Public Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members

A class for generating the glue code and makefile for interfacing generated code and Simulink. More...

#include <export_simulink_interface.hpp>

Public Member Functions

returnValue configure (unsigned N, unsigned NX, unsigned NDX, unsigned NXA, unsigned NU, unsigned NP, unsigned NY, unsigned NYN, bool _initialStateFixed, unsigned _wMatrixType, bool _hardcodedConstraints, bool _useArrivalCost, bool _compCovMatrix, std::string _qpSolver)
returnValue exportCode ()
 ExportSimulinkInterface (const std::string &_makefileName, const std::string &_wrapperHeaderFileName, const std::string &_wrapperSourceFileName, const std::string &_moduleName="acado", const std::string &_modulePrefix="ACADO", const std::string &_commonHeaderName="", const std::string &_realString="double", const std::string &_intString="int", int _precision=16, const std::string &_commentString=std::string())
virtual ~ExportSimulinkInterface ()

Private Attributes

ExportTemplatedFile makefile
std::string moduleName
std::string modulePrefix
ExportTemplatedFile wrapperHeader
ExportTemplatedFile wrapperSource

Detailed Description

A class for generating the glue code and makefile for interfacing generated code and Simulink.

Milan Vukov

Definition at line 47 of file export_simulink_interface.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BEGIN_NAMESPACE_ACADO ExportSimulinkInterface::ExportSimulinkInterface ( const std::string &  _makefileName,
const std::string &  _wrapperHeaderFileName,
const std::string &  _wrapperSourceFileName,
const std::string &  _moduleName = "acado",
const std::string &  _modulePrefix = "ACADO",
const std::string &  _commonHeaderName = "",
const std::string &  _realString = "double",
const std::string &  _intString = "int",
int  _precision = 16,
const std::string &  _commentString = std::string() 

Default constructor.

@param[in] _moduleName              Module name for customization.
[in]_modulePrefixModule prefix for customization.
[in]_commonHeaderNameName of common header file to be included.
[in]_realStringstd::string to be used to declare real variables.
[in]_intStringstd::string to be used to declare integer variables.
[in]_precisionNumber of digits to be used for exporting real values.
[in]_commentStringstd::string to be used for exporting comments.

Definition at line 42 of file export_simulink_interface.cpp.

virtual ExportSimulinkInterface::~ExportSimulinkInterface ( )


Definition at line 76 of file export_simulink_interface.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

returnValue ExportSimulinkInterface::configure ( unsigned  N,
unsigned  NX,
unsigned  NDX,
unsigned  NXA,
unsigned  NU,
unsigned  NP,
unsigned  NY,
unsigned  NYN,
bool  _initialStateFixed,
unsigned  _wMatrixType,
bool  _hardcodedConstraints,
bool  _useArrivalCost,
bool  _compCovMatrix,
std::string  _qpSolver 

Configure the template


Definition at line 61 of file export_simulink_interface.cpp.

returnValue ExportSimulinkInterface::exportCode ( )

Export the interface.

Definition at line 129 of file export_simulink_interface.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

ExportTemplatedFile ExportSimulinkInterface::makefile

Definition at line 104 of file export_simulink_interface.hpp.

std::string ExportSimulinkInterface::moduleName

Definition at line 107 of file export_simulink_interface.hpp.

std::string ExportSimulinkInterface::modulePrefix

Definition at line 108 of file export_simulink_interface.hpp.

ExportTemplatedFile ExportSimulinkInterface::wrapperHeader

Definition at line 106 of file export_simulink_interface.hpp.

ExportTemplatedFile ExportSimulinkInterface::wrapperSource

Definition at line 105 of file export_simulink_interface.hpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:24