Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // File: ann2fig.cpp
3 // Programmer: David Mount
4 // Last modified: 05/03/05
5 // Description: convert ann dump file to fig file
6 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
7 // Copyright (c) 1997-2005 University of Maryland and Sunil Arya and
8 // David Mount. All Rights Reserved.
9 //
10 // This software and related documentation is part of the Approximate
11 // Nearest Neighbor Library (ANN). This software is provided under
12 // the provisions of the Lesser GNU Public License (LGPL). See the
13 // file ../ReadMe.txt for further information.
14 //
15 // The University of Maryland (U.M.) and the authors make no
16 // representations about the suitability or fitness of this software for
17 // any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
18 // warranty.
19 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
20 // History:
21 // Revision 0.1 03/04/98
22 // Initial release
23 // Revision 1.0 04/01/05
24 // Changed dump file suffix from .ann to .dmp.
25 // Revision 1.1 05/03/05
26 // Fixed usage output string.
27 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
28 // This program inputs an ann dump file of a search structure
29 // perhaps along with point coordinates, and outputs a fig (Ver 3.1)
30 // file (see fig2dev (1)) displaying the tree. The fig file may
31 // then be displayed using xfig, or converted to any of a number of
32 // other formats using fig2dev.
33 //
34 // If the dimension is 2 then the entire tree is display. If the
35 // dimension is larger than 2 then the user has the option of
36 // selecting which two dimensions will be displayed, and the slice
37 // value for each of the remaining dimensions. All leaf cells
38 // intersecting the slice are shown along with the points in these
39 // cells. See the procedure getArgs() below for the command-line
40 // arguments.
41 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
43 #include <cstdio> // C standard I/O
44 #include <cstdlib> // standard lib defs
45 #include <cstring> // C strings
46 #include <fstream> // file I/O
47 #include <string> // string manipulation
48 #include <ANN/ANNx.h> // all ANN includes
50 using namespace std; // make std:: accessible
52 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
53 // Globals and their defaults
54 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
56 const int STRING_LEN = 500; // string lengths
57 const int MAX_DIM = 1000; // maximum dimension
58 const double DEF_SLICE_VAL = 0; // default slice value
59 const char FIG_HEAD[] = {"#FIG 3.1"}; // fig file header
60 const char DUMP_SUFFIX[] = {".dmp"}; // suffix for dump file
61 const char FIG_SUFFIX[] = {".fig"}; // suffix for fig file
63 char file_name[STRING_LEN]; // (root) file name (say xxx)
64 char infile_name[STRING_LEN];// input file name (xxx.dmp)
65 char outfile_name[STRING_LEN];// output file name (xxx.fig)
66 char caption[STRING_LEN]; // caption line (= command line)
67 ofstream ofile; // output file stream
68 ifstream ifile; // input file stream
69 int dim_x = 0; // horizontal dimension
70 int dim_y = 1; // vertical dimension
71 double slice_val[MAX_DIM]; // array of slice values
72 double u_per_in = 1200; // fig units per inch (version 3.1)
73 double in_size = 5; // size of figure (in inches)
74 double in_low_x = 1; // fig upper left corner (in inches)
75 double in_low_y = 1; // fig upper left corner (in inches)
76 double u_size = 6000; // size of figure (in units)
77 double u_low_x = 1200; // fig upper left corner (in units)
78 double u_low_y = 1200; // fig upper left corner (in units)
79 int pt_size = 10; // point size (in fig units)
81 int dim; // dimension
82 int n_pts; // number of points
83 ANNpointArray pts = NULL; // point array
85 double scale; // scale factor for transformation
86 double offset_x; // offsets for transformation
87 double offset_y;
89  // transformations
90 #define TRANS_X(p) (offset_x + scale*(p[dim_x]))
91 #define TRANS_Y(p) (offset_y - scale*(p[dim_y]))
93 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
94 // Error handler
