53 f <<
dot(x) == -p*x*x*z ;
54 f << 0 == q*q - z*z + 0.1*x;
73 Grid timeHorizon( t0,tend );
90 intAlg.
integrate( timeHorizon, xStart, zStart, pp );
101 intAlg.
getXA( algebraicStates );
103 cout <<
"x = " << endl << differentialStates << endl;
104 cout <<
"z = " << endl << algebraicStates << endl;
Provides a time grid consisting of vector-valued optimization variables at each grid point...
returnValue getXA(DVector &xaEnd) const
Allows to conveniently handle (one-dimensional) grids consisting of time points.
returnValue integrate(VariablesGrid *x, VariablesGrid *xa, VariablesGrid *p, VariablesGrid *u, VariablesGrid *w)
returnValue set(OptionsName name, int value)
returnValue getLast(LogName _name, DMatrix &lastValue) const
User-interface to integrate a DynamicSystem, possibly over multiple stages.
Expression dot(const Expression &arg)
virtual returnValue addStage(const DynamicSystem &dynamicSystem_, const Grid &stageIntervals, const IntegratorType &integratorType_=INT_UNKNOWN)
Allows to setup and evaluate differential equations (ODEs and DAEs) based on SymbolicExpressions.