &childSeps, typename SubNLG::Weeklinks &weeklinks) const
Definition: pytypes.h:1301
Definition: chartTesting.h:28
void insert(size_t index, T &&val) const
Definition: pytypes.h:1316
std::vector< int > PartitionTable
sharedSubNLG makeSubNLG(const NLG &fg, const std::vector< size_t > &frontals, const std::vector< size_t > &sep, const boost::shared_ptr< SubNLG > &parent) const
boost::shared_ptr< GenericUnaryFactor > sharedGenericUnaryFactor
Definition: GenericGraph.h:129
NestedDissection(const NLG &fg, const Ordering &ordering, const int numNodeStopPartition, const int minNodesPerMap, const bool verbose=false)
int findSeparator(const GenericGraph &graph, const std::vector< size_t > &keys, const int minNodesPerMap, WorkSpace &workspace, bool verbose, const boost::optional< std::vector< Symbol > > &int2symbol, const bool reduceGraph, const int minNrConstraintsPerCamera, const int minNrConstraintsPerLandmark)
const KeyVector keys
void partitionFactorsAndVariables(const GenericGraph &fg, const GenericUnaryGraph &unaryFactors, const std::vector< size_t > &keys, const std::vector< int > &partitionTable, const int numSubmaps, std::vector< GenericGraph > &frontalFactors, vector< GenericUnaryGraph > &frontalUnaryFactors, NLG &sepFactors, std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > &childFrontals, std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > &childSeps, std::vector< size_t > &localFrontals, typename SubNLG::Weeklinks &weeklinks) const
Definition: pytypes.h:1325
std::string sep
Definition: IOFormat.cpp:1

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:43:02