95 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
97 void Error(const char* msg, ANNerr level)
98 {
99  if (level == ANNabort) {
100  cerr << "ann2fig: ERROR------->" << msg << "<-------------ERROR\n";
101  exit(1);
102  }
103  else {
104  cerr << "ann2fig: WARNING----->" << msg << "<-------------WARNING\n";
105  }
106 }
108 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
109 // set_slice_val - set all slice values to given value
110 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
112 void set_slice_val(double val)
113 {
114  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DIM; i++) {
115  slice_val[i] = val;
116  }
117 }
119 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
120 // getArgs - get input arguments
121 //
122 // Syntax:
123 // ann2fig [-upi scale] [-x low_x] [-y low_y]
124 // [-sz size] [-dx dim_x] [-dy dim_y] [-sl dim value]*
125 // [-ps pointsize]
126 // file
127 //
128 // where:
129 // -upi scale fig units per inch (default = 1200)
130 // -x low_x x and y offset of upper left corner (inches)
131 // -y low_y ...(default = 1)
132 // -sz size maximum side length of figure (in inches)
133 // ...(default = 5)
134 // -dx dim_x horizontal dimension (default = 0)
135 // -dy dim_y vertical dimension (default = 1)
136 // -sv value default slice value (default = 0)
137 // -sl dim value each such pair defines the value along the
138 // ...given dimension at which to slice. This
139 // ...may be supplied for all dimensions except
140 // ...dim_x and dim_y.
141 // -ps pointsize size of points in fig units (def = 10)
142 // file file (input=file.dmp, output=file.fig)
143 //
144 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
146 void getArgs(int argc, char **argv)
147 {
148  int i;
149  int sl_dim; // temp slice dimension
150  double sl_val; // temp slice value
152  set_slice_val(DEF_SLICE_VAL); // set initial slice-values
154  if (argc <= 1) {
155  cerr << "Syntax:\n\
156  ann2fig [-upi scale] [-x low_x] [-y low_y]\n\
157  [-sz size] [-dx dim_x] [-dy dim_y] [-sl dim value]*\n\
158  file\n\
159  \n\
160  where:\n\
161  -upi scale fig units per inch (default = 1200)\n\
162  -x low_x x and y offset of upper left corner (inches)\n\
163  -y low_y ...(default = 1)\n\
164  -sz size maximum side length of figure (in inches)\n\
165  ...(default = 5)\n\
166  -dx dim_x horizontal dimension (default = 0)\n\
167  -dy dim_y vertical dimension (default = 1)\n\
168  -sv value default slice value (default = 0)\n\
169  -sl dim value each such pair defines the value along the\n\
170  ...given dimension at which to slice. This\n\
171  ...may be supplied for each dimension except\n\
172  ...dim_x and dim_y.\n\
173  -ps pointsize size of points in fig units (def = 10)\n\
174  file file (input=file.dmp, output=file.fig)\n";
175  exit(0);
176  }
178  ANNbool fileSeen = ANNfalse; // file argument seen?
180  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
181  if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-upi")) { // process -upi option
182  sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &u_per_in);
183  }
184  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-x")) { // process -x option
185  sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &in_low_x);
186  }
187  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-y")) { // process -y option
188  sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &in_low_y);
189  }
190  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sz")) { // process -sz option
191  sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &in_size);
192  }
193  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dx")) { // process -dx option
194  sscanf(argv[++i], "%d", &dim_x);
195  }
196  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-dy")) { // process -dy option
197  sscanf(argv[++i], "%d", &dim_y);
198  }
199  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sv")) { // process -sv option
200  sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &sl_val);
201  set_slice_val(sl_val); // set slice values
202  }
203  else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-sl")) { // process -sl option
204  sscanf(argv[++i], "%d", &sl_dim);
205  if (sl_dim < 0 || sl_dim >= MAX_DIM) {
206  Error("Slice dimension out of bounds", ANNabort);
207  }
208  sscanf(argv[++i], "%lf", &slice_val[sl_dim]);
209  }
210  if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-ps")) { // process -ps option
211  sscanf(argv[++i], "%i", &pt_size);
212  }
213  else { // must be file name
214  fileSeen = ANNtrue;
215  sscanf(argv[i], "%s", file_name);
216  strcpy(infile_name, file_name); // copy to input file name
217  strcat(infile_name, DUMP_SUFFIX);
218  strcpy(outfile_name, file_name); // copy to output file name
219  strcat(outfile_name, FIG_SUFFIX);
220  }
221  }
223  if (!fileSeen) { // no file seen
224  Error("File argument is required", ANNabort);
225  }
227, ios::in); // open for reading
228  if (!ifile) {
229  Error("Cannot open input file", ANNabort);
230  }
231, ios::out); // open for writing
232  if (!ofile) {
233  Error("Cannot open output file", ANNabort);
234  }
236  u_low_x = u_per_in * in_low_x; // convert inches to fig units
238  u_size = u_per_in * in_size;
240  strcpy(caption, argv[0]); // copy command line to caption
241  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
242  strcat(caption, " ");
243  strcat(caption, argv[i]);
244  }
245 }
247 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
248 // Graphics utilities for fig output
249 //
250 // writeHeader write header for fig file
251 // writePoint write a point
252 // writeBox write a box
253 // writeLine write a line
254 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
257 {
258  ofile << FIG_HEAD << "\n" // fig file header
259  << "Portrait\n"
260  << "Center\n"
261  << "Inches\n"
262  << (int) u_per_in << " 2\n";
263 }
265 void writePoint(ANNpoint p) // write a single point
266 {
267  // filled black point object
268  ofile << "1 3 0 1 -1 7 0 0 0 0.000 1 0.0000 ";
269  int cent_x = (int) TRANS_X(p); // transform center coords
270  int cent_y = (int) TRANS_Y(p);
271  ofile << cent_x << " " << cent_y << " " // write center, radius, bounds
272  << pt_size << " " << pt_size << " "
273  << cent_x << " " << cent_y << " "
274  << cent_x + pt_size << " " << cent_y + pt_size << "\n";
275 }
277 void writeBox(const ANNorthRect &r) // write box
278 {
279  // unfilled box object
280  ofile << "2 2 0 1 -1 7 0 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 5\n";
282  int p0_x = (int) TRANS_X(r.lo); // transform endpoints
283  int p0_y = (int) TRANS_Y(r.lo);
284  int p1_x = (int) TRANS_X(r.hi);
285  int p1_y = (int) TRANS_Y(r.hi);
286  ofile << "\t"
287  << p0_x << " " << p0_y << " " // write vertices
288  << p1_x << " " << p0_y << " "
289  << p1_x << " " << p1_y << " "
290  << p0_x << " " << p1_y << " "
291  << p0_x << " " << p0_y << "\n";
292 }
294 void writeLine(ANNpoint p0, ANNpoint p1) // write line
295 {
296  // unfilled line object
297  ofile << "2 1 0 1 -1 7 0 0 -1 0.000 0 0 -1 0 0 2\n";
299  int p0_x = (int) TRANS_X(p0); // transform endpoints
300  int p0_y = (int) TRANS_Y(p0);
301  int p1_x = (int) TRANS_X(p1);
302  int p1_y = (int) TRANS_Y(p1);
303  ofile << "\t"
304  << p0_x << " " << p0_y << " " // write vertices
305  << p1_x << " " << p1_y << "\n";
306 }
308 void writeCaption( // write caption text
309  const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, // bounding box
310  char *caption) // caption
311 {
312  if (!strcmp(caption, "\0")) return; // null string?
313  int px = (int) TRANS_X(bnd_box.lo); // put .5 in. lower left
314  int py = (int) (TRANS_Y(bnd_box.lo) + 0.50 * u_per_in);
315  ofile << "4 0 -1 0 0 0 20 0.0000 4 255 2000 ";
316  ofile << px << " " << py << " " << caption << "\\001\n";
317 }
319 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
320 // overlap - test whether a box overlap slicing region
321 //
322 // The slicing region is a 2-dimensional plane in space
323 // which contains points (x1, x2, ..., xn) satisfying the
324 // n-2 linear equalities:
325 //
326 // xi == slice_val[i] for i != dim_x, dim_y
327 //
328 // This procedure returns true of the box defined by
329 // corner points box.lo and box.hi overlap this plane.
330 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
333 {
334  for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
335  if (i != dim_x && i != dim_y &&
336  (box.lo[i] > slice_val[i] || box.hi[i] < slice_val[i]))
337  return ANNfalse;
338  }
339  return ANNtrue;
340 }
342 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
343 // readTree, recReadTree - inputs tree and outputs figure
344 //
345 // readTree procedure initializes things and then calls recReadTree
346 // which does all the work.
347 //
348 // recReadTree reads in a node of the tree, makes any recursive
349 // calls as needed to input the children of this node (if internal)
350 // and maintains the bounding box. Note that the bounding box
351 // is modified within this procedure, but it is the responsibility
352 // of the procedure that it be restored to its original value
353 // on return.
354 //
355 // Recall that these are the formats. The tree is given in
356 // preorder.
357 //
358 // Leaf node:
359 // leaf <n_pts> <bkt[0]> <bkt[1]> ... <bkt[n-1]>
360 // Splitting nodes:
361 // split <cut_dim> <cut_val> <lo_bound> <hi_bound>
362 // Shrinking nodes:
363 // shrink <n_bnds>
364 // <cut_dim> <cut_val> <side>
365 // <cut_dim> <cut_val> <side>
366 // ... (repeated n_bnds times)
367 //
368 // On reading a leaf we determine whether we should output the
369 // cell's points (if dimension = 2 or this cell overlaps the
370 // slicing region). For splitting nodes we check whether the
371 // current cell overlaps the slicing plane and whether the
372 // cutting dimension coincides with either the x or y drawing
373 // dimensions. If so, we output the corresponding splitting
374 // segment.
375 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
378 {
379  char tag[STRING_LEN]; // tag (leaf, split, shrink)
380  int n_pts; // number of points in leaf
381  int idx; // point index
382  int cd; // cut dimension
383  ANNcoord cv; // cut value
384  ANNcoord lb; // low bound
385  ANNcoord hb; // high bound
386  int n_bnds; // number of bounding sides
387  int sd; // which side
389  ifile >> tag; // input node tag
390  if (strcmp(tag, "leaf") == 0) { // leaf node
392  ifile >> n_pts; // input number of points
393  // check for overlap
394  if (dim == 2 || overlap(box)) {
395  for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // yes, write the points
396  ifile >> idx;
397  writePoint(pts[idx]);
398  }
399  }
400  else { // input but ignore points
401  for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) {
402  ifile >> idx;
403  }
404  }
405  }
406  else if (strcmp(tag, "split") == 0) { // splitting node
408  ifile >> cd >> cv >> lb >> hb;
409  if (lb != box.lo[cd] || hb != box.hi[cd]) {
410  Error("Bounding box coordinates are fishy", ANNwarn);
411  }
413  ANNcoord lv = box.lo[cd]; // save bounds for cutting dim
414  ANNcoord hv = box.hi[cd];
416  //--------------------------------------------------------------
417  // The following code is rather fragile so modify at your
418  // own risk. We first decrease the high-end of the bounding
419  // box down to the cutting plane and then read the left subtree.
420  // Then we increase the low-end of the bounding box up to the
421  // cutting plane (thus collapsing the bounding box to a d-1
422  // dimensional hyperrectangle). Then we draw the projection of
423  // its diagonal if it crosses the slicing plane. This will have
424  // the effect of drawing its intersection on the slicing plane.
425  // Then we restore the high-end of the bounding box and read
426  // the right subtree. Finally we restore the low-end of the
427  // bounding box, before returning.
428  //--------------------------------------------------------------
429  box.hi[cd] = cv; // decrease high bounds
430  recReadTree(box); // read left subtree
431  // check for overlap
432  box.lo[cd] = cv; // increase low bounds
433  if (dim == 2 || overlap(box)) { // check for overlap
434  if (cd == dim_x || cd == dim_y) { // cut through slice plane
435  writeLine(box.lo, box.hi); // draw cutting line
436  }
437  }
438  box.hi[cd] = hv; // restore high bounds
440  recReadTree(box); // read right subtree
441  box.lo[cd] = lv; // restore low bounds
442  }
443  else if (strcmp(tag, "shrink") == 0) { // splitting node
445  ANNorthRect inner(dim, box); // copy bounding box
446  ifile >> n_bnds; // number of bounding sides
447  for (int i = 0; i < n_bnds; i++) {
448  ifile >> cd >> cv >> sd; // input bounding halfspace
449  ANNorthHalfSpace hs(cd, cv, sd); // create orthogonal halfspace
450  hs.project(inner.lo); // intersect by projecting
451  hs.project(inner.hi);
452  }
453  if (dim == 2 || overlap(inner)) {
454  writeBox(inner); // draw inner rectangle
455  }
456  recReadTree(inner); // read inner subtree
457  recReadTree(box); // read outer subtree
458  }
459  else {
460  Error("Illegal node type in dump file", ANNabort);
461  }
462 }
464 void readTree(ANNorthRect &bnd_box)
465 {
466  writeHeader(); // output header
467  writeBox(bnd_box); // draw bounding box
468  writeCaption(bnd_box, caption); // write caption
469  recReadTree(bnd_box); // do it
470 }
472 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
473 // readANN - read the ANN dump file
474 //
475 // This procedure reads in the dump file. See the format below.
476 // It first reads the header line with version number. If the
477 // points section is present it reads them (otherwise just leaves
478 // points = NULL), and then it reads the tree section. It inputs
479 // the bounding box and determines the parameters for transforming
480 // the image to figure units. It then invokes the procedure
481 // readTree to do all the real work.
482 //
483 // Dump File Format: <xxx> = coordinate value (ANNcoord)
484 //
485 // #ANN <version number> <comments> [END_OF_LINE]
486 // points <dim> <n_pts> (point coordinates: this is optional)
487 // 0 <xxx> <xxx> ... <xxx> (point indices and coordinates)
488 // 1 <xxx> <xxx> ... <xxx>
489 // ...
490 // tree <dim> <n_pts> <bkt_size>
491 // <xxx> <xxx> ... <xxx> (lower end of bounding box)
492 // <xxx> <xxx> ... <xxx> (upper end of bounding box)
493 // If the tree is null, then a single line "null" is
494 // output. Otherwise the nodes of the tree are printed
495 // one per line in preorder. Leaves and splitting nodes
496 // have the following formats:
497 // Leaf node:
498 // leaf <n_pts> <bkt[0]> <bkt[1]> ... <bkt[n-1]>
499 // Splitting nodes:
500 // split <cut_dim> <cut_val> <lo_bound> <hi_bound>
501 // Shrinking nodes:
502 // shrink <n_bnds>
503 // <cut_dim> <cut_val> <side>
504 // <cut_dim> <cut_val> <side>
505 // ... (repeated n_bnds times)
506 //
507 // Note: Infinite lo_ and hi_bounds are printed as the special
508 // values "-INF" and "+INF", respectively. We do not
509 // check for this, because the current version of ANN
510 // starts with a finite bounding box if the tree is
511 // nonempty.
512 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
514 void readANN()
515 {
516  int j;
517  char str[STRING_LEN]; // storage for string
518  char version[STRING_LEN]; // storage for version
519  int bkt_size; // bucket size
521  ifile >> str; // input header
522  if (strcmp(str, "#ANN") != 0) { // incorrect header
523  Error("Incorrect header for dump file", ANNabort);
524  }
525  ifile.getline(version, STRING_LEN); // get version (ignore)
526  ifile >> str; // get major heading
527  if (strcmp(str, "points") == 0) { // points section
528  ifile >> dim; // read dimension
529  ifile >> n_pts; // number of points
530  pts = annAllocPts(n_pts, dim); // allocate points
531  for (int i = 0; i < n_pts; i++) { // input point coordinates
532  int idx; // point index
533  ifile >> idx; // input point index
534  if (idx < 0 || idx >= n_pts) {
535  Error("Point index is out of range", ANNabort);
536  }
537  for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
538  ifile >> pts[idx][j]; // read point coordinates
539  }
540  }
541  ifile >> str; // get next major heading
542  }
543  if (strcmp(str, "tree") == 0) { // tree section
544  ifile >> dim; // read dimension
545  if (dim_x > dim || dim_y > dim) {
546  Error("Dimensions out of bounds", ANNabort);
547  }
548  ifile >> n_pts; // number of points
549  ifile >> bkt_size; // bucket size (ignored)
550  // read bounding box
551  ANNorthRect bnd_box(dim); // create bounding box
552  for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
553  ifile >> bnd_box.lo[j]; // read box low coordinates
554  }
555  for (j = 0; j < dim; j++) {
556  ifile >> bnd_box.hi[j]; // read box high coordinates
557  }
558  // compute scaling factors
559  double box_len_x = bnd_box.hi[dim_x] - bnd_box.lo[dim_x];
560  double box_len_y = bnd_box.hi[dim_y] - bnd_box.lo[dim_y];
561  // longer side determines scale
562  if (box_len_x > box_len_y) scale = u_size/box_len_x;
563  else scale = u_size/box_len_y;
564  // compute offsets
565  offset_x = u_low_x - scale*bnd_box.lo[dim_x];
566  offset_y = u_low_y + scale*bnd_box.hi[dim_y];
567  readTree(bnd_box); // read the tree and process
568  }
569  else if (strcmp(str, "null") == 0) return; // empty tree
570  else {
571  cerr << "Input string: " << str << "\n";
572  Error("Illegal ann format. Expecting section heading", ANNabort);
573  }
574 }
576 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
577 // Main program
578 //
579 // Gets the command-line arguments and invokes the main scanning
580 // procedure.
581 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
583 main(int argc, char **argv)
584 {
585  getArgs(argc, argv); // get input arguments
586  readANN(); // read the dump file
587 }
const char FIG_SUFFIX[]
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:61
void Error(const char *msg, ANNerr level)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:97
void project(ANNpoint &q)
Definition: ANNx.h:162
double u_per_in
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:72
int dim_y
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:70
double u_low_y
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:78
Definition: ANN.h:132
double offset_x
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:86
ANNpoint hi
Definition: ANNx.h:94
ifstream ifile
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:68
void getArgs(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:146
void writeHeader()
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:256
DLL_API ANNpointArray annAllocPts(int n, int dim)
Definition: ANN.cpp:117
void writePoint(ANNpoint p)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:265
double ANNcoord
Definition: ANN.h:158
Definition: ANNx.h:48
Definition: ANN.h:132
void readTree(ANNorthRect &bnd_box)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:464
double in_size
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:73
void writeBox(const ANNorthRect &r)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:277
ANNpointArray pts
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:83
ANNpoint lo
Definition: ANNx.h:93
int pt_size
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:79
#define TRANS_X(p)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:90
void set_slice_val(double val)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:112
const int MAX_DIM
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:57
int dim
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:81
const char FIG_HEAD[]
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:59
ANNbool overlap(const ANNorthRect &box)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:332
char outfile_name[STRING_LEN]
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:65
ANNpoint * ANNpointArray
Definition: ANN.h:376
double scale
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:85
char file_name[STRING_LEN]
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:63
#define TRANS_Y(p)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:91
char infile_name[STRING_LEN]
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:64
double u_size
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:76
void writeLine(ANNpoint p0, ANNpoint p1)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:294
Definition: ANN.h:132
main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:583
double u_low_x
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:77
const double DEF_SLICE_VAL
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:58
const char DUMP_SUFFIX[]
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:60
char caption[STRING_LEN]
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:66
Definition: ANNx.h:48
void writeCaption(const ANNorthRect &bnd_box, char *caption)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:308
double offset_y
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:87
Definition: ANNx.h:48
const int STRING_LEN
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:56
int n_pts
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:82
double in_low_y
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:75
ANNcoord * ANNpoint
Definition: ANN.h:375
double slice_val[MAX_DIM]
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:71
int dim_x
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:69
void readANN()
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:514
void recReadTree(ANNorthRect &box)
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:377
ofstream ofile
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:67
double in_low_x
Definition: ann2fig.cpp:74

Author(s): Xie Fusheng
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:52:59